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Medical Abbreviations – C (part 3)



CRAN craniotomy
CRAO central retinal artery occlusion
CRAX crackers
CRB Clinical Review Board
CRC case review committe
child-resistant container
clinical research center
CR & C closed reduction and cast
CrCl creatinine clearance
CRCLM colorectal cancer liver metatases
CRCS colorectal cancer screening
CRD childhood rheumatic disease
chronic renal disease
chronic respiratory disease
CRE cumulative radiation effect
CREAT serum creatinine
CRF cancer-related fatigue
cardiac risk factors
case report form
chronic renal failure
CRFs clinical risk factors
CRI Cardiac Risk Index
catheter-related infection
chronic renal insufficiency
CRKL crackles
CRL crown rump length
CRM circumferential resection margins
CRN Certified Radiologic Nurse
CRO cathode ray oscilloscope
CROM cervical range of motion
CROS contralateral routing of signals
CRP C Reactive Protein
  canalith repositioning procedure
chronic relapsing pancreatitis
C & RP curettage and root planning
CRQ Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire
CRRT continuous renal replacement therapy
CRS Carroll Self-Rating Scale
catheter-related sepsis
chronic rhinosinusitis
colon-rectal surgery
CRT cadaver renal transplant
capillary refill time
cathode ray tube
central reaction time
cranial radiation therapy
CRTs cathode-ray tubes
case report tabulations
CRTX chemoradiotherapy
CRU cardiac rehabilitation unit
CRV central retinal vein
CRx chemotherapy
CRYO Cryogenic
CS cardiogenic shock
cervical spine
celiac sprue
cesarean section
clinically significant
clinical stage
close supervision
consultation service
coronary sinus
C & S Culture and sensitivity
conjunctiva and sclera
cough and sneeze
C/S cesarean section
CSA central sleep apnea
childhood sexual abuse
clinical skills assessment
compressed spectral activity
Controlled Substances Act
CSAP cryosurgical ablation of the prostate
CSB caffeine sodium benzoate
CSC chondroitin sulfate C
central serous chorioretinopathy
CSD celiac sprue disease
cortical spreading depression
C S&D cleaned, sutured, and dressed
CSDD Center for the Study of Drug Development
CSE Committee on Special Education
case study evaluation
combined spinal/epidurals
C sect. cesarean section
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CSGIT continuous-suture graft-inclusion technique  (Surgical
technique - repair aortic aneurysm)
CSH carotid sinus hypersensitivity
chronic subdural hematoma
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
cervical spine injury
cholesterol saturation index
chemical shift imaging
coronary stent implantation
CsI cesium iodide
CSL cardiolipin synthetic lecithin
chemical safety level
CSM carotid sinus massage
cerebrospinal meningitis
CSN Certified School Nurse
CSO Chief Security Officer
Consumer Safety Officer
CSP cellulose sodium phosphate
cervical spine pain
C-spine cervical spine
CSR central supply room
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
clinical statistical report
combat stress reaction
C-S RT craniospinal radiotherapy
CSS Canadian Stroke Scale
carotid sinus syndrome
chemical sensitivity syndrome
Css concentration of drug at steady-state
CSSD closed system sterile drainage
CSSS coronary subclavian steal syndrome
CSSSIs complicated skin and skin-structure infections
CSSU cardiac short-stay unit
CST cardiac stress test
central sensory conducting time
contraction stress test
convulsive shock therapy
CSU cardiac surgery unit
cardiac surveillance unit
cardiovascular surgery unit
CSVD cerebral small-vessel disease
CSVT cerebral sinovenous thrombosis
CSW cerebral salt-wasting
CSX cardiac syndrome x
CT Computed Tomography
chest tube
coagulation time
carpal tunnel
Cardiac tamponade
Computerized Tomography
calf tenderness
computed tomographic
carbon tetrachloride
Ct concentration of drug in tissue
CTA computed tomographic angiography
clear to auscultation
CTB ceased to breathe
CTC Cancer Treatment Center
circular tear capsulotomy
Common Toxicity Criteria
CTD carboxy-terminal domain
carpal tunnel decompression
chest tube drainage
cumulative trauma disorder
CTE chronic traumatic encephalopathy
CTF colorado tick fever
cancer therapy facility
CTG Canine thyroglobulin
chronic transplant glomerulopathy
childhood traumatic grief
connective tissue graft
CTH clot to hold
CTI cardiac troponin I
cardiac time intervals
cardiothoracic index
cavotricuspid isthmus
CTL cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
CTM computed tomographic myelography
calibration of test material
CTN Clinical Trials Network
cardiac troponin
CTO chronic total occlusion
CTP comprehensive treatment plan
CTR capsular tension ring
carpal tunnel release
carpal tunnel repair
CTS cardiothoracic surgeon
CTT congenital trigger thumb
CTU computed tomographic urography
CTW central terminal of Wilson
CTX cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
CTZ chemoreceptor trigger zone
CU cause undetermined
chronic urticaria
cause unknown
chronic undifferentiated
clinical units
convalescent unit
Cu copper
C/U checkup
CUA clean urinalysis
CVC central venous catheter
CVD cardiovascular disease
cerebrovascular disease
chronic venous disease
collagen vascular disease
CVEs cerebrovascular events
CVF cardiovascular failure
cardiovascular fitness
CVG composite valve graft
coronary vein graft
coronary venous graft
cochleovestibular ganglion
CVI cerebrovascular insufficiency
chronic venous insufficiency
CVL central venous line
CVM Center for Veterinary Medicine
CVN central venous nutrient
CVO central vein occlusion
CVP central venous pressure
CVR cerebral vascular resistance
Calf vascular resistance
cardiovascular reactivity
CVS cardiovascular surgery
cardiovascular system
CVT calf vein thrombosis
CVU clean voided urine
CW careful watch
case worker
chest wall
C/W consistent with
CWAP continuous wave arthroscopy pump
CWD canal-wall down
change wet dressing
CWE cutaneous water evaporation
cotton-wool exudates
CWL cutaneous water loss
CWM comprehensive weight management
CWMS color, warmth, movement, and sensation
CWP childbirth without pain
coal worker's pneumoconiosis
cell wall protein
chronic widespread pain
coronary wedge pressure
cold wet packs
centimeters of water pressure
cotton wool pledget
CWR clockwise rotation
CWS Certified Wound Care Specialist
CWT compensated work training
CWV Cape Wrath virus
closed wound vacuum
CX cervix
chest x-ray
Cx consultation
CXA circumflex artery
CxBx cervical biopsy
CxMT cervical motion tenderness
CXR chest x-ray
CXTX cervical traction
CY calendar year
C & Y Children with Youth
CYA cyclosporine A
CYC cycle
cytochrome c
CYL casein yeast lactate
cylindrical lens
CYRO cryoprecipitate
CYSTA cystathionine
CYSTO cystogram
CYT cytosine
CZ central zone
Medical Abbreviations – C