Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
P | phosphorus |
plan | |
pulse | |
peripheral | |
plan | |
pain | |
patient | |
after | |
PA | physician assistant |
pulmonary artery | |
panic attack | |
paranoid | |
posterior-anterior | |
pernicious anemia | |
phenol alcohol | |
physical activity | |
Pulmonary atresia | |
presents again | |
physical abuse | |
P&A | percussion and auscultation |
PAA | pulmonary artery aneurysm |
pancreatic acinar atrophy | |
plasminogen activator activity | |
particle agglutination assay | |
pantothenic acid | |
PAB | premature atrial beat |
polyclonal antibodies | |
performance assessment battery | |
PACU | post anesthesia care unit |
PAD | peripheral artery disease |
primary affective disorder | |
pain and distress | |
pelvic adhesive disease | |
percutaneous access device | |
PAE | paradoxical air embolism |
postantibiotic effect | |
postanoxic encephalopathy | |
prenatal alcohol exposure | |
percutaneous angiographic embolization | |
PAEE | physical activity energy expenditure |
PAF | paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
Platelet Activating Factor | |
PAFE | postantifungal effect |
PAH | pulmonary arterial hypertension |
primary adrenal hyperplasia | |
partial abdominal hysterectomy | |
predicited adult height | |
PAI | plasminogen activator inhibitor |
penetrating abdominal injury | |
pain assessment inventory | |
primary adrenal insufficiency | |
PAIS | Psychological Adjustment to Illness Scale |
partial androgen insensitivity syndrome | |
PAIVS | pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum |
PAK | pancreas after kidney |
PAL | physical activity level |
posterior axillary line | |
Peripheral acute leukemia | |
PALN | para-aortic lymph node |
PALP | palpation /palpate |
PALS | pediatric advanced life support |
PAM | potassium-aggravated myotonia |
partial allosteric modulators | |
Pre-Arrest Morbidity | |
pancreatic acinar mass | |
pulmonary alveolar macrophage | |
PAN | periodic alternating nystagmus |
pancreatic | |
positional alcohol nystagmus | |
periarteritis nodosa | |
PAO | peak acid output |
pulmonary artery occlusion | |
peak gastric acid output | |
peripheral airway obstruction | |
PAP | Prostatic Acid Phosphatase |
pulmonary artery pressure | |
positive airway pressure | |
peak airway pressure | |
passive-aggressive personality | |
PAR | passive avoidance reaction |
perennial allergic rhinitis | |
paraffin | |
parainfluenza vaccine | |
pulmonary arteriolar resistance | |
parallel | |
pain relief | |
PARA | paralytic |
parathyroid | |
paraplegic | |
primary acquired refractory anemia | |
PARC | perennial allergic rhinoconjunctivitis |
pattern recognition | |
PAS | patient administration system |
Physician Assistants | |
postanesthesia score | |
PASG | pneumatic antishock garment |
PASS | Plan for Achieving Self-Support |
Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale | |
patient acceptable symptom state | |
PAT | paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |
platelet aggregation test | |
Paddington alcohol test | |
penetrating abdominal trauma | |
patient | |
percent acceleration time | |
pregnancy at term | |
patella | |
Personal Adjustment Training | |
PAV | percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty |
pre-admission visit | |
PAWP | pulmonary artery wedge pressure |
PAX | paired box |
periapical x-ray | |
PB | peripheral blood |
barometric pressure | |
periodic breathing | |
protein binding | |
paraffin block | |
premature beat | |
protein-bound | |
polymyxin B | |
PBA | percutaneous bladder aspiration |
prolactin-binding assay | |
PBC | Primary Biliary Cirrhosis |
peripheral blood cells | |
Parent Behavior Checklist | |
PBD | Paget Bone Disease |
percutaneous biliary drainage | |
peak bone density | |
PBE | peripheral blood eosinophils |
partial breech extraction | |
professional breast examination | |
PBF | peripheral blood flow |
placental blood flow | |
pulmonary blood flow | |
percent body fat | |
peak blood flow | |
PBG | porphobilinogen |
pressure breathing | |
phosphate buffer glucose | |
pupillary block glaucoma | |
PBI | protein bound iodine |
partial breast irradiation | |
Papillary Bleeding Index | |
PBK | pseudophakic bullous keratopathy |
PBL | peripheral blood lymphocyte |
primary breast lymphoma | |
problem-based learning | |
peripheral blood | |
PBM | pharmacy benefits management |
Peak bone mass | |
PBN | parabrachial nucleus |
paralytic brachial neuritis | |
PBO | placebo |
PBP | penicillin-binding protein(s) |
prostate-binding protein | |
Platelet basic protein | |
PBS | painful bladder syndrome |
papillary bleeding score | |
phosphate-buffered saline | |
Pediatric Behavior Scale | |
PBSC | peripheral blood stem cells |
PBT | pentobarbital |
phenylalanine breath test | |
primary brain tumor(s) | |
PBV | percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty |
pulmonary blood volume | |
predicted blood volume | |
PC | after meals |
packed cells | |
principal component | |
palliative care | |
percent | |
pancreatic carcinoma | |
partition coefficient | |
poor condition | |
popliteal cyst | |
platelet concentrate | |
productive cough | |
platelet count | |
PCA | Patient Controlled Analgesia |
pancreatic carcinoma | |
passive cutaneous anaphylaxis | |
posterior cerebral artery | |
prostatic carcinoma | |
PCB | pancuronium bromide |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls | |
postcoital bleeding | |
palmar cutaneous branch | |
placebo | |
PCC | poison control center |
patient care coordinator | |
primary care center | |
progressive cardiac care | |
palliative care clinic | |
Pearson's correlation coefficient | |
PCE | Patient Care Evaluation |
physical capacity evaluation | |
pseudocholinesterase | |
Patient Care Encounter | |
PCF | peripheral circulatory failure |
posterior cranial fossa | |
peak cough flow | |
pharyngeal conjunctival fever | |
PCG | phonocardiogram |
preventive care group | |
penicillin G | |
PCH | paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention(s) |
protein c inhibitor | |
PCKD | polycystic kidney disease |
PCL | posterior cruciate ligament |
pacing cycle length | |
paclitaxel | |
plasma cell leukemia | |
PCM | paracoccidioidomycosis |
Palliative Care Management | |
patient care manager | |
primary cutaneous melanoma | |
Pacemaker | |
PCN | primary care network |
penicillin | |
primary care nursing | |
PCNS | Primary central nervous system |
Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
posterior cervical nodes | |
PCO | patient complains of |
polycystic ovaries | |
PCPS | primary care providers |
percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass surgery | |
personal care products | |
PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction |
plasma creatinine | |
patient care report/record | |
Pathologic complete response | |
PCr | plasma creatinine |
PCRA | Patient-controlled regional analgesia |
PCS | palliative care service |
patient care system | |
Patterns of Care Study | |
patient-controlled sedation | |
personal care service | |
portable cervical spine | |
Patient Characteristic Study | |
postconcussion syndrome | |
PCSM | prostate cancer-specific mortality |
PCT | positron computed tomography |
Prothrombin Consumption Time | |
Palliative Care Team | |
percent | |
postcoital test | |
papillary cystic tumor | |
parasite clearance time | |
PCTA | percutaneous transluminal angioplasty |
PCTS | patient-controlled transdermal system |
placebo-controlled trials | |
primary care teams | |
PCU | palliative care unit |
primary care unit | |
progressive care unit | |
pain control unit | |
PCV | packed cell volume |
penicillin V | |
pressure control ventilation | |
PCWP | pulmonary capillary wedge pressure |
PCX | paracervical (block) |
parietal cortex | |
PCZ | procarbazine |
PD | Parkinson's disease |
peritoneal dialysis | |
pancreatic duct | |
Paget disease | |
percutaneous drain | |
pulmonary disease | |
personality disorder | |
progressive disease | |
PDA | Patent Ductus Arteriosus |
posterior descending artery | |
parenteral drug abuser | |
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma | |
personal digital assistant | |
PDB | Paget's disease of bone |
PDC | patient denies complaints |
physical dependence capacity | |
Private Diagnostic Clinic | |
PDCA | Plan-Do-Check-Act (continuous improvement process) |
PDD | Parkinson disease with dementia |
Pervasive Development Disorder | |
permanently displaced disk | |
primary degenerative dementia | |
PDDS | pervasive developmental disorders |
PDE | paroxysmal dyspnea on exertion |
Personality Disorder Examination | |
peritoneal dialysis effluent | |
peritoneal dialysis fluid | |
postdialysis fatigue | |
Portable Document Format | |
PDGF | platelet-derived growth factor |
PDH | past dental history |
Progressive disseminated histoplasmosis | |
paraduodenal hernia | |
PDI | Pain Disability Index |
Power Doppler imaging | |
Periodontal Disease Index | |
PDL | periodontal ligament |
pancreatic duct ligation | |
poorly differentiated lymphocytic | |
preferred drug list | |
PDM | periodontal membrane |
primary dermal melanoma | |
PDN | peripheral diabetic neuropathy |
painful diabetic neuropathy | |
private duty nurse | |
PDP | prescription drug plan |
peak diastolic pressure | |
pancreatic duct pressure | |
PDPH | postdural puncture headache |
PDQ | Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire |
Parkinson's disease questionnaire | |
Physician Data Query | |
PDR | pancreaticoduodenal resection |
Physicians' Desk Reference | |
proliferative diabetic retinopathy | |
post delivery recovery | |
PDS | pain dysfunction syndrome |
persistent developmental stuttering | |
polydioxanone suture | |
PDSA | Plan, Do, Study, and Act (Deming cycle) |
PDT | percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy |
photodynamic treatment | |
Pain detection thresholds | |
pancreaticoduodenal transplantation | |
PDU | pulsed Doppler ultrasound |
PDW | platelet distribution width |
PDX | pyridoxine |
Provisional Diagnosis | |
PE | Physical Exam |
pulmonary embolism | |
pelvic examination | |
pedal edema | |
plasma exchange | |
partial epilepsy | |
phenytoin equivalent | |
PEA | pulseless electrical activity |
Post-extubation atelectasis | |
PEB | platinol, etoposide, bleomycin |
PEC | perivascular epithelioid cell |
Psychiatric Emergency Clinic | |
parietal epithelial cells | |
PED | patient examined by doctor |
pediatrics | |
pediatric emergency department | |
paroxysmal exertion-induced dyskinesia | |
PEDS | pediatrics |
PEE | predicted energy expenditure |
PEF | peak expiratory flow |
PEG | Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy |
pegylated | |
PEH | paraesophageal hernia |
papillary endothelial hyperplasia | |
PEI | percutaneous ethanol injection |
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency | |
Patient Exit Interview | |
PEJ | percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy |
PEK | punctate epithelial keratopathy |
PEL | primary effusion lymphoma |
piezoelectric lithotripsy | |
PEM | prescription event monitoring |
pediatric emergency medicine | |
peritoneal exudate macrophage | |
PEN | penicillin |
penetrating growth | |
PENS | percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
Pancreatic endocrine neoplasms | |
PEO | progressive external ophthalmoplegia |
PEP | positive expiratory pressure |
parietal epithelial cell | |
pre-ejection period | |
patient education program | |
PER | peak ejection rate |
by | |
peak emptying rate | |
pediatric emergency room | |
protein efficiency ratio | |
PERL | pupils equal, react to light |
PERS | personal emergency response system |
PERT | pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy |
PES | paclitaxel-eluting stent |
programmed electrical stimulation | |
Patient Escort Service | |
Percutaneous electrical stimulation | |
PET | pancreatic endocrine tumor |
Positron Emission Tomography | |
peritoneal equilibration test | |
poor exercise tolerance | |
peak ejection time | |
PEX | plasma exchange |
peak exercise | |
PF | peak frequency |
peak flow | |
plantar flexion | |
pericardial fluid | |
prostatic fluid | |
pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary function | |
pleural fluid | |
PFA | profunda femoris artery |
Psychological First Aid | |
PFB | potential for breakdown |
Pseudofolliculitis barbae | |
PFC | patient-focused care |
pericardial fluid culture | |
pair-fed controls | |
PFFD | proximal femoral focal deficiency |
PFG | percutaneous fluoroscopic gastrostomy |
PFI | Portal flow index |
physical fitness index | |
pill-free intervals | |
PFJ | patellofemoral joint |
PFM | peak flow meter |
permanent first molars | |
parietal foramina | |
PFN | proximal femoral nail |
PFO | patent foramen ovale |
PFP | peripheral facial paralysis |
progression free probability | |
platelet-free plasma | |
PFR | parotid flow rate |
peak expiratory flow rate | |
peak flow rate | |
PFS | progression free survival |
pulmonary function studies | |
prolonged febrile seizure | |
primary fibromyalgia syndrome | |
PFT | pulmonary function tests |
pancreatic function test | |
PFU | plaque-forming unit |
PG | prostaglandin |
pregnant | |
propylene glycol | |
pancreatic gland | |
pituitary gland | |
performance goal | |
pregnant | |
PGA | patient global assessment |
prostaglandin A | |
PGB | pregabalin |
PGCG | peripheral giant cell granuloma |
PGD | partial gonadal dysgenesis |
pelvic girdle dysfunction | |
primary glomerular diseases | |
prostaglandin D | |
PGE | parasitic gastroenteritis |
partial generalized epilepsy | |
prostaglandins E | |
PGF | primary graft failure |
paternal grandfather | |
placental growth factor | |
PGH | pituitary growth hormone |
PGI | partial global ischemia |
Practice Guidelines Initiative | |
potassium, glucose and insulin | |
PGL | persistent generalized lymphadenopathy |
PGM | periaqueductal gray matter |
paternal grandmother | |
PGR | Partial gastric resection |
primordial growth retardation | |
pulse-generated runoff | |
PGS | Postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome |
peristent gross splenomegaly | |
PGU | postgonococcal urethritis |
peripheral glucose uptake | |
PGW | Persian Gulf War |
PH | past history |
Public Health | |
parathyroid hormone | |
personal history | |
poor health | |
primary hyperparathyroidism | |
P&H | physical and history |
PHA | passive hemagglutination assay |
phytohemagglutinin | |
PHAC | Public Health Agency of Canada |
PHAL | phalangeal |
PHAR | passive hemagglutination reaction |
pharmacy | |
Pharmaceutical | |
PHB | phenobarbital |
phenoxybenzamine | |
PHC | primary hepatic carcinoma |
primary health care | |
posthospital care | |
Pediatric Home Care | |
PHD | Personal Health Data |
Poor Helpless Drunk | |
doctorate of philosophy | |
potentially harmful drug | |
PHE | periodic health examination |
phenylephrine | |
phentolamine | |
PHF | paired helical filament |
parathyroid hypertensive factor | |
PHH | posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus |
primary human hepatocytes | |
PHI | patient/personal health information |
passive hemagglutination inhibition | |
past history of illness | |
PHL | permanent hearing loss |
Primary hepatic lymphoma | |
PHM | partial hydatidiform mole |
posterior hyaloid membrane | |
perfused hepatic mass | |
PHN | postherpetic neuralgia |
Public Health Nurse | |
PHOS | phosphate |
PHP | Partial Hospitalization Program |
pathological hyperprolactinemia | |
pooled human plasma | |
PHR | peak heart rate |
PHS | pooled human serum |
partial hospitalization system | |
Personal Health Summary | |
PHT | phenytoin |
portal hypertension | |
postmenopausal hormone therapy | |
PHV | peak height velocity |
prosthetic heart valves | |
PHX | past history |
pharynx | |
PHY | pharyngitis |
physiology | |
PI | package insert |
present illness | |
pancreatic insufficiency | |
protease inhibitor | |
pain intensity | |
persistent illness | |
physically impaired | |
Physiologic Index | |
premature infant | |
pulmonary infarction | |
primary infection | |
PIA | plasma insulin activity |
post-infarction angina | |
personal injury accident | |
PIB | partial ileal bypass |
PIC | peripherally inserted catheter |
pacing in cardiomyopathy | |
Pediatric intensive care | |
PID | pervic inflammatory disease |
PIE | pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia |
pulmonary interstitial emphysema | |
PIF | peak inspiratory flow |
prostatic interstitial fluid | |
PIG | pertussis immune globulin |
phosphatidylinositol glycan | |
PIH | pregnancy-induced hypertension |
PIL | patient information leaflet |
PIM | Pediatric Index of Mortality |
Papillary immature metaplasia | |
PIN | patient identity number |
Patient Information Network | |
provider identification number | |
PIO | Pioglitazone |
PIP | peak inspiratory pressure |
primary injury prevention | |
postictal psychosis | |
PIQ | Performance Intelligence Quotient |
PIS | pancreatic islets |
package inserts | |
pharmacy information system | |
PIT | pancreatic islet transplantation |
pitocin | |
pituitary | |
PIV | peripheral intravenous |
parainfluenza virus | |
PIWT | partially impacted wisdom teeth |
PJ | pancreaticojejunostomy |
pancreatic juice | |
PJB | premature junctional beat |
PJC | premature junctional contractions/complex |
PJI | prosthetic joint infection |
PJP | pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia |
PJRT | permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia |
PJS | Peutz Jeghers syndrome |
PJT | paroxysmal junctional tachycardia |
PK | pain killer |
Parkinsonism | |
perforating keratoplasty | |
pharmacokinetic | |
pericardial knock | |
PKB | protein kinase B |
PKC | protein kinase C |
PKD | Polycystic Kidney Disease |
PKI | protein kinase inhibitor |
PKP | penetrating keratoplasty |
PKR | phased knee rehabilitation |
PKU | phenylketonuria |
PL | Prolymphocytic leukemia |
pancreatic lipase | |
palmaris longus | |
polarized light | |
partial laryngectomy | |
placebo | |
plantar | |
PLA | plasminogen activator |
placebo | |
peripheral laser angioplasty | |
PLAC | placenta |
placebo | |
PLB | percutaneous liver biopsy |
primary lymphoma of bone | |
posterolateral branch | |
PLC | peripheral lymphocyte count |
primary liver cancer | |
pityriasis lichenoides chronica | |
PLD | Partial Lipodistrophy |
polycystic liver disease | |
posterior latissimus dorsi | |
PLE | polymorphic light eruption |
protein losing enteropathy | |
Panlobular emphysema | |
PLF | perilymphatic fistula |
prior level of function | |
peritoneal lavage fluid | |
pleural fluid | |
PLG | plasminogen |
PLH | Pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia |
PLIF | posterior lumbar interbody fusion |
PLK | posterior lamellar keratoplasty |
PLL | posterior longitudinal ligament |
primary lymphoma of the liver | |
PLM | periodic limb movement |
PLN | pelvic lymph node |
peripheral lymph node | |
PLO | perceives light only |
pluronic lecithin organogel | |
PLP | partial laryngopharyngectomy |
parathyroid hormone-like protein | |
PLR | pupillary light reflex |
positive likelihood ratio | |
PLS | phantom limb syndrome |
primary lateral sclerosis | |
perfusion lung scan | |
PLT | platelet(s) |
PLV | partial left ventriculectomy |
poliomyelitis live vaccine | |
PLX | plexus |
phalanx | |
PM | after noon |
postmortem | |
pacemaker | |
papillary muscles | |
polymyositis | |
poor metabolizer | |