NSAID Selection Tool - Recommended NSAID based on patient data
Use this tool to navigate the various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) to determine which drugs should be considered if a patient fails to
respond to a particular drug or class of drugs. The six classes are listed
below along with the drugs in each class. Also review the background
information below this tool. For example, patients with both high cardiovascular risk
factors and high gastrointestional risk factors should not be treated with an
NSAID. There are also several conditions that would limit the use of NSAIDs such
as current GI bleed, uncontrolled hypertension, etc.
Patients that fail to achieve sufficient pain relief or experience side effects
related to a particular class may respond to an alternative class. It is assumed that an adequate trial
with the current class was completed (at least 2 weeks) and that the dosages
used were within the therapeutic range for the given condition.
Multiple boxes can be checked if a patient has had experience with multiple
drugs from more than one class. Once a box is checked, it removes the drugs from
that class for consideration. The program will then
generate dosing guidelines for the remaining drugs with comments to help guide
the selection of a new drug. |
Select all drug classes that did not produce an adequate
Salsalate |
Acetic acid derivatives Diclofenac
Tolmetin |
Enolic acid (Oxicam) derivatives Meloxicam:
Piroxicam: |
Propionic acid derivatives Ibuprofen:
Oxaprozin: |
Anthranilic acid derivatives (Fenamates) Mefenamic acid: |
Selective COX-2 inhibitors (Coxibs) Celecoxib
Additional options
Enabling the option below will considerably
reduce the number of available drugs that meet the selected
requirements. |
List only those drugs that have a lower risk of gastrointestinal
effects e.g. lower bleeding risk:
Reducing the risk of GI toxicity:
- Switch to alternative agents if possible such
as acetaminophen or other Non-NSAID analgesics.
- Add a PPI:
Omeprazole 20mg qd OR
Lansoprazole 15 mg qd OR
Esomeprazole: 20-40 mg qd OR
pantoprazole: 20-40 mg qd
- Consider adding Misoprostol: 200 mcg tid-qid -
often associated with intolerable abdominal discomfort and diarrhea
- Switch to a selective COX-2 inhibitor
Does the patient have musculoskeletal symptoms with known cardiovascular
disease or risk factors for Ischemic Heart Disease?
Background Info
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have
several benefits when it comes to managing pain and inflammation and are effective for
numerous acute and chronic conditions (Examples include: ankylosing
spondylitis, low back pain, dental pain, dysmenorrhea, acute gout, headache,
migraine, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis).
Multiple NSAID classes are available based on the chemical structure (e.g.
propionic acid, acetic acid derivatives, etc.). These agents can have
significant differences in the mechanism of action (degree of
prostaglandin-mediated and nonprostaglandin-mediated actions), possible
toxicities, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and metabolism.
Individual responses to a particular NSAID can vary greatly, although when
equipotent dosages are used, the clinical efficacy of a particular NSAID will
likely be similar to other NSAIDs. Toxicity is one area where the variability
can be significant. For example, some individuals will experience GI distress
with one agent but not with another. Other side effects or adverse effects may
also be related to a particular agent while other NSAIDs do not cause the same
Purpose of this program:
The main reason for this program is that it provides quick access to
the six major classes of NSAIDs. Each class has differences in their
biochemical and physiological effects that may ultimately determine the
efficacy of a particular class. Other factors such as the absorption,
distribution, and metabolism are less important in determining the efficacy of
a particular agent, however may play a greater role in possible toxicities.
The six major classes are:
- Salicylates
- Propionic acid derivatives
- Acetic acid derivatives
- Enolic acid (Oxicam) derivatives
- Anthranilic acid derivatives (Fenamates)
- Selective COX-2 inhibitors
Some toxicities are more likely to occur as the dose of
a particular NSAID is increased. A possible approach for
patients that experience dose-limiting gastrointestinal effects
include switching to a selective COX-2 inhibitor or adding a PPI or
similar drug to the current nonselective NSAID regimen. [Note:
Although selective COX-2 inhibitors have a lower risk of
gastrointestinal toxicities, there may be a higher rate of
cardiovascular adverse events. ] |
Partial list of possible adverse effects include:
- Increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events,
myocardial infarction, and stroke, which can be fatal. Risk may increase with
duration of use. Patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for
cardiovascular disease may be at greater risk.
- Can cause or worsen renal insufficiency.
- NSAID's cause an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal adverse
events including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or
- Anemia, increased bleeding time.
- GI other: Anorexia, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, elevated liver enzymes,
gross bleeding/perforation.
Generally avoid NSAID therapy if
any of the following are present:
- GI bleeding
- Platelet dysfunction
- Moderate to severe renal insufficiency
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- Cirrhosis
- Reduced cardiac output
- Concomitant anticoagulant therapy
- Hypovolemia
patients should be screened initially to determine if NSAID therapy
is appropriate and if the benefits of therapy exceed the risks. Patients who
are at a high risk for cardiovascular, gastrointestinal or renal
reactions should be treated with alternative agents. |
Gastrointestinal (GI) side effects
Among the older NSAIDs, Ibuprofen is the least likely to cause adverse GI
effects. Newer agents such as etodolac, meloxicam, and nabumetone are
also less likely to cause injury.
Worst offenders (higher GI toxicity) include:
- Flurbiprofen
- Ketoprofen
- Ketorolac
- Oxaprozin
- Piroxicam
Lower risk of adverse GI events:
- Celecoxib
- Etodolac
- Ibuprofen
- Meloxicam
- Nabumetone
Damage to the GI tract is due primarily to
inhibition of COX-1 which leads to:
- Decreased bicarbonate secretion
- Decreased mucosal blood flow
- Decrease epithelial mucus
- Decreased mucosal resistance to injury - Increased susceptibility to
local effects of gastric acid, pepsin and bile acids.
NSAIDs can also damage the gastric mucosa directly. NSAIDs with longer
half-lives or those available in sustained-release forms (e.g. diclofenac) are
associated with an increased risk of adverse GI effects such as GI bleeding
and perforation. NSAIDs with shorter half-lives such as ibuprofen cause
fewer adverse GI events (may permit recovery of critical COX enzyme
functions), as well as a lower risk of developing impaired renal function.
Reducing the risk of GI toxicity:
- Switch to alternative agents if possible such as acetaminophen or other
Non-NSAID analgesics.
- Add a PPI:
Omeprazole 20mg qd OR
Lansoprazole 15 mg qd OR
Esomeprazole: 20-40 mg qd OR
pantoprazole: 20-40 mg qd
- Consider adding Misoprostol: 200 mcg tid-qid - often associated with
intolerable abdominal discomfort and diarrhea
- Switch to a selective COX-2 inhibitor
Cardiovascular risk factors present: 
AHA's Stepped Care Approach to Pharmacologic Therapy for
Musculoskeletal Symptoms With Known Cardiovascular Disease or Risk Factors for
Ischemic Heart Disease: (order of use) - Focus on agents
with the lowest reported risk of cardiovascular
events and progress to other agents based on the balance between benefit and
- acetaminophen
- aspirin
- tramadol
- narcotic analgesics (short term)
- nonacetylated salicylates (e.g., diflunisal)
- ------------Increased risk below this line - additional
- Non COX-2 selective NSAIDs [Best bet: Naproxen]
- NSAIDs with some COX-2 activity
Guidance from AHA includes (selections below horizontal line):
- Select patients at low risk of a thrombotic event
- Prescribe lowest dose required to control symptoms
- Add ASA 81 mg and PPI to patients at increased risk of thrombotic
- Regular monitoring for possible adverse effects such as sustained
hypertension, worsening renal function, edema, GI bleeding.
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