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Medical Abbreviations A thru Z

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Medical Abbreviations – C (part 2)



CGB chronic gastrointestinal bleeding
CGCG central giant-cell granuloma
CGCR Clinical Global consensus Rating
CGD chronic glycogen deficit
CGF continuous gavage feeding
CGL chronic granulocytic leukemia
CGM continuous glucose monitoring
cGMP cyclic guanosine monophosphate
C-GRD coffee-ground
CGS cardiogenic shock
CGTT cortisol glucose tolerance test
cGVHD chronic graft-versus-host disease
CH chest
C & H cocaine and heroin
CHA compound hypermetropic astigmatism
CHAP child health associate practitioner
CHAQ childhood health assessment questionnaire
CHARGE coloboma, hearing deficit, choanal atresia, retardation of
growth, genital defects, and endocardial cushion defect
CHART complaint, history, assessment, Rx, transport
CHB chronic hepatitis B
complete heart block
congenital heart block
CHBHA congenital Heinz body hemolytic anemia
CHC community health center
CHCT caffeine-halothane contracture test
CHD chronic heart disease
changed diaper
childhood diseases
CHE chronic hepatic encephalopathy
CHEDDAR Chief Compliant, History, Examination, Details, Drugs, Assessment, and Return
ChEI cholinesterase inhibitor
CHEMO chemotherapy
CHESS chemical shift suppression
CHF chronic heart failure
CHFV combined high-frequency of ventilation
CHG change
CHI closed head injury
CHL conductive hearing loss
CHM complete hydatidiform mole
CHN central hemorrhagic necrosis
CHO carbohydrate
CH2O free-water clearance
chol cholesterol
Chole cholecystectomy
CHPV Codman Hakim programmable valve
CHPX chickenpox
CHR Cercaria-Hullen reaction chronic
CHRS congenital hereditary retinoschisis
CHT chemotherapy
closed head trauma
ChT chemotherapy
CHTN chronic hypertension
CHU closed head unit
CHW community health workers
CI cardiac index
cerebral infarction
cesium implant
cochlear implant
cognitively impaired
Ci curie - unit of radioactivity
CIA calcaneal insufficiency avulsion
CIAA competitive insulin autoantibodies
CIBD chronic imflammatory bowel disease
CIBI Clinician Interview-Based Impression
CIBP chronic intractable benign pain
CIC cardioinhibitory center
coronary intensive care
CICU cardiac intensive care unit
CID Center for Infectious Disease
CIDS cellular immunodeficiency syndrome
CIE capillary immunoelectrophoresis
CIEA continuous infusion epidural analgesia
CIEF capillary isoelectric focusing
CIFN chemotherapy-induced fever and neutropenia
CIHD chronic ischemic heart disease
CII continuous insulin infusion
CIIA common internal iliac artery
CIL carbamazepine-induced lupus
CIM change in menses
chemotherapy-induced mucositis
CIMCU cardiac intermediate care unit
CIMT carotid intimamedia thickness
CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
CIND cognitive impairment, no dementia
CINE chemotherapy-induced nausea and emesis
CINV chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
CIO corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis
CIP critical illness polyneuropathy
CIPN chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
CIR continent intestinal reservoir
Circ circulation
CIRF cocaine-induced respiratory failure
CIRT carbon ion radiotherapy
CIS Cancer Information Service
carcinoma in situ
clinically isolated syndrome
CI & S conjunctival irritation and swelling
CISC clean intermittent self-catheterization
CISD critical incident stress debriefing
CISM critical incident stress management
CISS constructive interface in steady state
CI-Stim cochlear implant stimulation
CIT chemotherapy-induced toxicities
CITP capillary isotachophoresis
CIU chronic idiopathic urticaria
CIV common iliac vein
CIVD cold-induced vasodilatation
CIVI continuous intravenous infusion
CIXU constant infusion excretory urogram
CJR centric jaw relation
CJS chronic joint symptoms
CK check
conductive keratoplasty
CK-BB Creatine Kinase BB (brain)
CKC cold-knife conization - procedure to get a sample of abnormal tissue from the cervix for further examination
CKD chronic kidney disease
CK-ISO creatine kinase isoenzyme
CK-MB creatine kinase MB fraction
CK-MM creatine kinase MM fraction
CKW clockwise
Cl chloride
CL central line
clear liquid
cleft lip
contact lens
critical list
cycle length
CLA community living arrangements
congenital lactic acidosis
C lam cervical laminectomy - procedure to treat spinal stenosis
CLAP contact laser ablation of prostate
CLARE contact lens-associated acute red eye
CLASS computer laser-assisted surgical system
Clav clavicle
CLBBB complete left bundle branch block
CLBD cortical Lewy body disease
CLBP chronic low back pain
CL/CP cleft lip and cleft palate
CLD central lung distance
chronic liver disease
chronic lung disease
CLE centrilobular emphysema
CLED cysteine lactose electrolyte-deficient
CLEP college level examination program
CLF cholesterol-lecithin flocculation
CLH chronic lobular hepatitis
Ch hepatic clearance
CLI cental lymphatic irradiation
CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia
cl liq clear liquid
CLM colorectal liver metastases
CLN centrolobular necrosis
CLOX clock-drawing task (test for dementia)
CL & P cleft lip and palate
CL PSY closed psychiatry
CLPU contact lens-induced peripheral ulceration
Clr renal clearance
CLRO community leave for reorientation
CLS capillary leak syndrome
CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy
CLT chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
CLV cuff-leak volume
CL VOID clean voided specimen
clysis hypodermoclysis - subcutaneous infusion of fluids
CLZ clozapine
cm centimeter
CM Caucasian male
cardiac monitor
case management
case manager
cM centimorgan - a unit used to measure genetic linkage
CMA Certified Medical Assistant
CMAF centrifuged microaggregate filter
CMAI Cohen-Mansfield Agitation inventory
CMAP compound muscle action potential
Cmax maximum concentration of drug
CMB carbolic methylene blue
CMBBT cervical mucous basal body temperature
CMC carboxymethylcellulose
carpal metacarpal
clinically meaningful change
CMCD carboxymethlcellulose dressing
CMD congenital muscular dystrophy
CME cervicomediastinal exploration
CMER current medical evidence of record
CMF chondromyxoid fibroma
CMG cystometrogram
CMH Cochran Mantel Haenszel
CMI case mix index
CMID cytomegalic inclusion disease
Cmin minimum concentration of drug
CMIR cell-mediated immune response
CML cell-mediated lympholysis
CMK congenital multicystic kidney
CMM continuous metabolic monitor
CMME chloromethyl methyl ether
CMML chronic myelomacrocytic leukemia
CMMS Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
CMN Certificate of Medical Necessity
congenital melanocytic nevi
CMO cardiac minute output
CMOP Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy
CMP cardiomyopathy
CMPA cow's milk protein allergy
CMPF cow's milk, protein-free
CMPS chronic myofascial pain syndrome
CMPT cervical mucous penetration test
CMR cardiometabolic risk
cardiovascular magnetic resonance
cerebral metabolic rate
chief medical resident
CMRI cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
CMRIT combined modality radioimmunotherapy
CMRNG chromosomally mediated resistant
CMRO chronic multifocal recurrent osteomyelitis
CMS cardiometabolic syndrome
children's medical services
CMSUA clean midstream urinalysis
CMT carpometatarsal
combined modality therapy
CMTX chemotherapy treatment
CMUA continuous motor unit activity
CMV controlled mechanical ventilation
cool mist vaporizer
CMVS culture mid-void specimen (collection of mid-void urine specimen)
CN charge nurse
cranial nerve
Cn cyanide
C/N contrast-to-noise ratio
CNA Certified in Nursing Administration
Certified Nursing Assistant
CNAG chronic narrow angle glaucoma
CNAP continuous negative airway pressure
CNB core-needle biopsy
CNC clinical nurse coordinator
CNCbl cyanocobalamin
CND cannot determine
chronic nausea and dyspepsia
CNDC chronic nonspecific diarrhea of childhood
CNE Chief Nurse Executive
chronic nervous exhaustion
continuing nursing education
could not establish
CNEP continuous negative extrathoracic pressure
C-NES conversion nonepileptic seizures
CNH central neurogenic hypernea
CNI calcineurin inhibitors (Immunosuppressive drugs)
CNLD chronic neonatal lung disease
CNLSD condensation nucleation light scattering detection
CNM certified nurse midwife
CNMP chronic nonmalignant pain
CNO Chief Nursing Officer
CNOR Certified Nurse, Operating Room
CNP capillary nonprofusion
CNPB continuous negative pressure breathing
CNPS cardiac nuclear probe scan
CNR contrast-to-noise ratio
CNS central nervous system
CNT could not tell
could not test
CNV Choroidal neovascularisation
copy number variations
cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis
CO carbon monoxide
cardiac output
castor oil
court order
corn oil
Co cobalt
C/O check out
complained of
COA children of alcoholic
CoA coarctation of the aorta
COAD chronic obstructive airway disease
COAG chronic open angle glaucoma
COAGSC coagulation screen
COAR coarctation
COBE chronic obstructive bullous emphysema
COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
COBS chronic organic brain syndrome
COC calcifying odontogenic cyst
chain of custody
continuity of care
COCM congestive cardiomyopathy
COD carotid occlusive disease
cataract, right eye
cause of death
CODAS chronotherapeutic oral drug absorption system
CODO codocytes
COE court-ordered examination
COG center of gravity
cognitive function tests
COGN cognition
COH carbohydrate
COI conflict of interest
COL colonoscopy
COLD chronic obstructive lung disease
col/mL colonies per milliliter
COM calcium oxalate monohydrate
center of mass
chronic otitis media
COMBO combination ultrasound with electrical stimulation
COMF comfortable
COMP compensation
CON catheter over a needle
certificate of need
CONG congenital gallon
CONJ conjunctiva
CoNS coagulase-negative staphylococci
CONT continuous
CONV conversation
CO-Ox Co-oximetry (device for detecting hypoxia)
COP center of pressure
change of plaster
complaint of pain
COR coefficient of reproducibility
conditioned orientation response
COS cataract, left eye
change of shift
Chief of Staff
clinically observed seizure
Cosm osmolal clearance - rate at which plasma is cleared of solute
COSTART Coding symbols for a thesaurus of adverse reaction terms
COT content of thought
COTT CH cottage cheese
COTX cast-off, to x-ray
COU cardiac observation unit
COV coefficient of variation
COW circle of Willis
COX Coxsackie virus
CP centric position
cerebral palsy
chemical peel
chest pain
chronic pain
cleft palate
clinical pathway
cold pack
Cp concentration of drug plasma
C/P carbohydrate-to-protein ratio
CPA cardiopulmonary arrest
carotid photoangiography
cerebellar pontile angle
chest pain alert
child protection agency
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
CPB cardiopulmonary bypass
CPC cancer prevention clinic
cerebral palsy clinic
chronic passive congestion
CP-CML chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia
CP/CPPS chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
CRCR cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation
CPCS clinical pharmacokinetics consulting service
CPCs calcium phosphate cements
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion
CPDD calcium pyrophosphate desposition disease
CPE cardiogenic pulmonary edema
chronic pulmonary emphysema
CPEO chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
CPER chest pain emergency room
CPET cardiopulmonary exercise testing
CPF cerebral perfusion pressure
CPG clinical practice guidelines
CPGN chronic progressive glomerulonephritis
CPH chronic persistent hepatitis
CPI chronic public inebriate
Cancer Potential Index
cysteine protease inhibitor
chronic placental insufficiency
chronic pneumonitis of infancy
CPK creatine phosphokinase
CPL cisplatin
criminal procedure law
CPM cancer pain management
central pontine myelinolysis
chronic progressive myelopathy
counts per minute
cycles per minute
CPN Certified Pediatric Nurse
CPNB continuous perifpheral nerve block
CPO chief privacy officer
continue present orders
CPOM continuous pulse oximeter monitoring
CPP central precocious puberty
cerebral perfusion pressure
chronic pelvic pain
CP & PD chest percussion and postural drainage
CPPS chronic pelvice pain syndrome
CPPV continuous positive pressure ventilation
CPQ Conner Parent Questionnaire
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
computer-based patient records
CPS carbamyl phosphate synthetase
cardiopulmonary support
cervical pedicle screw
chest pain syndrome
child protective services
clinical performance score
CPs clinical pathways
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
chest physiotherapy
child protection team
chronic paranoid type
cold pressor test
CPU children's psychiatric unit
CPUE chest pain of unknown etiology
CPV canine parvovirus
CPX complete physical examination
CR caloric restrictions
capillary refill
cardiac rehabilitation
case reports
chief resident
clockwise rotation
controlled release
Cr creatinine
CR1 first cranial nerve
CRA central retinal artery
chronic rheumatoid arthritis
Medical Abbreviations – C
