Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
SO | salpingo-oophorectomy |
sex offender | |
shoulder orthosis | |
superior oblique | |
standing orders | |
second opinion | |
SOA | seen on arrival |
serum opsonic activity | |
symptoms of asthma | |
swelling of ankles | |
SOB | shortness of breath |
SOC | Stages of Change |
standard of care | |
Sense of Coherence scale | |
state of consciousness | |
SOD | sphincter of Oddi |
sinovenous occlusive disease (intracranial) | |
Statement of Deficiency | |
Sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia | |
SODA | Severity of Dyspepsia Assessment |
SOFA | Sequential Organ Failure Assessment |
sepsis-related organ failure assessment | |
SOH | sympathetic orthostatic hypotension |
SOI | severity of illness |
slipped on ice | |
SOL | solution / soluble |
sleep onset latency | |
signs of life | |
space-occupying lesion(s) | |
SOM | secretory otitis media |
superior oblique muscle | |
somatotropin / somatostatin | |
SONA | sonogram |
SOOL | spontaneous onset of labor |
SOP | Scope of Practice |
sensory organ precursor | |
standard operating procedure | |
SOR | Standards, Options and Recommandations |
stratified odds ratio | |
suppurative otitis, recurrent | |
SOS | Stent or Surgery |
if necessary | |
stimulation of senses | |
SOT | solid organ transplant |
sacro-occipital technique | |
squamous odontogenic tumor | |
SP | standard procedure/practice |
standardized patient | |
Sleep Paralysis | |
sequential pulse | |
soft palate | |
serum protein | |
saturation pressure | |
species | |
systolic pressure | |
S/P | status post |
SPA | salt-poor albumin |
spondyloarthropathy | |
scintillation proximity assay | |
small pulmonary artery | |
subperiosteal abscess | |
SPBI | serum protein bound iodine |
SPC | single point cane |
second primary cancer | |
salivary protein complex | |
SPD | Schizotypal personality disorder |
storage pool deficiency | |
sterile processing department | |
Severe personality disorder | |
sociopathic personality disorder | |
spasmodic | |
SPE | Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin |
serum protein electrophoresis | |
severe preeclampsia | |
Standardized Practical Equipment | |
SPF | Sun Protection Factor |
Specific Pathogen Free | |
S-phase fraction | |
standard perfusion fluid | |
SPG | Specific gravity |
splenoportography | |
sponge | |
spastic paraplegia | |
SPH | spheroid |
severely and profoundly handicapped | |
secondary pulmonary hypertension | |
SPI | subclinical papillomavirus infection |
selective protein index | |
Self-Perception Inventory | |
Standardized Psychiatric Interview | |
SPK | superficial punctate keratopathy |
simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation |
SPL | serum prolactin level |
splanchnic | |
superior parietal lobule | |
spontaneous lesion | |
SPM | Statistical parametric mapping |
salpingopharyngeus muscle | |
second primary malignancies | |
shocks per minute | |
SPN | solitary pulmonary nodule |
Second primary neoplasms | |
sympathetic preganglionic neuron | |
superficial peroneal nerve | |
Streptococcus pneumoniae | |
spontaneous nystagmus | |
SPP | species |
suprapubic prostatectomy | |
skin perfusion pressure | |
SPQ | Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire |
SPR | Sprain |
skin potential reflex | |
scanned projection radiography | |
spectroscopy | |
SPS | Social Phobia Scale |
simple partial seizure | |
Suicide Probability Scale | |
sodium polystyrene sulfonate | |
status post surgery | |
shoulder pain and stiffness | |
SPT | spontaneous pneumothorax |
sleep period time | |
second primary tumor | |
skin prick test | |
spinal tap | |
SPU | short procedure unit |
SQ | subcutaneous |
Symptom Questionnaire | |
squamous cell carcinoma | |
squamous | |
Sleep quality | |
SSQM | Squamous metaplasia |
SQUID | ssuperconductive quantum interference device |
SQV | saquinavir |
SR | sinus rhythm |
sedimentation rate | |
secretion rate | |
strontium | |
systemic resistance | |
sustained release | |
SRA | serum renin activity |
serotonin release assay | |
SRC | Sarcomatoid renal carcinoma |
spontaneous rhythmic contractions | |
scleroderma renal crisis | |
SRD | serous retinal detachment |
service-related disability | |
substance-related disorder | |
SRE | Schedule of Recent Events |
skeletal-related events | |
SRF | skin reactive factor |
severe renal failure | |
somatotropin releasing factor | |
SRH | stigmata of recent hemorrhage |
signs of recent hemorrhage | |
single radial hemolysis | |
sexual and reproductive health | |
SRI | serotonin reuptake inhibitor |
severe renal insufficiency | |
SRM | spontaneous rupture of membranes |
standardized response mean | |
superior rectus muscle | |
SRP | scaling and root planing |
SRR | standardized rate ratio |
surgical recovery room | |
skin resistance response | |
SRS | sex reassignment surgery |
slow reacting substance | |
schizophrenic residual state | |
Silver-Russell syndrome | |
SRT | sedimentation rate test |
simple reaction time | |
Speech recognition threshold | |
Symptom Rating Test | |
SRU | Stroke Rehabilitation Unit |
side rails up | |
SS | Single-Strength |
signs and symptoms | |
Sliding Scale | |
saline solution | |
standard score | |
seizure-sensitive | |
short stature | |
one-half | |
SSA | skin sympathetic activity |
skin-sensitizing antibody | |
social security act | |
SSBP | sitting systolic blood pressure |
SSC | systemic sclerosis |
skin-to-skin contact | |
Size, shape and consistency | |
Squamous cell carcinoma | |
SSD | silver sulfadiazine cream |
Social Security Disability | |
source-skin distance | |
Single Sided Deafness | |
SSE | soap suds enema |
skin self-examination | |
subacute spongiform encephalopathy | |
SSF | subscapular skinfold thickness |
SSG | split skin graft |
sublabial salivary gland | |
SSHL | sensorineural hearing loss |
SSI | sliding scale insulin |
severity score index | |
sensitivity index | |
strength-strain index | |
surgical site infection | |
SSKI | saturated solution of potassium iodide |
SSL | second stage of labor |
simulated sunlight | |
steady-state levels | |
sufficient sleep | |
SSM | superficial spreading melanoma |
skin-sparing mastectomy | |
SSN | suprasternal notch |
sensory neuropathy | |
Severely subnormal | |
SSO | short stay observation |
Society of Surgical Oncology | |
SSP | sequence-specific primer |
schedule for Schizotypal Personalities | |
short stay procedure | |
spontaneous pneumothorax | |
Scales of Personality | |
SSQ | social support questionnaire |
SSR | steady state response |
sympathetic skin response | |
spontaneous respiratory rate | |
SSS | sick sinus syndrome |
Sepsis Severity Score | |
subclavian steal syndrome | |
Septic Severity Score | |
sterile saline soak | |
Sleepiness Scale | |
SST | Sclerosing stromal tumor |
serum separator tube | |
skin and soft tissue | |
SSU | short stay unit |
sterile supply unit | |
S/SX | signs/symptoms |
ST | sinus tachycardia |
skin temperature | |
standard treatment | |
street | |
skin test | |
sore throat | |
speech therapist | |
sclerotherapy | |
surface tension | |
STA | superficial temporal artery |
second trimester abortion | |
spike-triggered averaging | |
standard tube agglutination | |
STAT | immediately / at once / medical emergency |
STB | stillborn |
STC | serum total cholesterol |
specialized treatment center | |
soft tissure calcification | |
stroke treatment center | |
slow transit constipation | |
STD | sexually transmitted disease |
short-term disability | |
standard deviation | |
STE | ST-segment elevation |
STF | Serum thymic factor |
special tube feeding | |
slip, trip and fall | |
STG | superior temporal gyrus |
serum triglycerides | |
short-term goals | |
STH | somatotropic hormone |
soft tissue hemorrhage | |
short-term habituation | |
STI | sexually transmitted infection |
soft tissue injury | |
STL | Stereolithography |
serum testosterone level | |
STM | scanning tunneling microscope |
Salmonella typhimurium | |
short-term memory | |
STN | Salmonella enterotoxin |
solitary thyroid nodules | |
STP | Standard temperature and pulse |
short-term potentiation | |
STR | scotopic threshold response |
stroke | |
short tandem repeat | |
Systolic Time Ratio | |
STS | serologic test for syphilis |
side-to-side | |
short-term survivors | |
soft tissue swelling | |
soft tissue sarcoma | |
soft tissue swelling | |
STT | short term test |
Schirmer tear test | |
soft tissue tumor | |
scapho-trapezio-trapezoid | |
skin temperature test | |
STV | short-term variability |
spontaneous tidal volume | |
STX | stricture |
SU | sulfonamide / sulfonylurea |
stasis ulcer | |
stroke unit | |
SUA | serum uric acid |
single umbilical artery | |
SUD | substance use disorder |
sudden unexpected death | |
SUI | stress urinary incontinence |
SUN | serum urea nitrogen |
SUO | syncope of unknown origin |
SUP | stress ulcer prophylaxis |
superficial | |
supine position | |
suppuration | |
supination | |
SUPP | suppository |
SUR | standard uptake ratio |
survival | |
SUSP | suspension |
SUV | standard uptake value |
SUX | succinylcholine |
SUZI | subzonal injection |
SV | stroke volume |
seminal vesicles | |
saphenous vein | |
sigmoid volvulus | |
single ventricle | |
single vessel | |
saphenous veins | |
SVA | sagittal vertical axis |
supraventricular arrhythmia | |
SVB | saphenous vein bypass |
SVC | slow vital capacity |
superior vena cava | |
SVD | Small/single vessel disease |
structural valve degeneration | |
spontaneous vaginal delivery | |
SVE | sterile vaginal examination |
stroke volume echo | |
saline volume expansion | |
SVG | saphenous vein graft |
SVH | subjective visual horizontal |
saphenous vein harvesting | |
SVI | stroke volume index |
severely visually impaired | |
seminal vesicle invasion | |
SVL | superficial vastus lateralis |
SVN | small-volume nebulizer |
SVO | small vessel occlusion |
splenic vein occlusion | |
SVP | small volume parenteral |
systemic venous pressure | |
SVR | systemic vascular resistance |
stroke volume ratio | |
supraventricular rhythm | |
SVT | Supraventricular Tachycardia |
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia | |
subclavian vein thrombosis | |
SVZ | subventricular zone |
SW | Social Worker |
sterile water | |
shock wave | |
stab wound | |
SWD | short wave diathermy |
SWFI | sterile water of injection |
SWL | shock wave lithotripsy |
Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats (involved in a project or in a business venture) |
SWS | social work service |
slow-wave sleep | |
sex workers | |
Sturge-Weber syndrome (encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis) | |
steroid-wasting syndrome | |
SWT | systolic wall thickening |
SWU | septic work-up |
SX | symptoms |
signs | |
surgery | |
SXA | single-energy x-ray absorptiometry |
SXR | skull x-ray |
steroid and xenobiotic receptor | |
SYN | synovial |
synergistic | |
synapse | |
syndrome | |
SYPH | syphilis |
SZ | schizophrenia |
seizure | |