Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
I | impression |
Iodine | |
Intermediate | |
incontinent | |
independent | |
initial | |
iris | |
immune | |
IA | intra arterial |
immune adherence | |
infantile autism | |
intermittent auscultation | |
intra-amniotic | |
intra-arterial | |
intra-articular | |
I & A | irrigation and aspiration |
IAA | ileoanal anastomosis |
insulin autoantibodies | |
interrupted aortic arch | |
IAAA | inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms |
IAAT | intrabdominal adipose tissue |
IAB | incomplete abortion |
induced abortion | |
IAC | internal auditory canal |
IAD | intra-aortic counterpulsation |
implantable atrial defibrillator | |
IAF | intra-abdominal fat |
IAG | International Association of Gerontologists |
indolyl-3-acryloylglycine | |
IAHA | immune adherence hemagglutination |
IAI | intra-abdominal infection |
intra-abdominal injury | |
IALD | instrumental activities of daily living |
IAM | internal auditory meatus |
IAN | inferior alveolar nerve |
IAO | immediately after onset |
intermittent aortic occlusion | |
IAP | intra-abdominal pressure |
IAQ | indoor air quality |
IAS | idiopathic ankylosing spondylitis |
IAT | immunoaugmentive therapy |
indirect antiglobulin test | |
IAV | intrinsic atrioventricular conduction |
IB | ileal bypass |
insulin-receptor binding test | |
isolation bed | |
IBIA | Interntional Brain Injury Association |
interferon beta-Ia | |
IBAM | idiopathic bile acid malabsorption |
IBBB | intra-blood-brain barrier |
IBC | invasive bladder cancer |
iron binding capacity | |
IBD | Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
infectious bursal disease | |
IBE | individual bioequivalence |
intrahepatic biliary epithelial | |
IBG | iliac bone graft |
IBI | intermittent bladder irrigation |
IBILI | indirect bilirubin |
IBM | inclusion body myositis |
ideal body mass (index of body mass) | |
IBNR | incurred but not reported |
IBP | ibuprofen |
IBR | immediate breast reconstruction |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome |
IBT | ink blot test |
immune-based therapy | |
IBU | ibuprofen |
inflammatory back pain | |
invasive blood pressure | |
iron binding protein | |
IBW | ideal body weight |
IC | inspiratory capacity |
immune complex | |
inorganic carbon | |
iliac crest | |
intensive care | |
incomplete | |
intermediate care | |
interstitial changes | |
intracerebral | |
irritable colon | |
between meals | |
ICA | internal carotid artery |
intermediate care area | |
ileocolic anastomosis | |
intracranial abscess | |
ICa | calcium, ionized |
ICAD | internal carotid artery dissection |
intracranial atherosclerotic disease | |
ICAM | intracellular adhesion molecule |
ICAO | internal carotid artery occlusion |
ICAS | intermediate coronary artery syndrome |
ICAT | isotope-coded affinity tagging |
infant cardiac arrest tray | |
ICB | intracranial bleeding |
ICC | intensive coronary care |
invasive cervical cancer | |
idiopathic chronic cough | |
immunocytochemistry | |
ICD | implantable cardioverter defibrillator |
informed consent document | |
instantaneous cardiac death | |
irritant contact dermatitis | |
ICE | ice, compression, and elevation |
+ice | add ice |
ICF | intermediate care facility |
intracellular fluid | |
ICG | Initiative for Chemical Genetics |
idiopathic collapsing glomerulopathy | |
impedance cardiogram | |
impedance cardiography | |
ICH | immunocompromised host |
intracerebral hemorrhage | |
intracranial hemorrhage | |
ICI | intracranial injury |
ICL | intracorneal lens |
ICM | intercostal margin |
intercostal muscle | |
ischemic cardiomyopathy | |
ICN | infection control nurse |
intensive care nursery | |
ICP | inductively coupled plasma |
intercostal position | |
intracranial pressure | |
ICR | Individual Case Review |
Institute for Cancer Research | |
iliac crests | |
intercaudate nucleus ratio | |
ICS | ileocecal sphincter |
ICT | icterus |
intensive conventional therapy | |
intracranial tumor | |
ICU | intensive care unit |
intermediate care unit | |
ICV | internal cerebral vein |
ileocecal valve | |
ileocolic vein | |
intracerebroventricular | |
ICW | in connection with |
intact canal wall | |
intercellular water | |
ID | identification |
identify | |
idiotype | |
immunodiffusion | |
induction delivery | |
initial diagnosis | |
initial dose | |
intradermal | |
iron deficiency | |
I & D | incision and debridement |
incision and drainage | |
IDA | iron deficiency anemia |
idamycin; idarubicin | |
IDAM | infant of drug abusing mother |
IDB | inferior dental block |
incomplete database | |
IDC | idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy |
IDD | insulin-dependent diabetes |
intervertebral disk disease | |
I/DD | intellectual and developmental disabilities |
IDDM | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
IDE | Investigational Device Exemption |
insulin-degrading enzyme | |
inner dental epithelial | |
IDH | Infectious Diseases Hospital |
intervertebral disc herniation | |
intradialytic hypotension | |
isocitrate dehydrogenase | |
IDI | Interpersonal Dependency Inventory |
intrathecal drug infusion | |
IDK | internal derangement of knee |
IDL | intermediate-density lipoprotein |
IDM | infant of a diabetic mother |
IDNA | iron-deficient, not anemic |
IDO | idiopathic detrusor overactivity |
IDP | initiate discharge planning |
IDR | Idarubicin |
immunodeficiency Resource | |
indermal reaction | |
idiosyncratic drug reaction | |
IDS | infectious disease service |
IDT | intensive diabetes treatment |
IDU | idoxuridine |
injection drug user | |
intravenous drug user | |
illicit drug use | |
IDV | Indinavir |
initial distribution volume | |
IE | immunoelectrophoresis |
induced emesis | |
infectious enteritis | |
inner ear | |
I & E | ingress and egress |
internal and external | |
IEC | independent ethics committee |
inpatient exercise center | |
IED | immune-enchancing diet |
IEED | involuntary emotional expression disorder |
IEF | International Eye Foundation |
incontinence episode frequency | |
isoelectric focusing | |
IEH | involuntary emergency hospitalization |
IEI | idiopathic environmental intolerance |
IEL | internal elastic lamina |
IEM | immune electron microscopy |
IEN | intraepithelial neoplasia |
IEP | idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonia |
I:E ratio | inspiratory to expiratory time ratio |
IES | Impact of Events Scale |
infected erythrocytes | |
inferior esophageal sphincter | |
inspiratory effort sensation | |
IF | I factor |
impact factor | |
internal fixation | |
interstitial fluid | |
idiopathic flushing | |
intrinsic factor | |
IFA | immunofluorescent assay |
iron and folic acid | |
IFAT | immunofluorescence antibody test |
IFC | inferior frontal cortex |
interferential current | |
intracellular free calcium | |
IFE | immunofixation electrophoresis |
IFG | impaired fasting glucose |
IFI | invasive fungal infection |
IFL | indolent follicular lymphoma |
IFN | interferon |
IFO | ifosfamide |
in front of | |
IFOP | infrared fiber-optic probe |
IFOS | ifosfamide |
IFP | inflammatory fibroid polyps |
IFRT | involved-field radiotherapy |
IFSAC | Inventory of Functional Status After Childbirth |
IFSE | internal fetal scalp electrode |
IFSP | individualized family service plan |
IgA | immunoglobulin A |
infantile genetic agranulocytosis | |
IGCS | inpatient geriatric consultation services |
IgD | immunoglobulin D |
IGDE | idiopathic gait disorders of the elderly |
IGDM | infant of gestational diabetic mother |
IGE | idiopathic generalized epilepsy |
impaired gas exchange | |
infantile gastroenteritis | |
IgE | immunoglobulin E |
IGFA | indocyanine-green fundus angiography |
IgG | immunoglobulin G |
IGHL | inferior glenohumeral ligament |
IGI | image guided implantology |
IgM | immunoglobulin M |
IGP | interstitial glycoprotein |
IGR | intrauterine growth retardation |
IGT | impaired glucose tolerance |
IH | inguinal hernia |
infectious hepatitis | |
indirect hemagglutination | |
idiopathic hypercalciuria | |
idiopathic hypersomnia | |
immediate hypersensitivity | |
in hospital | |
IHA | immune hemolytic anemia |
intrahepatic arterial | |
IHC | idiopathic hypercalciuria |
immobilization hypercalcemia | |
immunohistochemistry | |
IHD | ischemic heart disease |
intrahepatic duct | |
intermittent hemodialysis | |
IHES | idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome |
IHGK | immortalized human gingival keratinocytes |
IHH | idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism |
intermittent hypercapnic hypoxia | |
IHI | Institute for Healthcare Improvement |
IHO | idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy |
IHP | idiopathic hypoparathyroidism |
inverted hand position | |
isolated hepatic perfusion | |
idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis | |
IHR | inguinal hernia repair |
intrinsic heart rate | |
IHS | integrated healthcare system |
Idiopathic Headache Score | |
IHT | insulin hypoglycemia test |
IHU | inpatient hospice unit |
IHW | inner-heel wedge |
II | Image Intensification |
insulin index | |
internal iliac | |
ILA | internal iliac artery |
ILCP | increased intracranial pressure |
IICU | infant intensive care unit |
IID | Insulin dependent diabetes |
infectious intestinal disease | |
IJ | ileojejunal |
internal jugular | |
I & J | insight and judgment |
IJC | internal jugular catheter |
IJD | inflammatory joint disease |
IJO | idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis |
IJP | internal jugular pressure |
IJR | idiojunctional rhythm |
IJT | idiojunctional tachycardia |
IJV | internal jugular vein |
IK | immobilized knee |
interstitial keratitis | |
IL | immature lungs |
ILA | insulin-like activity |
indirect latex agglutination | |
inferior lateral angle | |
ILB | incidental Lewy body |
ILC | interstitial laser coagulation |
invasive lobular cancer | |
ILD | immature lung disease |
interstitial lung disease | |
ILE | intravenous lipid emulsion |
infantile lobar emphysema | |
ILF | indicated low forceps |
ILI | influenza-like illness |
ILM | internal limiting membrane |
intubating laryngeal mask | |
ILP | independent living program |
isolated limb perfusion | |
ILR | implantable loop recorder |
ILS | intermittent light stimulation |
idiopathic leucine sensitivity | |
idiopathic lymphadenopathy syndrome | |
increased life span | |
ILT | interstitial laser therapy |
ILVEN | inflammatory linear verrucal epidermal nevus |
IM | ice massage |
infectious mononucleosis | |
intermetatarsal | |
internal medicine | |
IMA | inferior mesenteric artery |
IMB | intermenstrual bleeding |
IMC | intermittent catheterization |
intramedullary catheter | |
IMDs | inherited metabolic disorders |
IME | important medical event |
independent medical examination | |
IMF | idiopathic myelofibrosis |
IMG | internal medicine group |
IMH | idiopathic myocardial hypertrophy |
IMI | imipramine |
inferior myocardial infarction | |
impending myocardial infarction | |
intramuscular injection | |
IMIG | intramuscular immunoglobulin |
IMLC | incomplete mitral leaflet closure |
IMM | inner mitochondrial membrane |
immobilization | |
immobilized | |
immunity | |
immunizations | |
IMN | idiopathic membranous nephropathy |
IMP | Impression |
imipenem | |
impacted | |
idiopathic myeloid proliferation | |
IMR | infant mortality rate |
IMS | immunosuppressants |
inflammatory myopathies | |
involuntary movements | |
IMT | inspiratory muscle training |
intimal medial thickness | |
IMU | intermediate medicine unit |
IMV | inferior mesenteric vein |
IN | index |
interstitial nephritis | |
Intranasal | |
insulin | |
indium | |
INAD | infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy |
in no apparent distress | |
INB | intercostal nerve blockade |
INC | incisal |
incision | |
incontinent | |
increase | |
IND | Investigational New Drug |
Independent | |
incision and drainage | |
Indomethacin | |
Induction | |
indinavir | |
induced | |
INE | infantile necrotizing encephalomyelopathy |
inebriated | |
INF | infant |
infarction | |
infected | |
infection | |
infused | |
infusion | |
ING | inhibitor of growth |
inguinal | |
INH | inhalation |
inj | injection |
injury | |
INK | injury not known |
INO | inhaled nitrous oxide |
inpt | inpatient |
INQ | Index of Nutritional Quality |
inquiry mode questionnaire | |
inferior nasal quadrant | |
INR | international normalized ratio |
INS | Infusion Nurses Society |
insulin | |
Insertion | |
insurance | |
idiopathic nephrotic syndrome | |
in situ | in the natural or normal place |
INT | intermittent |
internal | |
intact | |
intestinal | |
International | |
intermittent needle therapy | |
INTERP | interpretation |
INV | Inini virus |
inversion | |
inverse | |
inferior nasal vein | |
IO | inferior oblique |
initial opening | |
intestinal obstruction | |
intraocular pressure | |
I & O | intake and output |
IOA | indicators of abuse |
intact on admission | |
inner optic anlage | |
institute on Aging | |
IOC | intern on call |
IOD | implant-supported overdenture |
integrated optical density | |
interorbital distance | |
IOF | intraocular fluid |
IOH | idiopathic orthostatic hypotension |
IOI | idiopathic orbital inflammation |
IOL | induction of labor |
intraocular lens | |
intraocular lymphoma | |
IOM | Institute of Medicine |
intraoperative monitoring | |
ION | ischemic optic neuropathy |
IOOA | inferior oblique overaction |
IOP | intensive outpatient program |
intraocular pressure | |
intraosseous puncture | |
IOR | immature oocyte retrieval |
IOS | infant observation scale |
inspiratory off-switching | |
intraoperative sonography | |
IOT | intraocular tension |
IOUS | intraocular ultrasound |
IOV | inside-out vesicle |
initial office visit | |
IP | interphalangeal |
intraperitoneal | |
imaging plate | |
induction period | |
inpatient | |
ice pack | |
invasive procedure | |
individualized plan | |
incubation period | |
I/P | iris/pupil |
IPA | Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis |
independent practice association | |
idiopathic pulmonary arteriosclerosis | |
IPB | initial pulmonary burden |
injury-prone behavior | |
interpleural block | |
infrapopliteal bypass | |
IPC | Intermittent pneumatic compression |
IFN-alpha producing cells | |
impression cytology | |
inferior parietal cortex | |
indirect pulp cavity | |
IPD | idiopathic Parkinson disease |
inflammatory pelvic disease | |
intermittent peritoneal dialysis | |
IPF | idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
inpatient psychiatric facility | |
IPG | immobilized pH gradient |
IPH | idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis |
interphalangeal | |
IPI | International Prognostic Index |
IPJ | interphalangeal joint |
IPK | intractable plantar keratosis |
IPL | intense pulsed light |
inferior parietal lobe | |
IPM | intranodal-palisaded myofibroblastoma |
IPN | infantile periarteritis nodosa |
interstitial pneumonia | |
IPOF | immediate postoperative fitting |
IPOP | immediate postoperative prosthesis |
IPP | inflatable penile prosthesis |
intrapleual pressure | |
IPPA | inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation |
IPPB | intermittent positive-pressure breathing |
IPPE | initial preventive physical examination |
IPPF | immediate postoperative prosthetic fitting |
IPPI | interruption of pregnancy for psychiatric indication |
Immediate postplacental insertion | |
Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization | |
IPPV | intermittent positive pressure ventilation |
IPS | idiopathic pneumonia syndrome |
IPT | Isoniazid preventive therapy |
immediate patch test | |
immunoperoxidase technique | |
intended primary treatment | |
IPV | Infectious pustular vulvovaginitis |
inactivated poliovirus vaccine | |
IPW | interphalangeal width |
IQ | intelligence quotient |
IQR | interquartile range |
IR | immediate-release |
immunoreactive | |
inferior rectus | |
infrared | |
insulin resistance | |
internal reduction | |
I & R | insertion and removal |
IRA | infarct-related artery |
IRB | Institutional Review Board |
IRC | Indirect radionuclide cystography |
inactive renin concentration | |
IRD | immune renal disease |
IRE | internal rotation in extension |
IRF | impaired renal function |
inpatient rehabilitation facilities | |
internal rotation in flexion | |
IRH | idiopathic reactive hypoglycemia |
Institute for Reproductive Health | |
intraretinal hemorrhage | |
IRI | immunoreactive insulin |
IRM | insect resistance management |
idiopathic recurrent miscarriage | |
immediate-release morphine | |
immunoreactive material | |
IRN | iterated rippled noise |
IRNS | intercostal repetitive nerve stimulation |
IROS | intracellular reactive oxygen species |
ipsilateral routing of signals | |
IRP | intellectual property rights |
IRR | infrared radiation |
incidence rate ratio | |
intrarenal reflux | |
irreg | irregular |
IRS | insulin receptor substrate |
insulin-resistance syndrome | |
IRT | immunoreactive trypsin |
IRV | inspiratory reserve volume |
inverse ratio ventilation | |
IS | intercostal space |
international standards | |
ileal segment | |
immune serum | |
in situ | |
incentive spirometer | |
induced sputum | |
I & S | intact and symmetrical |
ISA | intrinsic sympathomimetic activity |
immunosuppressive activity | |
impaired self-awareness | |
ileosigmoid anastomosis | |
ISADH | inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone |
ISAM | infant of substance abusing mother |
ISB | incentive spirometry breathing |
ISC | carcinoma in situ |
infant servo-control | |
infant skin control | |
intermittent self-catheterization | |
ISD | inhibited sexual desire |
initial sleep disturbance | |
internal scalp electrode inhibited sexual excitement |
ISF | interstitial fluid |
ISG | immune serum globulin |
ISH | isolated systolic hypertension |
ISI | Insulin Sensitivity Index |
ISK | ileosigmoid knot |
irritated seborrheic keratosis | |
ISMA | infantile spinal muscular atrophy |
ISNA | iron-sufficient, not anemic |
ISO | Inside-out |
International Organization for Standardization | |
ISP | isoproterenol |
ice structuring protein | |
idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax | |
inferior spermatic plexus | |
ISQ | implant stability quotient |
ISR | injection site reaction |
ISS | idiopathic short stature |
Injury Severity Score | |
irritable stomach syndrome | |
IST | immunosuppressive therapy |
inappropriate sinus tachycardia | |
insulin shock therapy | |
ISU | intermediate surgical unit |
ISW | interstitial water |
IT | Intrathecal |
individual therapy | |
inhalation therapy | |
intensive therapy | |
interdisciplinary Team | |
intradermal test | |
idiopathic thrombocythemia | |
iliotibial | |
immature teratoma | |
immobility time | |
immune Tolerance | |
ITA | individual treatment assessment |
ITB | iliotibial band |
ITC | Incontinence Treatment Center |
isothermal titration calorimetry | |
inferior temporal cortex | |
ITD | impedance threshold device |
ITE | insufficient therapeutic effect |
in-the-ear | |
ITF | inpatient treatment facility |
IITN | idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia |
Immune Tolerance Network | |
insecticide-treated bed net | |
ITOC | intratracheal oxygen catheter |
ITP | idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
ITQ | inferior temporal quadrant |
ITR | intertrigeminal region |
intraocular tension recorder | |
inverted terminal repetition | |
isolated testicular relapse | |
isotretinoin | |
ITS | intelligent testing strategies |
ITT | identical twins together |
insulin tolerance test | |
intention-to-treat | |
ITU | infant-toddler unit |
intensive therapy unit | |
intensive treatment unit | |
ITVAD | indwelling transcutaneous vascular access device |
ITZ | itraconazole |
IUBT | intrauterine blood transfusion |
IUC | idiopathic ulcerative colitis |
intrauterine catheter | |
IUD | intrauterine death |
intrauterine device | |
IUFB | intrauterine foreign body |
IUGR | intrauterine growth retardation |
IUI | intrauterine insemination |
IULN | institutional upper limit of normal |
IUP | intrauterine pregnancy |
IUR | intrauterine retardation |
IUS | Intermediate Units |
intraoperative ultrasonography | |
intrauterine drug delivery system | |
intrauterine system | |
IUT | intersection-union test |
intrauterine transfusion | |
IUTD | immunizations up to date |
IV | intravenous |
in vitro | |
influenza virus | |
Interstitial volume | |
interventricular | |
intervertebral | |
intravaginal | |
intravascular | |
intravenous bolus | |
intravenous catheter | |
intravertebral | |
IVA | initial visual acuity |
interpretative value analysis | |
intervertebral angle | |
IVBAT | intravascular bronchoalveolar tumor |
IVC | inferior vena cava |
intravenous chemotherapy | |
intravenous catheter | |
IVD | instrumental vaginal delivery |
intevertebral disk | |
intravenous drip or drug |
IVET | in vivo expression technology |
IVF | intervertebral foramina |
intravenous fluid | |
in vitro fertilization | |
IVGG | intravenous gamma globulin |
IVH | intravenous hyperalimentation |
intraventricular hemorrhage | |
IVIG | intravenous immunoglobulin |
IVJC | intervertebral joint complex |
IVL | intravascular large B-cell lymphoma |
intravascular lymphoma | |
intravascular lymphomatosis | |
intravenous lock | |
IVMP | intravenous methylprednisolone |
IVNC | isolated ventricular noncompaction |
IVO | intraoral vertical osteotomy |
IVP | intravenous push |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback |
IVR | idioventricular rhythm |
iliac vascular resistance | |
interventional radiology | |
interventional vascular radiology | |
intrarenal vascular resistance | |
intravaginal ring | |
IVRA | intravenous regional anesthesia |
IVRO | intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy |
IVS | inappropriate vasopressin secretion |
intact ventricular septum | |
intraventricular septum | |
irritable voiding syndrome | |
IVT | idiopathic ventricular tachycardia |
idioventricular tachycardia | |
intravenous transfusion | |
IVU | intravenous urogram |
intravenous drug user | |
IW | inspiratory wheeze |
IWL | insensible water loss |
involuntary weight loss | |