Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
F | female |
Fahrenheit | |
fair | |
fluoride | |
father | |
factor | |
feces | |
fetal | |
finger | |
firm | |
flow | |
fellow | |
French | |
Friday | |
(F) | final |
FA | Fanconi anemia |
fatty acid | |
femoral artery | |
forearm | |
fetus active | |
first aid | |
folic acid | |
FAA | febrile antigen agglutination |
FAAH | fatty acid amide hydrolase |
FAAN | Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network |
FAB | Fragment antigen binding |
fastidious anaerobe broth | |
FABACs | fatty acid bile acid conjugates |
FABER | flexion, abduction, and external rotation |
FAC | ferrite ammonium citrate |
fractional area change | |
fractional area concentration | |
FAD | familial Alzheimer disease |
Flea Allergy Dermatitis | |
fetal abdominal diameter | |
fetal activity determination | |
FAE | fetal alcohol effect |
FAF | frequency-altered feedback |
FAGA | full-term appropriate for gestational age |
FAH | frostbite during acute hypoxia |
Functional adrenal hyperandrogenism | |
FAI | Functional Assessment Inventory |
FAK | focal adhesion kinase |
FAL | femoral arterial line |
FAM | family |
full allosteric modulators | |
FANA | fluorescent antinuclear antibody |
FANG | fluorescent angiography |
FAO | fatty acid oxidation |
FAP | Facility Admission Profile |
familial adenomatous polyposis | |
femoral artery pressure | |
FAQ | frequently asked questions |
FAR | frontal arousal rhythm |
FAS | fetal alcohol syndrome |
FAT | Fetal Activity Test |
fluorescent antibody test | |
food awareness training | |
FAV | facio-auricular vertebral |
FAZ | foveal avascular zone |
Fragmented atrial activity zone | |
FB | fasting blood |
finger breadth | |
flexible bronchoscope | |
foreign body | |
F/B | followed by |
forward/backward | |
forward bending | |
FBC | full blood count |
FBD | familial British dementia |
fibrocystic breast disease | |
functional bowel disease | |
FBF | forearm blood flow |
FBG | fasting blood glucose |
FBH | familial benign hypercalcemia |
FBI | flossing, brushing, and irrigation |
full bony impaction | |
FBL | fecal blood loss |
FBM | felbamate |
fetal breathing motion | |
foreign body, metallic | |
FBP | frontal bite plane |
FBRCM | fingerbreadth below right costal margin |
FBS | failed back syndrome |
fasting blood sugar | |
fetal bovine serum | |
foreign body sensation | |
FBW | fasting blood work |
FC | family care |
febrile convulsion | |
female child | |
fever, chills | |
film coated | |
finger clubbing | |
finger counting | |
flow compensation | |
follows commands | |
foster care | |
functional capacity | |
FCA | Federal False Claims Act |
femoral cortical allograft | |
fluconazole | |
follicular carcinoma | |
fracture, complete, angulated | |
F. cath. | Foley catheter |
FCBD | fibrocystic breast disease |
FCC | familial cerebral cavernoma |
familial colonic cancer | |
family centered care | |
femoral cerebral catheter | |
FCD | feces collection device |
fibrocystic disease | |
FCE | fluorouracil, cisplatin, and etoposide |
FCFD | fluorescence capillary-fill device |
FCH | familial combined hyperlipidemia |
FCI | fixed-cell immunofluorescence |
focal cerebral ischemia | |
food chemical intolerance | |
Functional Capacity Index | |
free cortisol index | |
FCL | fibular collateral ligament |
FCM | facial choreic movements |
flow cytometry | |
FCNV | fever, cough, nausea, and vomiting |
FCOU | finger count, both eyes |
FCP | fatigue crack propagation |
Fragmentation of the coronoid process | |
functional communication profile | |
fasting C-peptide | |
final common pathway | |
FCR | flexor carpi radialis |
fractional catabolic rate | |
FCS | fever, chills, and sweating |
FCT | fever-clearance time |
FCU | flexor carpi ulnaris |
Familial cold urticaria | |
first-catch urine | |
flexor carpi ulnaris muscle | |
FCV | feline calicivirus |
famciclovir | |
FD | fatal dose |
focal distance | |
familial dysautonomia | |
fetal demise | |
fetal distress | |
food diary | |
forceps delivery | |
Farber Disease | |
free drain | |
full denture | |
fully dilated | |
functional deficits | |
F & D | fixed and dilated |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FDB | first-degree burn |
FDC | familial dilated cardiomyopathy |
fixed-dose combination | |
FDE | fixed-drug eruption |
FDF | fast death factor |
fibre differentiation factor | |
fractional dimension filtering | |
FDG | feeding |
FDI | first dorsal interosseous |
food-drug interaction | |
FDL | flexor digitorum longus |
FDM | feline diabetes mellitus |
fetus of diabetic mother | |
FDP | fibrin-degradation products |
fixed-dose procedure | |
FDQB | flexor digiti quinti brevis |
FDR | first-dose reaction |
FDS | flexor digitorum superficialis |
for duration of stay | |
FDT | frequency-doubling technology |
FE | Fat emulsion |
field echo | |
frequency encode | |
Fe | female |
iron | |
F & E | full and equal |
FEB | febrile |
FEC | fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide |
faecal egg counts | |
FED | fish eye disease |
FEE | Far-Eastern equine encephalitis |
FEF | forced expiratory flow rate |
FEHBP | Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan |
FEL | familial erythrophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
FeLV | feline leukemia virus |
FEM | female |
femoral | |
femur | |
fetal eye movement | |
FERGs | focal electroretinograms |
FEN | fluid, electrolytes, and nutrition |
FEOM | full extraocular movements |
FEP | first-episode psychosis |
free erythrocyte porphyrins | |
FER | flexion, extension, and rotation |
ferritin | |
FES | Falls Efficacy Scale |
Family Environment Scale | |
fat embolism syndrome | |
floppy eyelid syndrome | |
FET | familial essential tremor |
frozen embryo transfer | |
FEU | fibrinogen equivalent units |
FEV | forced expiratory volume |
forced expired volume | |
familial exudative vitreoretinopathy | |
fever | |
FF | form factor |
fat free | |
fecal frequency | |
filtration fraction | |
force fluids | |
formula feeding | |
forward flexion | |
foster father | |
fundus firm | |
F/F | face-to-face |
F&F | friends and family |
FFA | free fatty acid |
fundus fluorescein angiogram | |
FFB | flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy |
FFCD | French Foundation for Digestive Cancerology |
FFD | fat-free diet |
FFE | free-flow electrophoresis |
FFF | field-flow fractionation |
freedom from failure | |
FFI | fast food intake |
fatal familial insomnia | |
FFL | flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy |
FFM | fat-free mass |
Five-Factor Model | |
five-finger movement | |
FFN | fetal fibronectin |
FFOV | functional field of view |
FFP | free from progression |
fresh frozen plasma | |
FFQ | food frequency questionnaire |
FFR | freedom from relapse |
FFS | failure-free survival |
fee-for-service | |
Fight For Sight | |
FFT | fast-Fourier transforms |
freshly frozen tissue | |
Functional Family Therapy | |
FG | fibrin glue |
fusiform gyrus | |
FGAs | first-generation antihistamines |
first-generation antipsychotics | |
FGC | familial gastric cancer |
female genital cutting | |
full gold crown | |
FGF | fibroblast growth factor |
FGID | functional gastrointestinal disorder |
FGM | female genital mutilation |
FGP | fundic gland polyps |
FGR | fetal growth restriction |
FGS | fibrogastroscopy |
FH | familial hypercholesterolemia |
family history | |
favorable histology | |
fetal head | |
fetal heart | |
fundal height | |
FH+ | family history positive |
FH- | family history negative |
FHA | filamentous hemagglutinin |
FHB | flexor hallucis brevis |
FHC | familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
FHD | family history of diabetes |
FHF | fulminant hepatic failure |
FHH | familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia |
FHI | fibrous hamartoma of infancy |
frontal horn index | |
FHL | flexor hallucis longus |
functional hearing loss | |
FHN | family history negative |
FHO | family history of obesity |
FHP | family history positive |
FHR | fetal heart rate |
FHS | fetal heart sounds |
fetal hydantoin syndrome | |
FHT | fetal heart tone |
FHVP | free hepatic vein pressure |
FHx | family history |
FI | fecal incontinence |
feeding intolerance | |
fiscal intermediary | |
FIA | familial intracranial aneurysms |
FIB | fibrillation |
fibrin | |
fiber | |
fibula | |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contributions Act |
FID | father in delivery |
free induction decay | |
FIESTA | fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition |
FIF | forced inspiratory flow |
FIGE | field inversion gel electrophoresis |
FIH | familial isolated hypoparathyroidism |
factor inhibiting HIF | |
fat-induced hyperglycemia | |
fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia | |
FIL | father-in-law |
fatty infiltration of the liver | |
FIM | functional independence measure |
FIN | flexible intramedullary nail |
FIP | feline infectious peritonitis |
flatus in progress | |
FIRI | fasting insulin resistance index |
FISH | fluorescent in situ hybridization |
FISP | fast imaging with steady state precision |
FIT | fecal immunochemical test |
FIV | feline immunodeficiency virus |
in vitro fertilization | |
FIX | factor IX |
FJN | familial juvenile nephrophthisis |
FJP | familial juvenile polyposis |
FJROM | full joint range of motion |
FJS | finger joint size |
FJV | first jejunal vein |
FKA | failed to keep appointment |
formally known as | |
FKE | full-knee extension |
FL | fatty liver |
femur length | |
fetal length | |
fluid | |
fluorescein | |
focal laser | |
focal length | |
full liquids | |
F/L | father-in-law |
FLA | feline major histocompatibility complex |
flagella | |
free-living amebic | |
FLACC | Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, and Consolability |
FLAG | fludarabine, ara-C, and G-CSF |
FLAIR | fluid-attenuated inversion recovery |
Fluid attenuation inversion recovery | |
FLC | follicular large cell lymphoma |
family life cycle | |
fatty liver cell | |
fibroblast-like cells | |
fetal liver cell | |
FLD | fatty liver disease |
fluid | |
FL Dtr | full lower denture |
FLE | frontal lobe epilepsy |
FLF | fulminant liver failure |
FLGA | full-term, large for gestational age |
FLIC | Functional Living Index-Cancer |
FLIE | Functional Living Index-Emesis |
FLM | fasciculus longitudinalis medialis |
fetal lung maturity | |
fl. oz. | fluid ounce |
FLP | fasting lipid profile |
FL REST | fluid restriction |
FLS | flow-limiting segment |
flu-like symptoms | |
fatty liver syndrome | |
fibroblast-like synoviocytes | |
fatty liver Shionogi | |
FLT | fetal liver transplantation |
fluorothymidine | |
FLU | influenza |
fluconazole | |
fludarabine | |
flunisolide | |
fluoxetine | |
FLV | Friend leukemia virus |
feline leukemia virus | |
fetal lung volume | |
fetal liver | |
FLW | fasting laboratory work |
FM | face mask |
fat mass | |
fetal movements | |
fibromyalgia | |
fine motor | |
foster mother | |
F & M | firm and midline |
FMC | fetal movement count |
fine motor coordination | |
FMD | family medical doctor |
fibromuscular dysplasia | |
flow-mediated dilatation | |
FME | full-mouth extraction |
FMF | familial Mediterranean fever |
fetal movement felt | |
FMG | fine mesh gauze |
foreign medical graduate | |
FMH | family medical history |
FmHx | family history |
FML | familial multiple lipomatosis |
FMN | first malignant neoplasm |
FMOA | full-mouth odontectomy and alveoloplasty |
FMP | fasting metabolic panel |
first menstrual period | |
FMR | fetal movement record |
fasting metabolic rate | |
focused medical review | |
FMS | full-mouth series |
F & MS | frontal and maxillary sinuses |
FMT | fluorescein meniscus time |
FMU | first morning urine |
FMV | flow-mediated vasodilation |
FMZ | flumazenil |
FN | false negative |
fecal nitrogen | |
flight nurse | |
facial nerve | |
ferritin | |
febrile neutropenia | |
femoral neck | |
finger-to-nose | |
FNA | femoral neck anteversion |
Fine Needle Aspiration | |
FNa | filtered sodium |
FNAB | fine-needle aspiration biopsy |
FNAC | fine-needle aspiratory cytology |
FNB | femoral nerve block |
fine needle biopsy | |
FNC | Family Nurse Clinician |
fatty nutritional cirrhosis | |
fine needle cytology | |
FND | fludarabine, mitoxantrone, and dexamethasone |
FNF | femoral-neck fracture |
false negative fraction | |
FNH | focal nodular hyperplasia |
FNMTC | familial nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma |
FNP | Family Nurse Practitioner |
facial nerve palsy | |
FNR | false-negative rate |
F/NS | fever and night sweats |
FNT | finger-to-nose |
false neurochemical transmitter | |
FO | foot orthosis |
foramen ovale | |
foreign object | |
FOB | father of baby |
fecal occult blood | |
feet out of bed | |
foot of bed | |
FOC | father of child |
fluid of choice | |
FOD | fixing right eye |
free of disease | |
FOF | fear of flying |
found on floor | |
FOG | fast oxidative glycolytic |
Freezing of Gait | |
FOH | family ocular history |
FOI | flight of ideas |
fiberoptic intubation | |
FOK | feeling-of-knowing |
FOL | fiberoptic laryngoscopy |
floor of mouth |
frequency of micturition | |
FONSI | finding no significant impact |
FOO | family of origin |
FOOB | fell out of bed |
FOP | fasting office profile |
FOS | full of stool |
fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy | |
fixing left eye | |
force of stream | |
FOT | forced oscillation technique |
form of thought | |
FOV | field of view |
FOZ | functional optical zone |
FP | fall precautions |
false positive | |
familial polyposis | |
Facial paralysis | |
family planning | |
family practice | |
family practitioner | |
flat plat | |
food poisoning | |
frozen plasma | |
F/P | fluid/plasma |
F-P | femoral popliteal |
FPA | fibrinopeptide A |
foot progression angle | |
FPAL | full term, premature, abortion, living |
FPB | femoral-popliteal bypass |
FPC | familial polyposis coli |
family practice center | |
FPD | fixed partial denture |
feto-pelvic disproportion | |
FPE | first-pass effect |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose |
FPHx | family psychiatric history |
FPIA | fluorescence-polarization immunoassay |
federal poverty level |
fasting plasma lipids | |
familial partial lipodystrophy | |
FPM | full passive movements |
ferroportin |
Family Practitioner Notice | |
FPO | fetal pulse oximetry |
FPPI | first postpacing interval |
FPU | family participation unit |
FPV | fowl plague virus |
feline parvovirus | |
femoropopliteal vein | |
fractional plasma volume | |
feline pseudoleukemia virus | |
fowlpox viruses | |
FPZ | fluphenazine |
FQ | fluoroquinolones |
frequency | |
FR | flow rate |
fluid resuscitation | |
father | |
Fracture | |
first responder | |
febrile reaction | |
fluid restriction | |
fluid retention | |
frothy | |
full range | |
FRA | fall risk assessment |
femoral ring allograft | |
FRAC | fracture |
FRACTS | fractional urines |
FRAG | fragment |
FRAG-X | Fragile X Syndrome |
FRAP | family risk assessment program |
FRC | frozen red cells |
functional residual capacity | |
FRE | flow-related enhancement |
FRF | filtration replacement fluid |
FRG | Functional Related Groups |
FRH | febrile-range hyperthermia |
FRJM | full range of joint movement |
FRN | fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma |
FROA | full range of affect |
FROM | full range of motion |
FRP | follicle regulatory protein |
functional refractory period | |
FRS | first-rank symptoms |
flexed, rotated, side-bent | |
FS | frozen section |
Fanconi syndrome | |
Fecal Smear | |
fecal streptococci | |
febrile seizures | |
Fibromyalgia syndrome | |
finger stick | |
fracture site | |
fracture strength | |
full strength | |
functional system | |
F & S | full and soft |
FSA | Family Services Association |
FSB | fetal scalp blood |
full spine board | |
FSC | Fatigue Symptom Checklist |
Forensic Science Center | |
fracture, simple, and comminuted | |
FSD | female sexual dysfunction |
focal-skin distance | |
fracture, simple, and depressed | |
FSE | fast spin-echo |
fetal scalp electrode | |
FSF | fibrin stabilizing factor |
FSG | fasting serum glucose |
FSH | follicle-stimulating hormone |
FSIQ | Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient |
FSL | fasting serum level |
FSM | functional status measures |
FSO | flaxseed oil |
frontal sinus obliteration | |
FSP | Family Service Plan |
FSR | fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery |
FSS | Fatigue Severity Scale |
fetal scalp sampling | |
FST | fever subsidence time |
field sobriety test | |
finger skin temperature | |
foam stability test | |
FSW | feet of sea water |
field service worker | |
FT | full term |
family therapy | |
fast twitch | |
fibrous tissue | |
free testosterone | |
Function Test | |
facial twitching | |
fallopian tube | |
Fallot tetralogy | |
false transmitter | |
Familial thrombocytosis | |
fat tissue | |
femur-tibia | |
ferritin | |
foot | |
feeding tube | |
FTA | femorotibial angle |
FTB | fingertip blood |
FTC | fallopian tube carcinoma |
follicular thyroid carcinoma | |
FTD | failure to descend |
full-term delivery | |
FTE | Full-time Equivalency |
free testosterone | |
full-time equivalents | |
FTF | fetoprotein transcription factor |
finger-to-finger | |
FTG | full-thickness graft |
F TIP | finger tip |
FTMS | Fourier-transform mass spectrometer |
FTN | finger-to-nose |
full-term nursery | |
FTO | full-time occlusion |
FTP | failure to progress |
full-term pregnancy | |
FTR | father |
failed to report | |
failed to respond | |
for the record | |
FTSD | full-term spontaneous delivery |
FTT | failure to thrive |
fat tolerance test | |
fetal tissue transplant | |
FTUBE | feeding tube |
FTV | fetal thrombotic vasculopathy |
functional trial visit | |
FU | Follow Up |
fecal urobilinogen | |
fluorouracil | |
fraction unbound | |
F/U | follow-up |
FUB | functional uterine bleeding |
FUCO | fractional uptake of carbon monoxide |
FUD | fear, uncertainty, and doubt |
frequency, urgency, and dysuria | |
full upper denture | |
FUFA | fluorouracil and leucovorin |
FUL | federal upper limit |
FUN | follow-up note |
FUO | fever of undetermined origin |
FUP | follow-up |
FUS | fusion |
FUT | fibrinogen update test |
FUV | follow-up visit |
FV | femoral vein |
F & V | fruits and vegetables |
FVBG | free vascularized bone graft |
FVC | false vocal cord |
FVD | fever, vomiting, and diarrhea |
FVFR | filled voiding flow rate |
FVH | focal vascular headache |
FVL | femoral vein ligation |
flow volume loop | |
functional visual loss | |
FVM | fetal ventriculomegaly |
FVP | foot venous pressure |
FVR | feline viral rhinotracheitis |
forearm vascular resistance | |
FW | fetal weight |
F/W | followed with |
F waves | fibrillatory waves |
FVWS | flow-velocity waveforms |
FWB | fetal well-being |
free water bolus | |
fresh whole blood | |
full-weight bearing | |
functional well-being | |
FWCA | functional work capacity assessment |
FWD | fairly well developed |
FWHM | full-width at half maximum |
FWS | fast wave sleep |
fastest walking speed | |
free water surface | |
FWW | front-wheel walker |
FX | fractional urine |
Factor-X | |
fracture | |
Fx-BB | fracture both bones |
FXS | fragile X syndrome |
FY | fiscal year |
full year | |
FYI | for your information |
FZ | fetal zone |
Focal zone | |
FZRC | frozen red cells |