Several of these calculators may be particularly useful for dieters. Just about every single MAJOR calorie/ energy equation that has been released over the last 90 years is included below. Each calculator has a customized printout option for easy analysis. Recommendation: Try each calculator – print out the results – then compare!
Harris-Benedict Equation: Estimation of total calories needed. MOST widely used equation for calculating basal metabolic rate and total calories.
Revised Harris-Benedict Equation:The original Harris Benedict equation was revised in 1984. This updated equation can be used to calculate the basal metabolic rate and total calories.
RESTING Metabolic Rate (RMR): Resting Metabolic Rate Calc – This equation can be used to calculate the RESTING metabolic rate and total calories. Mifflin-St Jeor equation.
Schofield equation (BMR) : This equation was part of the previous government guidelines to formulate RDA’s and can be used to calculate the basal metabolic rate and total calories needed.
Institute of Medicine Equation- LATEST EQUATION: IOM Equation-Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) Estimation of total calories needed. This equation is behind the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the new food pyramid, MyPyramid.
Body Mass Index Calculator – BMI – Determines if your weight is in proportion to your height based on Federal guidelines released by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The BMI is helpful in determining health risks and appropriate interventions.
Dieting Calculator – This calculator provides several useful outputs including the calculated ‘Body Mass Index’ or BMI. It will also estimate your ‘Basal Metabolic Rate’ or BMR. Also included is an estimate of your ‘Total Energy Expenditure’ or TEE which indicates the number of calories needed per day to maintain your current weight.
TOTAL Fiber Calculator – Great tool for dieters! – Insoluble fiber: does not dissolve in water and is not affected by digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. Insoluble fiber provides bulk which eases defecation.
Trough drawn early? -Estimation Tool based on entered Kel ——— This new program can be used to determine when to administer the next dose of vancomycin after a supratherapeutic trough is obtained. An estimated elimination rate constant is generated from the creatinine clearance which is then used to determine the timing of the next dose based on the desired target trough concentration.Vancomycin -Timing of next dose based on estimated Ke value ——— Use this program if the vancomcyin level is drawn early and you want to estimate the actual trough just before the next dose to determine if the current regimen is appropriate Vancomycin – Predicted Trough-Level drawn early
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS): consists of 8 questions (the original American Urological Association symptom score (AUA-7)) plus one additional quality of life question.