Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
V | visit |
vomiting | |
volume | |
vaccinated | |
variation | |
vagina | |
vein | |
ventricular | |
verbal | |
vertebra | |
variable | |
VA | variance |
Veteran's Administration | |
visual acuity | |
vertebral artery | |
valproic acid | |
VAB | venoarterial bypass (ECMO) |
VAC | vaccine |
vacuum-assisted closure | |
VAD | vascular access device |
ventricular assist device | |
vascular atherosclerotic disease | |
VAE | venous air emboli/embolism |
VAG | vaginal , vaginally |
VAH | vertebral ankylosing hyperostosis |
Veterans Affairs hospital | |
VAI | valve area index (calculation) |
VALI | ventilator-associated lung injury |
VAMC | VA medical center |
VAOD | visual acuity (right eye) |
VAOS | visual acuity (left eye) |
VAP | ventilator associated pneumonia |
venous access port | |
variant angina pectoris | |
VAR | variant, variety |
veno-arteriolar reflex | |
VAS | visual analog scale |
vascular | |
ventricular assist system | |
VAT | ventricular activation time |
vascular access thrombosis | |
variable antigen type | |
VAVD | vacuum-assisted venous drainage |
VB | venous blood |
viable birth | |
vacuum biopsy | |
VBAC | vaginal birth after cesarean |
VBC | volumetric based capnometry |
vincristine, bleomycin, and cisplatin | |
VBG | venous blood gas |
venous bypass graft | |
VBI | ventral blood island |
vertebrobasilar insufficiency/ ischemia | |
VBR | ventricular brain ratio |
vertebral body repositioning | |
VBS | vertebrobasilar system |
veronal-buffered saline | |
VC | vital capacity |
vasoconstriction | |
vena cava | |
verbal cues | |
vocal cord | |
virtual coloscopy | |
ventilatory capacity | |
Vc | vital capacity |
VCA | viral capsid antigen |
vancomycin, colistin and anisomycin | |
vasoconstrictor assay | |
VCC | ventral cell column |
vision with correction | |
vasoconstrictor center | |
VCD | vibrational circular dichroism |
Vocal cord dysfunction | |
Van Capelle-Durrer | |
VCE | video capsule endoscopy |
vaginal cervical endocervical | |
VCG | vectocardiogram |
vectorcardiography | |
voiding cystourethrogram | |
VCI | vascular cognitive impairment |
vena cava inferior | |
vocal cord injuries | |
VCP | vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and prednisone |
vocal cord palsy | |
VCT | venous clotting time |
voluntary counseling and testing | |
VCU | voiding cystoureterography / cystourethrogram |
video conference unit | |
VCV | vein chlorosis virus |
volume control ventilation | |
vein clearing virus | |
VD | venereal disease |
venous dilatation | |
vessel disease | |
vasodilation | |
vapor density | |
voided | |
vas deferens | |
vasodilator | |
volume of distribution | |
viral diarrhea | |
V & D | vomiting and diarrhea |
VDA | Visual discriminatory acuity |
virtual DNA analysis | |
venous digital angiogram | |
VDD | vitamin D-dependent |
velocity of diastolic depolarization | |
VDE | vertical detachment energy |
VDG | veneral disease-gonorrhea |
voiding (vdg) | |
VDH | valvular disease of heart |
VDJ | variable diversity joining |
VDL | Visual detection level |
vasodepressor lipid | |
VDO | vertical dimension of occlusion |
VDR | vitamin D receptor |
venous diameter ratio | |
VDS | venous duplex scanning |
venereal disease syphilis | |
vegetative dystonia syndrome | |
VDT | vibration detection threshold |
VE | vaginal examination |
ventilation | |
vitamin E | |
volume expansion | |
vacuum extraction(s) | |
virtual endoscopy | |
viral encephalitis | |
ventricular extrasystole | |
vascular endothelial | |
VEA | ventricular ectopic activity |
ventricular ectopic arrhythmia | |
VEB | ventricular ectopic beat(s) |
VEC | vaginal epithelial cells / changes |
vecuronium | |
valvular endothelial cells | |
video-enhanced contrast | |
VED | vacuum erection device |
ventricular ectopic depolarization | |
vascular endothelial dysfunction | |
VEE | Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis |
VEF | visually evoked field |
ventricular ejection fraction | |
VEG | vegetation |
VEMP | vestibular evoked myogenic potentials |
VENC | velocity encoding |
VENT | ventilation |
ventilator | |
ventricle | |
ventral | |
ventricular | |
VEP | visual evoked potential(s) |
VER | ventricular escape rhythm |
visual evoked response(s) | |
venous emptying rate | |
viral encephalopathy and retinopathy | |
VES | ventricular extrasystole(s) |
vestibular nuclear complex | |
virtual endoscope system | |
vesicular | |
Vesicular exanthema of swine | |
VET | ventricular ejection time |
veterinary | |
veteran | |
ventilatory threshold | |
VF | ventricular fibrillation |
visual field | |
ventricular function | |
ventricular flutter | |
Vertebral fractures | |
Virological failure | |
ventilatory frequency | |
visceral fat | |
VFD | visual field defects |
vertical fixation disparity | |
ventilator-free days | |
VFI | venous filling index |
visual fields intact | |
voluntary food intake | |
VFL | ventricular flutter |
visual field loss | |
VFP | ventricular filling pressure |
vocal fold pathology / paralysis | |
VFR | voiding flow rate |
volumetric flow rate | |
VFT | venous filling time |
ventricular fibrillation threshold | |
VG | vascular graft |
ventricular gallop | |
vegetative growth | |
ventriculography | |
VGB | vigabatrin |
VGE | venous gas emboli |
viral gastroenteritis | |
VGH | very good health |
VGM | vein graft myringoplasty |
VH | vaginal hysterectomy |
variceal hemorrhage | |
ventricular hypertrophy | |
viral hepatitis | |
very high | |
vitreous humor | |
VHA | Veterans Healthcare Administration |
viral hepatitis A | |
VHC | valved-holding chamber |
VHD | valvular heart disease |
viral hemorrhagic disease | |
VHF | viral hemorrhagic fever |
VHI | Voice Handicap Index |
VHL | von Hippel-Lindau syndrome |
Virtual Health Library | |
VHP | vaporized hydrogen peroxide |
Visible Human Project | |
VI | velocity index |
ventilation index | |
volume index | |
vaginal irrigation | |
vascular index | |
virus isolation | |
visual inspection | |
VIA | virus inactivating agent |
video image analysis | |
virus infection-associated antigen | |
VIB | viral inclusion body |
VID | visible iris diameter |
VIG | vaccinia immune globulin |
VIH | vitellogenesis-inhibiting hormone |
VIN | vulval intraepithelial neoplasia |
VIP | vasoactive intestinal peptide |
ventral intraparietal area | |
venous impedance plethysmography | |
ventral intraparietal | |
VIQ | Verbal Intelligence Quotient |
VIS | Vaccine Information Statement |
visual / vision | |
vertebral irritation syndrome | |
vaginal irrigation smear | |
venous insufficiency syndrome | |
VIT | vital capacity |
vital | |
vitamin | |
viral isolation technique | |
vitreous | |
venom immunotherapy | |
VIU | visual internal urethrotomy or Direct Visual Internal Urethrotomy (DVIU) |
VJ | ventriculojugular |
VKA | vitamin K antagonists |
VKC | vernal keratoconjunctivitis |
VL | viral load |
ventral lobe | |
ventilation | |
ventralis lateralis | |
visceral leishmaniasis | |
ventrolateral | |
vastus lateralis | |
VLA | Very Late Activation |
very late antigen | |
ventrolateralis anterior | |
VLBW | very low birth weight |
VLCD | very low calorie diet |
VLDL | very low density lipoprotein(s) |
VLE | vegetal localization element |
VLH | ventrolateral hypothalamic |
VLL | ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (major auditory nucleus) |
VLM | visceral larva migrans |
ventrolateral medullary | |
VLP | virus-like particle |
ventrolateral posterior | |
VM | venous malformation |
Valsalva maneuver | |
venous malformations | |
vestibular membrane | |
vascular mass | |
viral myocarditis | |
Vasomotor | |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid |
verbal mental age | |
VMD | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
Vertebral mineral density | |
VME | vertical maxillary excess |
very major errors | |
VMH | ventral medial hypothalamus |
ventromedial hypothalamic area | |
VMI | visual motor integration |
ventricular mass index | |
vascular maturation index | |
VMR | vasomotor rhinitis |
vasomotor reactivity | |
ventilatory muscle recruitment | |
VN | vagus nerve |
vestibular nuclei | |
vertebral nerve | |
virus neutralization | |
vestibular nystagmus | |
VNC | ventral nerve cord(s) |
vestibular nuclear complex | |
VNS | vagal nerve stimulation |
visiting nursing service | |
VO | verbal order |
visual observation | |
volume overload | |
venous occlusion | |
vertebral osteomyelitis | |
vaginal opening | |
VOC | vaso-occlusive crisis |
VOD | vision right eye |
Venocclusive disease | |
venocclusive disease of the liver | |
VOL | volume |
volatile | |
voluntary | |
VOM | vomiting |
VOR | vestibulo-ocular reflex(s) |
venous outflow resistance | |
VOS | vision left eye |
videothoracoscopic operator staging | |
VP | venous pressure |
ventilation-perfusion | |
Ventriculoperitoneal | |
Venipuncture | |
vagotomy and pyloroplasty | |
volume-pressure | |
V & P | vagotomy and pyloroplasty |
VPA | valproic acid |
VPB | ventricular premature beat |
VPC | ventricular premature contractions |
ventricular premature complexes | |
Vapor-Phase Chromatography | |
VPL | ventral posterolateral |
vertical partial laryngectomy | |
VPR | Virtual Patient Record |
ventricular paced rhythm | |
VPS | verbal pain scale |
ventricular premature systoles | |
vibrations per second | |
ventriculoperitoneal shunt | |
VPT | vibratory perception threshold |
VQ | Ventilation Quotient |
ventilation perfusion | |
V/Q | ventilation/perfusion |
VR | venous resistance |
valve replacement | |
Variable Rate / Ratio | |
Vocational Rehabilitation | |
ventricular rhythm | |
vascular resistance | |
ventricular response | |
ventilation ratio | |
Ventilation rate | |
VRA | visual response audiometry |
VRC | venous renin concentration |
VRE | Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci |
VRI | viral respiratory infection |
virtual reality imaging | |
VRL | ventral root, lumbar |
VRS | verbal rating scale |
verbal response scale | |
variable regions | |
ventricular rate stabilization | |
VRT | venous recovery time |
ventral root, thoracic | |
visual reaction time | |
virtual reality therapy | |
vaginal radical trachelectomy | |
VRU | ventilator rehabilitation unit |
VS | Vital Signs |
vegetative state | |
volume support | |
vaginal swab | |
ventilatory support | |
volumetric solution | |
vagal stimulation | |
ventricular septum | |
VSA | variant surface antigens |
vasospastic angina pectoris | |
VSBE | very short below elbow |
VSD | ventricular septal defect |
VSI | vascular space invasion |
visual motor integration | |
VSM | vascular smooth muscle |
VSMC | vascular smooth muscle cell |
VSO | vertical supranuclear ophthalmoplegia |
VSOK | vital signs normal |
VSR | venous stasis retinopathy |
VSS | vital signs stable |
volume at steady state | |
VST | venous sinus thrombosis |
ventricular septal thickness | |
VSV | vesicular stomatitis virus |
VT | Ventricular tachycardia |
ventilation threshold | |
venous thrombosis | |
vagal tone | |
venous thromboembolism | |
ventilation tube | |
ventricular tachyarrhythmia | |
VTA | ventricular tachyarrhythmias |
ventral tegmental area | |
VTE | venous thromboembolic events |
VTX | vertex |
VU | varicose ulcer |
vertebral units | |
volume units | |
VUC | voided-urine cytology |
VUJ | vesicoureteral junction |
VUR | vesicoureteral reflux |
VV | vascular volume |
varicose vein(s) | |
venous volume | |
vaccinia virus | |
vulva and vagina | |
variable volume | |
ventricular volume | |
V & V | verification and validation |
V/V | percent volume in volume |
VVB | venovenous bypass |
VVC | vulvovaginal candidiasis |
vulva, vagina, cervix | |
VVD | vaginal vertex delivery |
VVI | vocal velocity index |
venous valvular insufficiency | |
visual-vestibular interaction | |
VVS | vasovagal syncope |
varicose veins | |
vestibulo-vegetative syndrome | |
VW | vessel wall |
VWD | ventral wall defect |
von Willebrand Disease | |
VX | vaccination |
vertex | |
VZ | varicella zoster |