Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
T | traction |
temperature | |
temporary | |
teaspoonful | |
tablespoonful | |
tension | |
tertiary | |
testosterone | |
therapy | |
TA | tardive akathisia |
traffic accident | |
therapeutic abortion | |
tibialis anterior | |
temperature axillary | |
tricuspid atresia | |
temporal arteritis | |
TAA | thoracic aortic aneurysm |
thoracic aortic aneurysms | |
transverse aortic arch | |
tumor-associated antigen | |
TAB | tablet |
therapeutic abortion | |
TAC | transient aplastic crisis |
T cell activation | |
tetracaine-adrenaline-cocaine | |
time-activity curves | |
TAD | tricyclic antidepressants |
thyroid autoimmune diseases | |
thoracic asphyxiant dystrophy | |
TAE | transcatheter arterial embolism |
TAF | tissue angiogenesis factor |
total abdominal fat | |
tracheal aspirate fluid | |
TAG | topographic angiography |
triacylglycerols | |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy |
TAI | thoracic aortic injury |
thyroid autoimmunity | |
Test Anxiety Inventory (score) | |
TAL | thick ascending limb of Henle |
tumor-associated lymphocyte(s) | |
total arm length | |
TAM | tamoxifen |
total atherosclerosis management | |
TAN | total ammonia nitrogen |
TAO | thromboangitis obliterans |
total acid output | |
TAP | transesophageal atrial pacing |
transmembrane action potential | |
TAR | thoracic aortic rupture |
trans-activating response (RNA element) | |
TAS | Thrombolytic Assessment System |
transabdominal sonography | |
transarticular screw | |
(post) traumatic apallic syndrome | |
TAT | total adipose tissue |
transactivator protein | |
tray agglutination test | |
TAU | treatment as usual |
tumescence activity units | |
TAX | taxol |
TB | tuberculosis |
total body | |
terminal bronchus/ branch | |
total base | |
toothbrush | |
temporal bone(s) | |
TBA | to be absorbed / added / administered |
total bile acid(s) | |
trabecular bone area | |
to be admitted / announced | |
to be arranged | |
TBB | transbronchial biopsy |
TBC | thyroxine binding capacity |
total body calcium | |
to be cancelled | |
total blood count | |
total body clearance | |
total blood cholesterol | |
tuberculosis | |
TBD | Trabecular bone density |
to be determined | |
TBE | tick-borne encephalitis |
to be evaluated | |
tracheobronchial epithelial | |
TBF | total-body fat |
tissue blood flow | |
Tick-borne fever | |
TBG | thyroxine binding globulin |
testosterone-binding globulin | |
TBI | traumatic brain injury |
total body irradiation | |
tick-borne illness | |
thyroxine-binding index | |
TBILI | total bilirubin |
TBK | total-body potassium |
TBL | total blood loss |
tablespoon | |
TBM | total body mass |
tuberculous meningitis | |
trabecular bone mass | |
TBN | total body nitrogen |
TBO | total biliary obstruction |
TBP | total-body protein |
thyroxine-binding protein | |
total-body phosphorus | |
testosterone-binding protein | |
TBR | total-bed rest |
to-be-remembered | |
TBS | total body surface |
total body sodium | |
total burn size | |
trichoblastomas | |
TBT | tracheal bronchial toilet |
transcervical balloon tuboplasty | |
TBV | total-blood volume |
TBW | total body water |
TC | technetium |
target cell | |
total calcium | |
testicular cancer | |
throat culture | |
transverse colon | |
tissue culture | |
total cholesterol | |
trauma center | |
terminal cancer | |
TCA | trichloracetic acid |
tricyclic antidepressant | |
total calcium | |
TCB | tumor cell burden |
transcutaneous bilirubin | |
TCC | transitional cell carcinoma |
total cell count(s) | |
total cost of care | |
TCD | T-cell depleted |
transcranial Doppler monitoring | |
TCE | T-cell enriched |
transcatheter chemoembolization | |
total-colon examination | |
TCH | total cholesterol |
total circulating hemoglobin | |
total cost of hospitalization | |
TCI | target-controlled infusion |
transitory cognitive impairment | |
total cerebral ischemia | |
TCL | tibial collateral ligament |
T-cell lymphoma | |
T-cell leukemia | |
TCM | Total Care Management |
tissue culture media | |
transitional cell metaplasia | |
TCN | tetracycline |
TCP | thrombocytopenia |
total circulating protein | |
TCR | T-cell receptor |
total Cr | |
total coronary resistance | |
TCS | tonic-clonic seizures |
treacher collins syndrome | |
topical corticosteroids | |
target cells | |
TCT | thrombin clotting time |
transmission computerized tomography | |
thoracic computed tomography | |
TCU | transitional / trauma care unit |
TD | tardive dyskinesia |
temporary / total disability | |
tetanus and diphtheria | |
test dose | |
time-dependent | |
thoracic duct | |
TDAC | tumor-derived activated cells |
TDD | total daily dose |
transdermal drug delivery | |
TDE | Tissue Doppler echocardiography |
total daily energy expenditure | |
TDF | total dietary fiber |
transdermal fentanyl | |
TDK | tardive diskinesia |
TDL | thoracic duct lymph |
toxic dose level | |
TDM | therapeutic drug monitoring |
TDN | totally digestible nutrient(s) |
Transderm-Nitro | |
TDR | total disc replacement |
TDS | transdermal delivery system(s) |
transient depolarizations | |
TDT | tardive dystonia |
tumor doubling time | |
thermal death time | |
TDW | target dry weight |
TE | total energy |
tennis elbow | |
total estrogen | |
trace element | |
tooth extraction | |
transesophageal echocardiography | |
TEA | thoracic epidural analgesia |
total elbow arthroplasty | |
thromboembolic accident | |
transient epileptic amnesia | |
TEB | thoracic electrical bioimpedance |
thoracic epidural block | |
TEC | thromboembolic complication |
total eosinophil count | |
total erythrocytic count | |
tracheal epithelial cells | |
TED | thromboembolic disease |
Transesophageal Doppler | |
TEE | transoesophageal echocardiography |
total energy expenditure (total daily energy expenditure) |
transesophageal echocardiogram | |
TEF | toxic equivalent factor |
tracheoesophageal fistula | |
TEG | thrombelastography |
TEI | total energy intake |
transthoracic electrical impedance | |
TEM | transanal endoscopic microsurgery |
technical errors of measurement | |
TEN | tension |
toxic epidermal necrolysis | |
total enteral nutrition | |
TEP | transesophageal pacing |
tracheoesophageal puncture | |
total extraperitoneal | |
TEQ | toxic equivalent(s) |
TER | teratogen |
tertiary | |
transendothelial cell resistance | |
total elbow replacement | |
TES | transcutaneous electrical stimulation |
therapeutic electrical stimulation | |
treadmill exercise score | |
thromboembolic events | |
TET | tetanus toxoid |
treadmill exercise test | |
total exercise time | |
tetralogy of Fallot | |
TF | tactile fremitus |
to follow | |
tissue factor | |
tube feeding | |
typhoid fever | |
TFA | total fibrinolytic activity |
trans / total fatty acids | |
TFC | Total Functional Capacity |
thoracic fluid content | |
TFF | tangential flow filtration |
TFI | total fluid intake |
thoracic fluid index | |
testosterone free index | |
TFL | transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy |
TFM | testicular feminization syndrome |
total body fat mass | |
TFN | transferrin |
TFO | triplex-forming oligonucleotide(s) |
TFR | total fertility rate |
TFT | thyroid function test |
thrombus formation time | |
TG | triglycerides |
thyroid gland | |
toxic goiter | |
total gastrectomy | |
tendon graft | |
TGA | transient global amnesia |
thyroglobulin antibodies | |
TGB | thyroglobulin |
TGD | thyroglossal duct |
TGE | transmissible gastroenteritis |
TGFA | triglyceride fatty acids |
TGF | tumor growth factor |
TGR | tumor growth rate |
tenderness, guarding, and rigidity | |
TGS | triglycerides |
thyroglobulins | |
TGT | tumor growth time |
thrombin generation time | |
TGV | transposition of great vessels |
thoracic gas volume | |
TH | thyroid hormone |
tension headache | |
T helper cell | |
THA | total hip arthroplasty |
THC | Tetrahydrocannabinol |
T-helper cells | |
THF | thymic humoral factor |
Total hepatic flow | |
THP | Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (uromodulin) |
total hip prosthesis | |
THR | target heart rate |
total hip replacement | |
thyroid | |
TI | tricuspid insufficiency |
terminal ileus | |
thallium imaging | |
Time Interval | |
therapeutic index | |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TIB | tibia |
time in bed | |
TICU | Trauma Intensive Care Unit |
TID | three times a day |
TIE | transient ischemic episode |
TIF | tumor-inhibiting factor |
tubulointerstitial fibrosis | |
TIG | tetanus immune globulin |
TIH | tumor-induced hypercalcemia |
TIL | tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes |
TIN | three times a night |
tubulointerstitial nephritis | |
testicular intraepithelial neoplasia | |
TINCT | tincture |
TIP | terminal interphalangeal |
TIS | triage illness scale |
tumor in situ | |
TIT | total ischemic time |
TIV | trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine |
TJA | total joint arthroplasty |
TJC | tender joint count |
TJR | total joint replacement |
TK | thymidine kinase |
tachykinins | |
TKA | total knee arthroplasty |
TKE | total / terminal knee extension |
TKP | thermokeratoplasty |
total knee prosthesis | |
TKO | to keep open |
TKR | total knee replacement |
TKVO | to keep vein/vessel open |
TL | tubal ligation |
total laryngectomy | |
transverse line | |
temporal lobe | |
T lymphocytes | |
total lipids | |
TLA | Transluminal angioplasty |
translumbar aortography | |
TLC | total lung capacity |
total leukocyte count | |
therapeutic lifestyle changes | |
total lymphocyte count | |
TLD | thoracic lymphatic duct |
thermoluminescence dosimetry | |
TLE | temporal lobe epilepsy |
TLH | total laparoscopic hysterectomy |
TLI | total lymphoid irradiation |
translaryngeal intubation | |
TLR | target lesion revascularization |
TLRS | Toll-like receptors |
TLS | tumor lysis syndrome |
TLT | thrombolytic therapy |
translaryngeal tracheostomy | |
TLV | total lung volume |
TM | tympanic membrane |
thyromegaly | |
total mortality | |
Temperature by mouth | |
TMA | thrombotic microangiopathy |
TMB | transient monocular blindness |
TMC | thyroid medullary carcinoma |
TMD | temporomandibular disease / dysfunction |
temporomandibular joint disorder | |
Transient myeloproliferative disease | |
TMG | total magnesium |
thymoglobulin | |
TMI | transmural myocardial infarction |
too much information | |
TMJ | temporomandibular joint |
TML | tender midline |
TMM | torn medial meniscus |
TMO | transcaruncular medial orbitotomy -method to stabilize the posterior limb of the medial canthal tendon (MCT) |
TMR | total mortality rate |
TMS | transcranial magnetic stimulation |
transcutaneous muscle stimulation | |
TMT | tarsometatarsal |
TMX | tamoxifen |
TN | trigeminal neuralgia |
thyroid nodules | |
temperature normal | |
TNA | total nutrient admixture |
TNB | thin needle biopsy |
TND | transient neurological dysfunction |
test not done | |
term, normal delivery | |
TNF | tumor necrosis factor |
TNG | toxic nodular goiter |
TNI | total nodal irradiation |
TNP | transdermal nicotine patch |
TNR | tonic neck reflex |
TNS | transcutaneous nerve stimulation |
transient neurologic symptoms | |
TNT | troponin T |
treating to new target(s) | |
TO | telephone order |
target organ | |
thrombotic occlusion | |
total obstruction | |
tincture of opium | |
TOA | tubo-ovarian abscess |
time of arrival | |
TOB | tobacco |
TOC | total organic content |
TOD | target organ damage |
time of death | |
time of departure | |
TOF | train-of-four |
tetralogy of fallot | |
TOI | tissue oxygen index |
time of infection | |
TOL | tolerated |
TOM | Therapy Outcome Measure |
TOMO | tomography |
TON | Traumatic optic neuropathy |
TOP | termination of pregnancy |
topical | |
TOR | tissue oxygenation ratio |
TOT | tip-of-the-tongue |
total operating time | |
TOX | toxicology |
toxoplasmosis | |
toxicity | |
TP | total protein |
temperature and pressure | |
testosterone propionate | |
tender point | |
treponema pallidum | |
treating physician | |
threshold potential | |
TPA | tissue plasminogen activator |
TPC | Total plasma cholesterol |
target plasma concentration | |
total patient care | |
total plate count | |
total platelet count | |
TPD | temporary partial disability |
tidal peritoneal dialysis | |
treatable protocol depth | |
TPE | therapeutic plasma exchange |
TPG | transpulmonary gradient |
TPH | thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
TPI | Treponema pallidum immobilization |
TPL | thromboplastin |
total phospholipids | |
TPM | temporary pacemaker |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TPO | thrombopoietin |
thyroid peroxidase | |
TPP | total plasma protein |
TPR | total peripheral resistance |
temperature, pulse, and respiration | |
total pulmonary resistance | |
TPS | tender point score |
treatment planning system | |
TPT | Tactual Performance Test |
time to peak tension | |
TPU | tissue perfusion units |
TPV | tetanus-pertussis vaccine |
TQM | total quality management |
TR | total response |
tricuspid regurgitation | |
therapeutic ratio | |
transfusion reaction | |
trace | |
trachea | |
TRA | transfer |
trans retinoic acid | |
TRANS | transfer |
trans fatty acids | |
TRC | tanned red cell |
TRD | treatment-refractory depression |
traumatic rupture of diaphragm | |
TRF | thyrotropin releasing factor |
terminal renal failure | |
TRI | Temptation and Restraint Inventory |
TRM | transplant-related mortality |
treatment-related mortality | |
TRO | transtrochanteric rotational osteotomy |
to return to office | |
TRP | tubular reabsorption of phosphate |
tryptophan | |
TRS | time-resolved spectroscopy |
TIMI risk score | |
TRT | targeted radionuclide therapy |
treatment | |
thoracic radiation therapy | |
TRUS | transrectal ultrasound |
TS | tricuspid stenosis |
Tourette's Syndrome | |
transferrin saturation | |
temperature sensitivity | |
test solution | |
trauma score | |
T suppressor | |
toxic substance | |
toxic syndrome | |
triple strength | |
TSAB | thyroid stimulating antibodies |
TSA | total surface area |
transcortical sensory aphasia | |
tumor surface antigen | |
toxic shock antigen | |
TSB | total serum bilirubin |
TSC | technetium sulfur colloid |
Trauma Symptom Checklist | |
TSD | target skin distance |
Tay-Sachs disease | |
total sleep deprivation | |
TSE | time since exposure |
turbo spin-echo | |
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy | |
TSF | triceps skinfold (thickness ) |
total systemic flow | |
TSGS | tumor suppressor genes |
TSH | thyroid stimulating hormone |
TSI | thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin |
TSP | teaspoonful |
total serum protein | |
TSR | total systemic resistance |
total shoulder replacement | |
thyroid to serum ratio | |
TSS | toxic shock syndrome |
total symptom score | |
tropical splenomegaly syndrome | |
TST | tuberculin skin test |
treadmill stress test | |
total sleep time | |
treadmill stress test | |
TT | thrombin time |
tetanus toxoid | |
tetanus toxin | |
testicular torsion | |
transit time | |
TTA | tetanus toxoid antibody |
trying to avoid | |
TTC | transtracheal catheter |
trying to conceive | |
TTD | temporary total disability |
time to detection | |
tissue tolerance dose | |
time to death | |
TTE | transthoracic echocardiography |
time to exhaustion | |
TTF | time to fatigue |
thyroid transcription factor | |
TTH | tension-type headache(s) |
time to hemostasis | |
TTI | tension-time index = mean systolic pressure x duration of systole x heart rate. |
torque-time interval | |
TTJV | transtracheal jet ventilation |
TTM | total tumor mass (score) |
TTN | time to normalization |
tachypnea of the newborn | |
TTNP | time to neurologic progression |
TTO | time to occlusion |
transtracheal oxygen | |
TTP | thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
time to peak | |
TTR | time in target range |
time to relapse | |
TTS | Transdermal therapeutic system |
tarsal tunnel syndrome | |
TTV | transfusion-transmitted virus (one of several possible blood transfusion diseases) |
total tumor volume | |
TTWB | touch toe weight bearing |
tetrodotoxin - potent neurotoxin aka "zombie powder" |
tetanus toxoid | |
TU | toxic unit(s) |
tuberculin units | |
transrectal ultrasound | |
TUL | transurethral lithotripsy |
TUMT | transurethral microwave thermotherapy |
TUN | total urinary nitrogen |
TUNA | transurethral needle ablation |
TUR | transurethral resection |
TUU | transuretero ureterostomy |
TV | tidal volumes |
temporary visit | |
tickborne virus | |
tricuspid valve | |
TVC | triple voiding cystogram |
timed vital capacity | |
TVD | triple vessel disease |
TVF | tactile vocal fremitus |
TVH | total vaginal (transvaginal) hysterectomy |
time velocity integral - also known as Velocity Time integral (VTI) - [Doppler analysis] |
TVP | tricuspid valve prolapse |
transvenous pacemaker | |
TVR | total vascular resistance |
tricuspid valve replacement | |
target vessel revascularization | |
TVS | transvaginal sonography |
TVT | total ventilation time |
TVU | total volume of urine |
transvaginal ultrasound | |
TW | tap water |
total water | |
triphasic waves | |
TWA | time-weighted average(s) |
TWB | total weight bearing |
TWD | total white and differential count |
total walking distance | |
TWE | tap water enema |
TWG | total weight gain |
TWOC | trial without catheter |
TWT | total wake time |
treadmill walking time | |
TX | treatment |
therapy | |
transfer | |
TYMP | tympanogram |
TYR | tyrosine (amino acid) |
TZD | thiazolidinediones |