Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
BLQ | below the limit of quantification |
both lower quadrants | |
BLS | basic life support |
BLT | bilateral lung transplantation |
BLV | bovine leukemia virus |
BM | bowel movement |
black male | |
bone marrow | |
bacterial meningitis | |
BMA | biomedical application |
BMAT | basic motor ability test |
BMB | bone marrow biopsy |
BMBF | German Ministry of Education and Research |
BMC | bone marrow cells |
bone marrow culture | |
bone mineral content | |
BMCS | balloon-mounted coronary stents |
BMD | Becker muscular dystrophy |
benchmark dose | |
bipolar manic depressive | |
bipolar mood disorder | |
BMDC | bone marrow-derived cells |
BME | basal medium Eagle |
BMET | basic metabolic panel |
BMF | between meal feedings |
black married female | |
BMG | benign monoclonal gammopathy |
BMH | bone marrow harvest |
BMI | body mass index |
BMJ | bones, muscles, joints |
BMK | birthmark |
BML | bone marrow lesion |
BMM | black married male |
bone marrow metastases | |
BMMC | bone marrow mononuclear T cells |
BMMM | bone marrow micrometastases |
B-MODE | brightness modulation |
BMP | basic metabolic profile |
behavior management plan | |
bone morphogenetic protein | |
BMPC | bone marrow plasmacytosis |
BMPs | bone-morphogenic proteins |
BMQ | Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire |
BMR | basal metabolic rate |
best motor response | |
BMRM | bilateral modified radical mastectomy |
BMS | bare-metal stents |
burning mouth syndrome | |
BMSC | bone marrow-derived stem cells |
BMT | bilateral myringotomy and tubes |
bone marrow transplant | |
BMTN | bone marrow transplant neutropenia |
BMTT | bilateral myringotomy with tympanic tubes |
BMTU | bone marrow transplant unit |
BMU | basic multicellular unit |
BMY | Bristol-Myers Squibb |
BN | bladder neck |
bulimia nervosa | |
BNBAS | Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment |
BNC | binasal cannula |
bladder neck contracture | |
BNCT | boron neutron capture therapy |
BND | bloody, near dead |
BNE | but not exceeding |
BNF | British National Formulary |
BNI | blind nasal intubation |
BNL | below normal limits |
B-NHL | B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
BNO | bladder neck obstruction |
bowels not open | |
BNP | brain natriuretic peptide |
BNPA | binasal pharyngeal airway |
BNR | bladder neck retraction |
BNS | benign nephrosclerosis |
BNT | back to normal |
BO | base out |
because of | |
behavior objective | |
body odor | |
bowel obstruction | |
bowel open | |
B & O | belladonna & opium |
BOA | behavioral observation audiometry |
born on arrival | |
born out of asepsis | |
BOB | ball-on-back |
BOC | beats of clonus |
BOCF | baseline observation carried forward |
BOD | bilateral orbital decompression |
BODE | body mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise capacity |
BOD Units | Bodansky units |
BOE | bilateral otitis externa |
BOH | Board of Health |
bundle of His | |
BOLD | bleomycin, vincristine, lomustine, and dacarbazine |
BOM | benign ovarian mass |
bilateral otitis media | |
BOMA | bilateral otitis media, acute |
BOME | bilateral otitis media with effusion |
BONTA | botulinum toxin type A |
BOO | bladder outlet obstruction |
BOOP | bronchitis obliterans-organized pneumonia |
BOP | bleeding on probing |
BOR | bowels open regularly |
bronchia-oto-renal (SYNDROME) | |
BOS | base of support |
bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome | |
BOSS | Becker orthopedic spinal system |
BOT | base of tongue |
borderline ovarian tumors | |
BOU | burning on urination |
BOUGIE | bougienage (Examination or treatment of the interior of any canal by the passage of a bougie or cannula.) |
BOVR | Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation |
BOW | bag of water |
BOW-I | bag of water-intact |
BOW-R | bag of water-ruptured |
BP | bathroom privileges |
bed pan | |
bench press | |
benzoyl peroxide | |
biological parents | |
bipolar | |
birthplace | |
blood pressure | |
BP-200 | Bourne Infant Pressure Ventilation |
BPA | Bisphenol A (used to make plastic) Birch pollen allergy |
BPAD | bipolar affective disorder |
BPAR | biopsy-proven actue rejection |
BPb | whole blood lead concentration |
BPC | British Pharmaceutical Codex |
BPCF | bronchopleural cutaneous fistula |
BPI | bipolar disorder, Type I |
BPII | bipolar type II disorder |
BPD | benzoporphyrin derivative (photosensitizing agent) |
BPd | diastolic blood pressure |
BPE | benign enlargement of the prostate |
BPF | Brazilian purpuric fever |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy |
BPG | bypass graft |
BPI | bactericidal/permeability increasing |
BPIG | bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin |
BPL | benzylpenicilloyl polylysine (Pre-Pen) |
bone probing length | |
BPLA | blood pressure, left arm |
BPLND | bilateal pelvic lymph node dissection |
BPM | beats per minute |
breaths per minute | |
BPN | bacitracin, polymyxin B, and neomycin sulfate |
BPO | benign prostatic obstruction |
benzoyl peroxide | |
BPOC | barcode point-of-care |
BPP | biophysical profile |
BPPP | bilateral pedal pulses present |
BP,P,R,T, | blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and temperature |
BPPV | benign paroxysmal positional vertigo |
BPR | beeper |
blood per rectum | |
blood pressure recorder | |
BPRS | Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale |
BPS | bilateral partial salpingectomy |
blood pump speed | |
biophysical profile score | |
BPSD | behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia |
BPSO | bilateral prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy |
BPV | benign paroxysmal vertigo |
benign positional vertigo | |
BPW | bilateral pick-up walker (Assistive Device) |
Bq | becquerel - (becquerel (Bq) is the unit of radioactivity) |
BQL | below quantifiable levels |
BR | bathroom |
bedrest | |
birthing room | |
Br | bromide |
BRA | bannanas, rice, and applesauce |
BrAC | breath alcohol content |
BRADY | bradycardia |
BRANCH | branch chain amino acids |
BRAO | branch retinal artery occlusion |
BRAS | bilateral renal artery stenosis |
BRAT | bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast |
BRATT | bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, and toast |
BRB | blood-retinal barrier |
BRBR | bright red blood per rectum |
BRC | bladder reconstruction |
BrCa | breast cancer || (Breast Cancer (BRCA) Gene Test) |
BRCM | below right costal margin |
BRFS | biochemical relapse-free survival |
BRJ | brachialradialis jerk (supinator reflex) |
BRM | biological response modifiers |
BRN | brown |
BRO | brother |
BROM | bromide, Bromocriptine |
back range of motion | |
BRONK | bronchoscopy |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
BRS | behavior rating scale |
BS | barium swallow |
bedside | |
before sleep | |
BSA | body surface area |
BSCC | bedside commode chair |
BSCVA | best spectacle-corrected visual acuity |
BSD | baby soft diet |
BSE | breast self-examination |
BSEC | bedside easy chair |
BSER | brain stem evoked responses |
BSG | brain stem gliomas |
BSI | bloodstream infection |
BSL | baseline |
BSNT | breast soft and nontender |
BSOM | bilateral serous ottis media |
BSP | body substance precautions |
BSPA | bowel sounds present and active |
BSPM | body surface potential mapping |
BSR | body stereotactic radiosurgery |
BSS | Baltimore Sepsis Scale |
bedside scale | |
BSSO | bilateral sagittal split osteotomy |
BSSS | benign sporadic sleep spikes |
BST | bedside testing |
BSU | Bartholin, Skene, urethra (glands) |
BT | bedtime |
behavioral therapy | |
B/T | between |
BTA | below the ankle |
BTB | back to bed |
BTC | behind-the-counter |
BTE | behind the ear |
BTF | blenderized tube feeding |
BTG | beta thromboglobulin |
BTHOOM | beats the hell out of me |
BTI | biliary tract infection |
BTKA | bilateral total knee arthroplasty |
BTL | bilateral tubal ligation |
BTM | bilateral tympanic membranes |
BTMEAL | between meals |
BTO | bilateral tubal occlusion |
BTP | breakthrough pain |
BTPS | body temperature pressure saturated |
BTR | bladder tumor recheck |
BTT | bridge to transplant |
BTU | behavior therapy unit |
BTW | Back to work |
Between | |
BU | base up |
below umbilicus | |
BUD | budesonide |
BUE | both upper extremities |
BUFA | baby up for adoption |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
BUO | bleeding of undetermined origin |
BUR | back-up rate |
BUS | bladder ultrasound |
BUT | biopsy urease test |
BVAD | biventricular assist device |
BVD | bovine viral diarrhea |
BVE | blood volume expander |
BVF | bulboventricular foramen |
BVH | biventricular hypertrophy |
BVL | bilateral vas ligation |
BVM | bag valve mask |
BVO | branch vein occlusion |
BVT | basilica vein transposition |
BVZ | bevacizumab (Avastin™) |
BW | bandwidth |
birth weight | |
body weight | |
BWA | bed-wetter admission |
BWC | bladder-wash cytology |
BWCO | baby won't come out |
BWCS | bagged white cell study |
BWF | Blackwater fever (complication of malaria) |
BWS | battered woman syndrome |
BWs | bite-wing |
BWT | bowel wall thickness |
BWX | bite-wing x-ray |
Bx | behavior |
biopsy | |
B x B | back-to-back |
BXM | B-cell cross match |
BXO | balanitis xerotica obliterans |
BZP | benzylpiperazine (stimulant, recreational drug) |