Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
E | East |
edema | |
effective | |
enema | |
eosinophil | |
Escherichia | |
evaluation | |
evening | |
expired | |
eye | |
EA | Emergency Assistance |
educational age | |
early amniocentesis | |
epidural anesthesia | |
episodic ataxia | |
erythrocyte antibody | |
E&A | evaluate and advise |
EAA | electrothermal atomic absorption |
essential amino acids | |
EAB | elective abortion |
Ethics Advisory Board | |
Enumeration at Birth | |
EAC | external auditory canal |
Ehrlich's ascites carcinoma | |
endometrioid adenocarcinoma | |
erythema annulari centrifugum | |
esophageal adenocarcinoma | |
EADL | extended activities of daily living |
EADs | early after-depolarizations |
EAE | experimental allergic encephalomyelitis |
eAG | estimated average glucose |
EAHF | eczema, allergy, and hay fever |
EAL | electronic artificial larynx |
EAM | external auditory meatus |
EAP | Early Access Program |
Employment Assistance Programs | |
erythrocyte acid phosphatase | |
EAR | estimated average requirement |
excess absolute risk | |
EART | extended abdominal radiation therapy |
EAS | European Atherosclerosis Society |
external anal sphincter | |
EAST | external rotation, abduction stress test |
EAT | Eating Attitudes Test |
EAU | experimental autoimmune uveitis |
EB | eosinophilic bronchitis |
epidermolysis bullosa | |
Epstein-Barr | |
EBA | epidermolysis bullosa acquisita |
EBB | Endobronchial biopsy |
EBBS | equal bilateral breath sounds |
EBC | early breast cancer |
endoscopic brush cytology | |
EBCPGS | evidence-based clinical practice guidelines |
EBCT | electon-beam computed tomography |
EBD | endocardial border delineation |
endoscopic balloon dilation | |
EBE | equal bilateral expansion |
EBEA | Epstein-Barr early antigen |
EBF | erythroblastosis fetalis |
EBG | evidence-based guidelines |
EBL | endoscopic band ligation |
estimated blood loss | |
EBM | evidence-based medicine |
expressed breast milk | |
EBNA | Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen |
EBO | evidence-based outcomes |
EBP | Evidence Based Practice |
electric breast pump | |
epidural blood patch | |
EBR | external beam radiotherapy |
eye-blink rate | |
EBRs | evidence-based recommendations |
EBS | epidermolysis bullosa simplex |
elastic back strap | |
electric brain stimulation | |
EBT | electron beam tomography |
EBUS | endobronchial ultrasonography |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | eye care |
electrical cardioversion | |
electrocautery | |
extracellular | |
eyes closed | |
E & C | education and counseling |
ECA | enteric coated aspirin |
Epidemiological Catchment Area | |
ethacrynic acid | |
ECAD | extracorporeal albumin dialysis |
e-CAM | electronic Compilation of Analytical Methods |
ECASA | enteric coated aspirin |
ECBD | exploration of common bile duct |
ECC | early childhood caries |
edema, clubbing, and cyanosis | |
emergency cardiac care | |
estimated creatinine clearance | |
external cardiac compression | |
ECCE | extracapsular cataract extraction |
ECD | electron capture dissociation |
endocardial cushion defect | |
equivalent current dipole | |
ECE | endothelin-converting enzyme |
ECF | epirubicin, cisplatin, and fluorouracil |
extended care facility | |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
ECHO | echocardiogram |
ECI | extracorporeal irradiation |
EC/IC | extracranial/intracranial |
ECL | electrochemiluminescence |
endothelial cell loss | |
extracorporeal lithotripsy | |
ECM | erythema chronicum migrans |
esophagocardiomyotomy | |
ECN | extended care nursery |
ECP | effective conduction period |
emergency care provider | |
emergency contraceptive pills | |
ECR | emergency chemical restraint |
ECS | elective cosmetic surgery |
electrocerebral silence | |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy |
ECU | electrocautery unit |
emergency care unit | |
emotional care units | |
ECV | emergency center visits |
ECW | extracellular water |
ED | eating disorder |
education | |
effective dose | |
elbow disarticulation | |
emergency department | |
emotional disorder | |
epidural | |
erectile dysfunction | |
extensive disease | |
EDA | elbow disarticulation |
EDB | extensor digitorum brevis |
early dry breakfast | |
EDC | effective dynamic compliance |
electronic data capture | |
end diastolic counts | |
estimated date of conception | |
ED&C | electrodesiccation and curettage |
EDD | endothelium-dependent dilation |
esophageal detector device | |
expected date of delivery | |
EDENT | edentulous |
EDF | eosinophil differentiation factor |
elongation, derotation, and flexion | |
EDH | epidural hematoma |
extradural hematoma | |
EDI | Eating Disorders Inventory |
EDL | extensor digitorum longus |
EDM | early diastolic murmur |
EDNO | endothelium-related nitric oxide |
ED-OU | emergency department/observation unit |
EDP | emergency department physician |
EDQ | extensor digiti quinti |
EDR | edrophonium |
excalating dose regimen | |
extreme drug resistance | |
EDS | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
excessive daytime somnolence | |
EDT | exposure duration threshold |
EDU | education |
eating disorder unit | |
EDV | end-diastolic velocity |
end-diastolic volume | |
EDW | estimated dry weight |
EE | emetic episodes |
emotional exhaustion | |
end to end | |
energy expenditure | |
external ear | |
E & E | eyes and ears |
EEA | electroencephalic audiometry |
EEC | epithelial cells |
Escherichia coli | |
ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia | |
EEE | eastern equine encephalomyelitis |
edema, erythema, and exudate | |
external eye examination | |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
EELS | electron energy loss spectrometry |
EEN | estimated energy needs |
EENT | eyes, ears, nose, and throat |
EEP | end expiratory pressure |
EER | extended endocardial resection |
EES | extraosseous Ewing sarcoma |
EET | early exercise testing |
EEUS-NA | endoscopic esophageal ultrasound-guided needle aspiration |
EEV | extracellular enveloped virus |
encephalosis virus | |
encircling endocardial ventriculotomy | |
EF | ejection fraction |
ectopic focus | |
eccentric fixation | |
endurance factor | |
erythroblastosis fetalis | |
EFA | essential fatty acid |
estimated fetal age | |
EFBW | estimate fetal body weight |
EFD | episode free day |
EFE | endocardial fibroelastosis |
endogenous fungal endophthalmitis | |
EFF | effacement |
EFI | extended-field irradiation |
EFHBM | eosinophilic fibrohistiocytic lesion of bone marrow |
EFM | electronic fetal monitor |
EFR | effective filtration rate |
EFS | event-free survival |
EFV | efavirenz |
EFW | estimated fetal weight |
EGA | esophageal gastric airway |
estimated gestational age | |
EGB | endoscopic grasp biopsy |
external geniculate body | |
extract of Ginkgo biloba | |
EGb | extract of Ginkgo biloba |
EGC | early gastric carcinoma |
EGFR | epidermal growth factor receptor |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
EGF | epidermal growth factor |
EGG | electrogastrography |
EDJ | esophagogastric junction |
EGL | eosinophilic granuloma of the lung |
EGS | ethylene glycol succinate |
EGTA | esophageal gastric tube airway |
EH | eccentric hypertrophy |
educationally handicapped | |
enlarged heart | |
essential hypertension | |
EHB | elevate head of bed |
EHC | enterohepatic circulation |
EHD | electronic home detention |
EHE | epithelioid hemangioendothelioma |
EHF | epidemic hemorrhagic fever |
EHH | episodic hypothermia with hyperhidrosis |
EHI | extertional heat illness |
EHL | electrohydraulic lithotripsy |
EHO | extrahepatic portal venous obstruction |
EHPH | extrahepatic portal hypertension |
EHR | electronic health record |
EHS | Early Head Start |
electrical hypersensitivity | |
employee health service | |
EHT | Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma |
essential hypertension | |
electrohydrothermosation | |
EI | early intervention |
entry inhibitor | |
environmental illness | |
E/I | expiratory to inspiratory |
EIA | enzyme immunoassay |
exercise induced asthma | |
Exercise-induced anaphylaxis | |
EIAB | extracranial-intracranial arterial bypass |
EIAC | enzyme-inducing anticonvulsants |
EIAD | extended-interval aminoglycoside dosing |
EIAV | equine infectious anemia virus |
EIB | exercise-induced bronchospasm |
EIC | early ischemic change |
electrical impedance cardiography | |
epidermal inclusion cyst | |
EID | electroimmunodiffusion |
EIEC | enteroinvasive Escherichia coli |
EIL | elective induction of labor |
EIN | Employer Identification Number |
EIOA | excessive intake of alcohol |
EIP | Early Intervention Program |
elective interruption of pregnancy | |
EIR | entomological inoculation rate |
early insulin response | |
EIS | electrical impedance scanning |
energy intakes | |
European Infarction Study | |
EIT | electrical impedance tomography |
EIV | external iliac vein |
EJ | ejection |
elbow jerk | |
external jugular | |
EJB | ectopic junctional beat |
EJN | extended jaundice of newborn |
EJP | excitatory junction potential |
EJV | external jugular vein |
EK | Electrophoretic karyotype |
enamel knot | |
enkephalin | |
erythrokinase | |
EKC | epidemic keratoconjunctivitis |
EKG | electrocardiogram |
EKO | echoencephalogram |
EL | exercise limit |
exploratory laparotomy | |
E-L | external lids |
ELA | endotoxin-like activity |
Establishment License Application | |
ELB | early light breakfast |
elbow | |
ELC | earlobe creases |
ELD | end-of-life decision |
ELEC | elective |
ELF | elective low forceps |
endoscopic laser foraminotomy | |
epithelial lining fluid | |
ELG | endolumenal gastroplication |
ELH | endolymphatic hydrops |
equine luteinizing hormone | |
ELI | endomyocardial lymphocytic infiltrates |
ELIG | eligible |
ELIOT | electron intraoperative treatment |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
ELITT | endometrial laser intrauterine thermal therapy |
Elix | elixir |
ELM | epiluminescent microscopy |
ELND | elective lymph node dissection |
ELOP | estimated length of program |
ELOS | estimated length of stay |
ELP | electrophoresis |
ELR | Electronic Laboratory-Based Reporting |
epidermal cell-lymphocyte reaction | |
elevating leg rests | |
ELS | Eaton-Lambert syndrome |
ELT | endoscopic laser therapy |
ELVIS | Enzyme-Linked Virus Inducible System |
EM | early memory |
ejection murmur | |
electron microscope | |
emergency medicine | |
E/M | Evaluation and Management |
EMA | early morning awakening |
eMAR | electronic medication administration record |
EMB | endometrial biopsy |
endomyocardial biopsy | |
EMBx | endomyocardial biopsy |
EMC | encephalomyocarditis |
endometrial currettage | |
EMD | electromechanical dissociation |
EME | early myoclonic encephalopathy |
extreme medical emergency | |
EMF | elective midforceps |
electromagnetic field | |
electromagnetic flow | |
endomyocardial fibrosis | |
EMG | electromyograph |
emergency | |
EMI | educably mentally impaired |
elderly and mentally infirm | |
EML | endoscopic mechanical lithotripsy |
equilibrium mean length | |
essential medicines lists | |
EMMA | eye-movement measuring apparatus |
EMMV | extended mandatory minute ventilation |
EmOC | emergency obstetric care |
EMP | electromolecular propulsion |
EMR | educable mentally retarded |
electrical muscle stimulation | |
electronic medical record | |
emergency mechanical restraint | |
empty, measure, and record | |
EMS | early morning specimen |
early morning stiffness | |
emergency medical services | |
EMT | emergency medical technician |
EMU | early morning urine |
EMV | equine morbilli virus |
eye, motor, verbal | |
EMW | electromagnetic waves |
EMZL | extranodal marginal-zone lymphoma |
EN | enema |
enteral nutrition | |
ENA | extractable nuclear antigen |
ENB | esthesioneuroblastoma |
ENC | encounter |
endothelial cells | |
encourage | |
ENDO | endodontia |
endodontics | |
endoscopy | |
ENF | enflurane |
Enfuvirtide | |
ENG | electronystagmogram |
engorged | |
ENL | enlarged |
ENMG | electroneuromyography |
ENMT | ears, nose, mouth, and throat |
ENOG | electroneurography |
eNOS | endothelial nitric oxide synthase |
ENP | extractable nucleoprotein |
ENRD | endoscopy-negative reflux disease |
ENS | enteric nervous system |
ENT | ears, nose, throat |
ENVD | elevated new vessels on the disk |
ENZ | enzyme |
EO | eosinophil |
eyes open | |
early onset | |
Endogenous opioids | |
eosinophils | |
epididymo-orchitis | |
elbow orthosis | |
E & O | errors and omissions |
EOA | erosive osteoarthritis |
examine, opinion, and advice | |
EOB | edge of bed |
end of bed | |
explanation of benefits | |
EOC | Emergency Operations Center |
enema of choice | |
EOD | early-onset disease |
end of day | |
end organ damage | |
extent of disease | |
EOE | Equal Opportunity Employer |
EOG | electro-oculogram |
electo-olfactogram | |
EOIT | end of initial treatment |
EOLC | end-of-life-care |
EOM | error of measurement |
external otitis media | |
extraocular movement | |
EOO | external oculomotor ophthalmoplegia |
EOP | end-of-phase |
EOR | emergency operating room |
end of range | |
EOS | end of session |
end of study | |
EP | ectopic pregnancy |
electronic prescribing | |
electrophysiologic | |
elopement precaution | |
endogenous pyrogen | |
E&P | estrogen and progesterone |
EPA | eicosapentaenoic acid |
Environmental Protection Agency | |
E-panel | electrolyte panel |
EPB | extensor pollicis brevis |
EPC | Evidence-based Practice Center |
endothelial progenitor cell | |
Enhanced primary care | |
external pneumatic compression | |
Early Prostate Cancer | |
EPD | electrode placement device |
EPEC | enteropathogenic Escherichia coli |
EPEs | extrapyramidal effects |
EPF | endoscopic plantar fasciotomy |
EPG | electronic pupillography |
EPHI | electronic protected health information |
EPI | echoplanar imaging |
epinephrine | |
epitheloid cells | |
EPIC | etoposide, prednisolone, ifosfamide, and cisplatin |
EPID | epidural |
EPIG | epigastric |
EPIS | epileptic postictal sleep |
episiotomy | |
epith. | epithelial |
EPL | early pregnancy loss |
effective patient's life | |
EPM | electronic pacemaker |
EPN | emphysematous pyelonephritis |
entomopathogenic nematode | |
EPO | epoetin alfa |
evening primrose oil | |
EPP | erythropoietic protoporphyria |
EPQ | Exercise Participation Questionnaire |
EPR | electronic prescription record |
electron paramagnetic resonance | |
epirubicin | |
estimated protein requirement | |
EPS | electrolyte-polyethylene glycol solution |
EPSA | evoked potential signal averaging |
EPSCCA | extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma |
EPSDT | early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment |
EPSE | extrapyramidal side effects |
EPSP | excitatory postsynaptic potential |
EPSS | E point septal separation |
extrapyramidal signs | |
EPT | electroporation therapy |
endpoint temperature | |
EPT | early pregnancy test |
EQC | equivalent quality control |
ER | emergency room |
end range | |
estrogen receptors | |
extended release | |
external resistance | |
external rotation | |
E & R | equal and reactive |
ER+ | estrogen receptor-positive |
ER- | estrogen receptor-negative |
ERA | environmental risk assessment |
estrogen receptor assay | |
ERBD | endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage |
ERC | endoscopic retrograde |
ERD | early retirement with disability |
erectile dysfunction | |
ERE | external rotation in extension |
ERF | external rotation in flexion |
ERG | electroretinogram |
ERI | elective replacement indicator |
ERL | effective refractory length |
ERM | epiretinal membrane |
ERN | error-related negativity |
ERO | effective regurgitant orifice |
ERP | effective refractory period |
emergency room physician | |
endocardial resection procedure | |
ERS | endoscopic retrograde sphincterotomy |
ERT | estrogen replacement therapy |
ERUS | endorectal ultrasound |
ERV | early revascularization |
ERYTH | erythromycin |
ES | electrical stimulation |
embryonic stem | |
emergency service | |
end-to-side | |
excessive sleepiness | |
extra strength | |
ESA | endocardial surface area |
epidermal surface antigen | |
Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents | |
early systolic acceleration | |
ESBL | extended-spectrum beta-lactamases |
ESC | embryonic stem cells |
end systolic counts | |
ESD | early supported discharge |
Emergency Services Department | |
ESE | Exercise stress echocardiography |
ESF | external skeletal fixation |
ESI | electric source imaging |
ESKD | end-stage kidney disease |
ESL | English as a second language |
ESM | ejection systolic murmur |
ESN | educationally subnormal |
ESO | esophagus |
esotropia | |
ESP | endometritis, salpingitis, and peritonitis |
end-systolic pressure | |
especially | |
ESR | early sheath removal |
electron spin resonance | |
ESS | emotional, spiritual, and social |
endometrial stromal sarcoma | |
EST | Eastern Standard Time |
endodermal sinus tumor | |
electroshock therapy | |
established patient | |
estimated | |
E-stim | electrical stimulation |
ESTs | expressed sequence tags |
ESU | electrosurgical unit |
ESWL | extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy |
ESWT | extracorporeal shock wave therapy |
ET | ejection time |
essential tremor | |
embryo transfer | |
endocrine therapy | |
endotoxin | |
endotracheal | |
esotropia | |
exposure time | |
et | and |
ETA | endotracheal airway |
ETAC | early treatment of the atopic child |
et al | and others |
ETBD | etiology to be determined |
ETC | and so forth |
Emergency and Trauma Center | |
endoscopic tissue culture | |
ETD | electron transfer dissociation |
ETE | end-to-end |
ETF | early treatment failure |
ETG | Episodic Treatment Group |
ETH | elixir terpin hydrate |
ethanol | |
ETI | ejective time index |
endotracheal intubation | |
ETKTM | every test known to man |
ETL | echo train length |
expiratory threshold loading | |
ETO | estimated time of ovulation |
ethylene oxide | |
ETP | elective termination of pregnancy |
ETS | elevated toilet seat |
endotracheal suction | |
end-to-side | |
ETT | endotracheal tube |
endurance treadmill test | |
esophageal transit time | |
ETU | emergency and trauma unit |
emergency treatment unit | |
ETV | endoscopic third ventriculostomy |
ETX | endotoxin |
enterotoxin | |
ethosuximide | |
etiology | |
ETYA | eicosatetraynoic acid |
EU | Ehrlich units |
endotoxin units | |
equivalent units | |
esophageal ulcer | |
etiology unknown | |
EUA | examine under anesthesia |
EUCD | emotionally unstable character disorder |
EUD | external urinary device |
EUG | extrauterine gestation |
EUL | expected upper limit |
extra uterine life | |
EUM | examination under microscope |
external urethral meatus | |
EUP | extrauterine pregnancy |
EUS | endoscopic ultrasonography |
EUTH | euthanasia |
EV | epidermodysplasia verruciformis |
esophageal varices | |
etoposide and vincristine | |
eV | electron volt |
EVA | Entry and Validation Application |
ethylene vinyl acetate | |
EVC | expiratory vital capacity |
Ellis-van Creveld | |
EVD | external ventricular |
EVE | endoscopic vascular examination |
evening | |
EVG | endovascular grafting |
EVH | endoscopic vein harvesting |
EVI | Exposure to Violence Interview |
EVL | endoscopic variceal ligation |
EVS | endoscopic variceal sclerosis |
EVUS | endovaginal ultrasound |
EW | expiratory wheeze |
elsewhere | |
EWB | emotional well-being |
EWCL | extended-wear contact lens |
EWHO | elbow-wrist-hand orthosis |
EWL | estimated weight loss |
EWS | ewing sarcoma |
ethanol withdrawal syndrome | |
Early Warning Score | |
EWT | erupted wisdom teeth |
ex | examined |
example | |
excision | |
exercise | |
exam. | examination |
ExB | excisional biopsy |
EXC | excision |
EXE | exemestane |
exercise | |
exercise echocardiography | |
EXECHO | exercise echocardiography |
EXEF | exercise ejection fraction |
EXH VT | exhaled tidal volume |
EXOPH | exophthalmos |
EXP | experienced |
expired | |
exploration | |
expose | |
EXP LAP | exploratory laparotomy |
EXT | extension |
extensor | |
external | |
extract | |
extraction | |
extremities | |
EXTRAV | extravasation |
EXT ROT | external rotation |
EXTUB | extubation |
EX U | excretory urogram |
EZ | econazole |
Edmonston-Zagreb | |
elastic zone | |
EZ-HT | Edmonston-Zagreb high-titer |