Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
D | Day |
Density | |
Diameter | |
Diopter | |
Disk | |
Daughter | |
Dead, deceased | |
Others: | |
Dalton | |
dependent | |
depression | |
dextrose | |
dextro | |
diarrhea | |
diastole | |
dictated | |
dilated | |
diminished | |
diopter | |
distal | |
distance | |
divorced | |
DA | Daughter |
Day | |
Decision Analysis | |
Degenerative arthritis | |
Degree of anisotropy | |
Delayed activation | |
Descending aorta | |
Developmental age | |
Developmental Aide | |
dalton | |
Diabetic acidosis | |
Disability Assistance | |
Dissecting aneurysm | |
Dopamine | |
Darbepoetin alfa | |
Drug addict | |
DAA | dead after arrival |
DA/A | drug/alcohol addiction |
DAB | days after birth |
DABA | Diplomate of the American Board of Anesthesiology |
DAC | Disabled Adult Child |
Disaster Assistance Center | |
Day activity center | |
DAD | diffuse alveolar damage |
Disability Assessment of Dementia | |
dispense as directed | |
drug administration device | |
DADS | Department of Aging and Disability Service |
Distal acquired demyelinating | |
DAE | dialysis-associated encephalopathy |
diving air embolism | |
DAF | decay-accelerating factor |
DAG | diacylglyerol |
DAH | diffuse alveolar hemorrhage |
DAI | diffuse axonal injury |
DAL | diffuse aggressive lymphomas |
DAM | Diacetylmonoxine |
DNA adenine methylase | |
DAMA | discharged against medical advice |
DAN | diabetic autonomic neuropathy |
danazol | |
dantrolene | |
DAo | decending aorta |
DAP | dapsone |
diabetes-associated peptide | |
distending airway pressure | |
DAR | daily activity record |
daily affective rhythm | |
data, action, response | |
D/ART | depression/awareness, recognition and treatment |
DAS | delayed anovulatory syndrome |
developmental apraxia of speech | |
Disease Activity Scores | |
dead air space | |
day of admission surgery | |
DAs | daily activities |
DAT | Diet as tolerated |
dementia of Alzheimer type | |
DAU | daughter |
daunomycin | |
DAW | dispense as written |
DB | database |
date of birth | |
deep breathe | |
dermabrasion | |
difficulty breathing | |
DB & C | deep breathing and coughing |
DBD | definite brain damage |
Dementia Behavior Disturbance | |
DBE | deep breathing exercise |
DBI | diffuse brain injury |
direct bilirubin | |
documented by initials | |
DBL | diffuse B-cell lymphoma |
DBM | demineralized bone matrix |
dibenzoylmethane | |
DBP | diastolic blood pressure |
D-binding protein | |
DBQ | debrisoquin |
DBS | deep brain stimulation |
diffuse brain swelling | |
diminished breath sounds | |
DBT | Deep body temperature |
deep breathing test | |
delayed brain tumor | |
dialectical behavior therapy | |
Dobutamine | |
DBW | desirable body weight |
diabetic black women | |
dosing body weight | |
dry body weight | |
DBZ | dibenzamine |
DC | daycare |
deceleration capacity | |
decrease | |
diagonal conjugate | |
direct current | |
discomfort | |
D & C | dilatation and curettage |
D/C | disconnect |
discontinue | |
DCA | directional coronary atherectomy |
dicarboxylic acid | |
dichloracetic acid | |
DC&B | dilation, currettage, and biopsy |
DCC | direct current cardioversion |
day care center | |
DCD | developmental coordination disorder |
DC'd | discontinued |
DCE | Diabetes Care and Education |
double-contrast barium enema | |
delayed contrast-enhancement | |
D&C&E | dilation, curettage, and evacuation |
DCF | data collection form |
DCFS | Department of Children and Family Services |
DCG | diagnostic cardiogram |
DCH | delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity |
DCI | decompression illness |
DCL | diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis |
DCM | dementia care mapping |
DCN | Darvocet N |
DCO | damage control orthopedics |
death certificates only | |
DCP | Diploma in Clinical Pathology |
dibasic calcium phosphate | |
dynamic compression plate | |
DCR | direct cortical response |
Diagnostic Criteria for Research | |
Diastolic coronary resistance | |
DCS | damage-control surgery |
decompression sickness | |
DCT | decisional conflict theory |
deep chest therapy | |
DCU | day care unit |
DCW | dry cell weight |
direct care worker | |
DD | Developmental Disabilities |
disc diameter | |
Differential diagnosis | |
dry dressing | |
due date | |
discharge diagnosis | |
D-dimer | |
delusional disorder | |
diarrheal disease | |
diastrophic dysplasia | |
death domain | |
designated driver | |
drug dependence | |
D & D | debridement and dressing |
diarrhea and dehydration | |
DDA | didanosine |
DDC | dose-dense chemotherapy |
DDD | defined daily doses |
degenerative disk disease | |
dense deposit disease | |
DDE | Developmental Defects of Enamel |
DDGB | Drug Deal Gone Bad |
DDH | developmental dysplasia of the hip |
DDI | didanosine |
dressing dry, intact | |
DDIs | Division of Drug Information Service |
drug-drug interactions | |
DDMC | diabetes disease management clinic |
DDP | Developmental Disabilities Profile |
Deafness/Dystonia peptide | |
DDRA | dead despite resuscitation attempt |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery |
dapsone | |
dialysis disequilibrium syndrome | |
Disability Determination Services | |
Drug delivery system | |
developmental disabilities | |
DDST | Denver Development Screening Test |
DDT | disk diffusion test |
Dyslexia Determination Test | |
DDx | differential diagnosis |
DE | delayed extraction |
delayed | |
delayed emesis | |
Delayed enhancement | |
Dermal equivalents | |
diagnostic error | |
diagnostic efficiency | |
dextrose equivalents | |
D&E | dilation and evacuation |
DEB | debridement |
DEC | deceased |
decrease | |
Diethylcarbamazine | |
deoxycholate citrate | |
Diabetes Education Center | |
DECEL | deceleration |
decub | decubitus |
DED | diabetic erectile dysfunction |
diabetic eye disease | |
DEEDS | drugs, exercise, education, diet, and self-monitoring |
DEEG | depth electroencephalogram |
DEET | diethyl methylbenzamide |
diethytoluamide | |
DEF | decayed, extracted, or filled |
defecation | |
deficiency | |
DEG | degeneration |
diethylene glycol | |
DEGEN | degenerative |
DEHP | diethylhexyl phthalate |
DEJ | dentin-enamel junction |
dermo-epidermal junction | |
DEL | delivered |
delivery | |
deltoid | |
DEM | demerol |
Developmental Eye Movement | |
drug evaluation matrix | |
DER | disulfiram-ethanol reaction |
derivative | |
Dual energy radiography | |
Daily Energy Requirement | |
defibrillation energy requirement | |
DERM | dermatology |
DES | desflurane |
diethylstilbestrol | |
diffuse esophageal spasm | |
disequilibrium syndrome | |
drug eluting stent | |
dry-eye syndrome | |
dysfunctional elimination syndrome | |
DET | determine |
dipyridamole echocardiography test | |
DETOX | detoxification |
DEV | deviation |
deviant | |
DEX | dexamethasone |
dextrose | |
dexamphetamine | |
Dexedrine | |
dexrazoxane | |
dexterity | |
DF | day frequency |
decayed and filled | |
deferred | |
dermatofibroma | |
degree of freedom | |
dengue fever | |
diabetic father | |
diastolic filling | |
drug-free | |
dye-free | |
DFA | direct fluorescent antibody |
Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis | |
deep femoral artery | |
delayed feedback audiometry | |
difficulty falling asleep | |
DFD | dark, firm and dry |
defined formula diets | |
Deformed | |
DFE | dilated fundus examination |
Diffuse fasciitis with eosinophilia | |
distal femoral epiphysis | |
Dietary Folate Equivalent | |
DFG | direct forward gaze |
DFI | disease-free interval |
DFLE | disability-free life expectancy |
DFM | decreased fetal movement |
Department of Family Medicine | |
DFO | deferoxamine |
DFP | diastolic filling period |
DFR | designated family respondent |
diabetic floor routine | |
DFSP | dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans |
DFT | defibrillation threshold |
DFU | dead fetus in uterus |
diabetic foot ulcer | |
DFV | ddp, 5 fluorouracil, vepesid |
Doppler flow velocity | |
diarrhea, fever, and vomiting | |
DG | diagnosis |
dorsal glides | |
downward gaze | |
DGA | days gestational age |
DiGeorge anomaly | |
DGC | dystrophin-glycoprotein complex |
DGE | delayed gastric emptying |
DGF | delayed graft function |
DGI | disseminated gonococcal infection |
DGL | deep gray layer |
diacylglycerol lipase | |
DGR | duodenogastric reflux |
DGM | ductal glandular mastectomy |
DGS | DiGeorge syndrome |
diabetic glomerulosclerosis | |
Diacylglycerols | |
Diglycerides | |
DGs | documentation guidelines |
DGT | decaffeinated green tea |
diabetic glucose tolerance | |
DH | delayed dypersensitivity |
Dental Hygienist | |
developmental history | |
diaphragmatic hernia | |
D+H | delusions and hallucinations |
DHA | dihydroxyacetone |
dorsal hypothalamic area | |
DHAD | dihydroxyanthracenedione |
DHAP | dexamethasone, high-dose Ara C, cisplatin |
DHBV | duck hepatitis B virus |
DHCA | deep hypothermia circulatory arrest |
DHD | daily hemodialysis |
dissociated horizontal deviation | |
DHE | dental health education |
DHF | dengue hemorrhagic fever |
diastolic heart failure | |
DHI | Dizziness Handicap Inventory |
DHL | diffuse histocytic lymphoma |
DHP | dental hygiene program |
DHR | delayed hypersensitivity reaction |
DHS | Demographic and Health Survey |
diabetic hyperosmolar state | |
Department of Human Services | |
duration of hospital stay | |
dynamic hip screw | |
DHT | dihydrotachysterol |
dihydrotestosterone | |
DI | Depression Inventory |
date of injury | |
Debrix Index | |
diagnostic imaging | |
Disability Index | |
D&I | debridement and irrigation |
dry and intact | |
DIA | drug-induced agranulocytosis |
drug-induced amenorrhea | |
DIAS | diastolic |
DIAS BP | diastolic blood pressure |
DIAZ | diazepam |
DIB | disability insurance benefits |
DIC | Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy | |
dacarbazine | |
diagnostic imaging center | |
DID | death from intercurrent disease |
delayed ischemia deficit | |
dissociative identity disorder | |
DIE | died in emergency department |
DIF | Differential |
differentiation-inducing factor | |
DIFF | differential blood count |
DIG | digoxin |
DIH | digoxin-induced hyperkalemia |
drug-induced hepatitis | |
died in hospital | |
DIJOA | dominantly inherited juvenile optic atrophy |
DIL | daughter-in-law |
dilute | |
drug-induced lupus | |
DILD | diffuse infiltrative lung disease |
DILS | drug-induced lupus syndrome |
DIM | diminish |
DIN | disease impact number |
DIOS | distal intestinal obstruction syndrome |
distal ileal obstruction syndrome | |
DIP | desquamative interstitial pneumonia |
diphtheria toxoid vaccine | |
diplopia | |
drip infusion pyelogram | |
DIR | directions |
DIS | Diagnostic Interview Schedule |
dislocation | |
DIT | diet-induced thermogenesis |
Diffuse Intimal Thickening | |
drug-induced thrombocytopenia | |
DIU | death in utero |
DIV | double-inlet ventricle |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
DK | dark |
diabetic ketoacidosis | |
diseased kidney | |
DKB | deep knee bends |
DKC | dyskeratosis congenita |
double knee to chest | |