Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
N | nitrogen |
noon | |
nausea | |
negative | |
neutrophil | |
newton | |
nodes | |
NA | Narcotics Anonymous |
new admission | |
sodium | |
not admitted | |
not applicable | |
not available | |
nurse's aid | |
nursing assistant | |
NAB | not at bedside |
needle aspiration biopsy | |
NABS | normal active bowel sounds |
natural antibodies | |
neutralizing antibodies | |
NAC | N acetylcysteine |
neoadjuvant chemotherapy | |
no acute changes | |
Na channels | |
no anesthesia complications | |
NaCl | sodium chloride |
NAD | Nicotinamide adenine |
no active disease | |
no apparent distress | |
nothing abnormal detected | |
NAE | exchangeable sodium |
net acid excretion | |
NAF | nafcillin |
no abnormal findings | |
normal adult female | |
National Amputation Foundation | |
sodium fluoride (NaF) | |
NAG | N-acetylglucosamine |
narrow angle glaucoma | |
N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosamidase | |
NaHCO3 | sodium bicarbonate |
NAI | no acute inflammation |
no acute infection | |
no action indicated | |
sodium iodide (NaI) | |
NAL | naloxone |
nasal lavage | |
non-attachment loss | |
nasal angiocentric lymphoma | |
Naltrexone | |
NAM | N-acetylmethionine |
no abnormal masses | |
nicotinamide | |
normal adult male | |
NANSAIDs | nonaspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
NaOH | sodium hydroxide |
NAP | nerve action potential |
neutrophil alkaline phosphatase | |
narrative, assessment, and plan | |
NAR | nasal airflow resistance |
no action required | |
no adverse reaction | |
nasal airways resistance | |
not at risk | |
NARC | narcotic |
NARI | noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor |
National Ageing Research Institute | |
NAS | nasal |
no added salt | |
Normative Aging Study | |
no abnormality seen | |
National Autistic Society | |
NAT | no action taken |
natal | |
native | |
neoadjuvant therapy | |
no acute trauma | |
NAW | nasoantral window |
NB | nail bed |
needle biopsy | |
newborn | |
nasal bone | |
neuroblastoma | |
NBC | newborn center |
non-battle casualty | |
non-bed care | |
NBD | no brain damage |
nucleotide-binding domain | |
neurogenic bladder dysfunction | |
NBF | no breast feeding |
nerve blood flow | |
nucleotide-binding fold | |
NBH | new bag hung |
NBI | no bone injury |
non-battle injury | |
NBICU | newborn intensive care unit |
NBM | normal bone marrow |
no bowel movement | |
normal bowel movement | |
nothing by mouth | |
NBP | needle biopsy of prostate |
no bone pathology | |
normal blood pressure | |
NBR | no blood return |
NBS | normal bowel sounds |
normal blood serum | |
newborn screen | |
neuroblasts | |
NBT | normal breast tissue |
nasobiliary tube | |
normal brain tissue | |
NBW | normal birth weight |
NC | nasal cannula |
nasal cavity | |
no charge | |
no change | |
no complaints | |
not cultured | |
neck complaint | |
NCA | normal calcium |
noncompetitive antagonist | |
no congenital abnormalities | |
NCB | needle core biopsy |
natural child birth | |
NCC | National Cancer Center |
neural crest cell | |
Nonspecific cytotoxic cell | |
neurocysticercosis | |
NCCP | noncardiac chest pain |
National College of Chest Physicians | |
NCDB | National Cancer Data Base |
NCDR | National Cardiovascular Data Registry |
new case-detection rate | |
NCE | new chemical entity |
normal cervical epithelium | |
NCF | neutrophil chemotactic factor |
normal coronary flow | |
neurocognitive function | |
NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics |
NCI | National Cancer Institute |
no cognitive impairment | |
noncompetitive inhibitor | |
NCID | National Center for Infectious Diseases |
NCIE | nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma |
NCJ | needle catheter jejunostomy |
NCKX | sodium-calcium-potassium exchanger (Na/Ca-K exchanger) |
NCLD | neonatal chronic lung disease |
NCM | Nailfold capillary microscopy |
eurocutaneous melanosis | |
nurse case manager | |
NCNC | normochromic, normocytic |
NCO | no complaints offered |
NCP | nursing care plan |
National Coverage Provision | |
nitrocellulose paper | |
NCQA | National commission for Quality Assurance |
NCRC | nonchild-resistant container |
non-collagenous reticulin component | |
NCS | not clinically significant |
nerve conduction study | |
neurocardiogenic syncope | |
NCT | nasal clearance time |
Non-Contact tonometer | |
neoadjuvant chemotherapy | |
NCV | nerve conduction velocity |
nasal cavity volume | |
NCX | sodium-calcium exchanger (Na+/Ca2+ exchanger ) |
ND | neurologic deficit |
North Dakota | |
nasal deformity | |
nasal discharge | |
natural death | |
neck dissection | |
neonatal death | |
no data | |
no disease | |
none detectable | |
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine | |
neoplastic disease | |
normal delivery | |
nose drops | |
not diagnosed | |
neodymium (Nd) | |
non distended | |
N & D | nodular and diffuse |
NDA | New Drug Application |
National Dental Association | |
no detectable activity | |
no data available | |
Naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde | |
NDC | National Drug Code |
National Dairy Council | |
nondigestible carbohydrates | |
National Drug Council | |
NDD | no dialysis days |
neurodegenerative diseases | |
NDE | near-death experience |
NDF | no disease found |
new dosage form | |
no diagnostic findings | |
NDGA | nordihydroguaiaretic acid |
NDI | nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
Neck Disability Index | |
National Death Index | |
NDM | neonatal diabetes mellitus |
nonfat dry milk | |
NDMS | National Disaster Medical System |
ND-NT | nondistended, nontender |
NDO | neurogenic detrusor overactivity |
naphthalene dioxygenase | |
NDP | NADPH-diaphorase |
national drug policy | |
net dietary protein | |
NDR | neonatal death rate |
National Death Repository | |
neurotic depressive reaction | |
no diabetic retinopathy | |
NDS | neurologic deficit score |
New Drug Submission | |
Neurologic Disability Score | |
neurodevelopmental disorders | |
NDT | nasal duodenostomy tube |
noise detection threshold | |
NDV | Newcastle disease virus |
NE | Not Evaluated |
nasoenteric | |
necrotic enteritis | |
necrotizing enterocolitis | |
never exposed | |
norepinephrine | |
negative | |
no effect | |
no enlargement | |
not elevated | |
NEAA | nonessential amino acids |
NEAC | normal external auditory canal |
norethindrone acetate | |
NEB | nebulizer |
neuroendocrine body | |
NEC | necrotizing entercolitis |
not elsewhere classified | |
necrosis | |
no essential changes | |
NED | no evidence of disease |
no effort detected | |
no expiration date | |
NEE | needle electrode examination |
neuroendocrine epithelial | |
neonatal epileptic encephalopathy | |
NEF | negative factor |
nephritic factor | |
negative expiratory force | |
NEG | negative |
NEI | National Eye Institute |
neuroendocrine-immune | |
NEJM | New England Journal of Medicine |
NEM | no evidence of malignancy |
normal esophageal mucosa | |
NEO | neomycin |
Neoplasm | |
necrotizing external otitis | |
neostigmine | |
NEP | needle exchange program |
negative expiratory pressure | |
no evidence of pathology | |
nephrology | |
NEPD | no evidence of pulmonary disease |
NER | no evidence of recurrence |
nucleotide excision repair | |
nuclear estrogen receptor | |
NERD | no evidence of recurrent disease |
non-erosive reflux disease | |
NES | nonepileptic seizure |
nocturnal eating syndrome | |
neuroendocrine system | |
NET | nerve excitability test |
Neuroendocrine Tumor | |
naso-endotracheal tube | |
neuroectodermal tumor | |
NETT | nasal endotracheal tube |
National Emphysema Treatment Trial | |
NEX | number of excitations |
nose-to-ear-to-xiphoid | |
NF | National Formulary |
necrotizing fasciitis | |
nuclear factor | |
Neurofibromatosis | |
none found | |
neural fold | |
nonfasting | |
nursing facility | |
necrosis factor | |
NFAP | nursing facility acquired pneumonia |
NFAR | no further action required |
NFCS | Need for Closure Scale |
Neonatal Facial Coding System | |
NFFD | not fit for duty |
NFI | no further information |
Near Field Imaging | |
nerve-function impairment | |
Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory | |
NFL | nerve fiber layer |
NFP | natural family planning |
no family physician | |
not-for-profit | |
not for publication | |
NFT | no further treatment |
neurofibrillary tangle | |
neutrophil function test | |
NFTD | normal full-term delivery |
NFTS | neurofibrillary tangles |
NFV | nelfinavir |
NFW | nursed fairly well |
NG | nanogram |
nasogastric | |
Neisseria gonorrhoeae | |
no growth | |
nasogastric tube | |
NGAL | neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin |
NGB | neurogenic bladder |
Necturus gallbladder | |
NGF | nerve growth factor |
NGJ | nasogastro-jejunostomy |
NGM | norgestimate |
NGO | Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
nongovernmental organization | |
NGR | narrow gauze roll |
nasogastric replacement | |
NGRI | not guilty by reason of insanity |
NGT | nasogastric tube |
normal glucose tolerance | |
NGTD | no growth to date |
NGU | nongonococcal urethritis |
NH | nursing home |
normal-hearing | |
natriuretic hormone | |
neurohypophysis | |
natural health | |
NHA | nursing home admission |
no histologic abnormalities | |
normal human astrocyte | |
nonspecific hepatocellular abnormality | |
NHB | net health benefit |
neoadjuvant hormone blockage | |
non-heart-beating | |
NHC | nursing home care |
National Health Council | |
neonatal hypocalcemia | |
NHD | nocturnal hemodialysis |
non-Hodgkin disease | |
normal healthy donors | |
NHE | sodium/hydrogen exchanger |
NHGRI | National Human Genome Research Institute |
NHL | non Hodgkin's lymphoma |
normal hearing level | |
nodular histiocytic lymphoma | |
NHM | normal human melanocytes |
no heroic measures | |
NHO | National Hospice Organization |
notify house officer | |
NHP | normal human plasma |
National Hypertension Project | |
nursing home placement | |
natural head position | |
NHT | neoadjuvant hormonal therapy |
nonpenetrating head trauma | |
NHW | non-Hispanic white |
nonhealing wound | |
NI | natural immunity |
neurological improvement | |
Nitrogen intake | |
Negative ion | |
Nursing Informatics | |
no improvement | |
no information | |
none indicated | |
neuroimaging | |
necrosis index | |
NIA | National Institute on Aging |
neuroleptic-induced akathisia | |
no information available | |
nicotinic acid | |
nutrient intake analysis | |
NIAL | not in active labor |
NIBP | noninvasive blood pressure |
NIC | Nursing Intervention Classification |
neonatal intensive care | |
neurogenic intermittent claudication | |
Neck Injury Criterion | |
NID | no identifiable disease |
National Immunization Day | |
not in distress | |
non-insulin-dependent | |
NIDD | noninsulin-dependent diabetes |
NIF | negative inspiratory force |
Neutrophil inhibitory factor | |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NIHL | noise-induced hearing loss |
NIID | National Institute of Infectious Diseases |
neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease | |
NIL | None |
neurointermediate lobe | |
not in labor | |
NIM | Negative Impression |
nerve integrity monitor | |
NIP | National Immunization Program |
negative inspiratory pressure | |
no infection present | |
neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism | |
NIPS | noninvasive programming stimulation |
neuroleptic-induced Parkinson syndrome | |
NIR | near-infrared radiation |
nitrate reductase | |
non-insulin-resistance | |
NIS | National Immunization Survey |
sodium iodide symporter | |
no inflammatory signs | |
NISS | New Injury Severity Score |
Nitro | nitroglycerin |
NIV | noninvasive ventilation |
National Institute of Virology | |
NJ | nasojejunal |
neonatal jaundice | |
NJT | nasojejunal tube |
NK | not known |
Natural Killer | |
normal kidney | |
NKA | no known allergies |
NKB | no known basis |
neurokinin B | |
NKC | natural killer cell |
nonketotic coma | |
NKD | no known diseases |
naked | |
NKDA | No known drug allergies |
NKFA | no known food allergies |
NKH | nonketotic hyperglycemia |
NKMA | no known medication allergies |
NKT | natural-killer T |
NL | nasolacrimal |
neural lobe | |
normal limits | |
nonlatex | |
normal | |
nasal lavage | |
neuroleptic | |
NLB | needle liver biopsy |
nonlive births | |
NLC | nasolacrimal canal |
nocturnal leg cramps | |
non-lymphoid cells | |
NLD | nasolacrimal duct |
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum | |
nonverbal learning disabilities | |
NLE | neonatal lupus erythematosus |
NLF | nasolabial fold |
nasal lavage fluid | |
non lactose fermenter | |
NLN | no longer needed |
NLO | nasolacrimal occlusion |
NLP | natural language processing |
normal light perception | |
no light perception | |
normal luteal phase | |
NLS | neonatal lupus syndrome |
nonlinear least squares | |
neuroleptics | |
NLT | normal lymphocyte transfer |
not less than | |
NLV | necrotizing lymphoid vasculitis |
Norwalk-like virus | |
NM | nanometer |
nodular melanoma | |
nasal mucosa | |
nuclear medicine | |
neuromuscular | |
near miss | |
nonmalignant | |
not measurable | |
nitrogen mustard | |
not measured | |
Neisseria meningitidis | |
not mentioned | |
N & M | night and morning |
NMB | neuromuscular blocking |
neuromuscular blockade | |
NMBA | neuromuscular blocking agent |
NMBS | neuromuscular blockers |
nuclear medicine bone scan | |
NMC | nasal mast cells |
normal menstrual cycle | |
no malignant cells | |
NMD | neuromuscular disorders |
neuronal migration disorder | |
nitroglycerin-mediated dilation | |
Doctor of Naturopathy | |
NME | necrolytic migratory erythema |
new molecular entity | |
neuromuscular efficiency | |
NMF | National Medical Fellowships |
neuromuscular function | |
neuromuscular facilitation | |
natural moisturizing factor | |
NMH | neurally mediated hypotension |
NMHH | no medical health history |
N-methyl hexanoylhydroxamic acid | |
NMI | no mental illness |
normal male infant | |
no middle initial | |
no more information | |
no manifest improvement | |
NMJ | neuromuscular junction |
NML | normal |
nodular mixed lymphoma | |
NMKB | not married, keeping baby |
NMM | nodular malignant melanoma |
NMN | N-methylnicotinamide |
no middle name | |
naked megakaryocyte nuclei | |
NMO | neuromyelitis optica |
NMOL | nanomole |
NMP | normal menstrual period |
nuclear matrix protein | |
next menstrual period | |
neuromuscular pedicle | |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
neonatal mortality rate | |
normalized median response | |
NMS | Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome |
neuromuscular stimulation | |
neuromusculoskeletal | |
neonatal maternal separation | |
NMT | Nuclear Medicine Technologist |
no more than | |
nebulized mist treatment | |
NMU | nitrosomethylurea |
NN | neonatal |
node number | |
narrative notes | |
neoplastic nodules | |
neural network | |
normal nutrition | |
nurse notes | |
NNB | normal newborn |
NNBC | node-negative breast cancer |
NND | neonatal death |
New and Nonofficial Drugs | |
NNE | neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis |
neonatal neurological examination | |
NNH | number needed to harm |
NNL | no new laboratory |
NNN | nitrosonornicotine |
normal newborn nursery | |
NNO | no new orders |
nasal nitric oxide | |
NNP | Neonatal Nurse Practitioner |
normal non-pregnant | |
NNR | not necessary to return |
nonresponsive | |
nicotinic receptor | |
NNS | nicotine nasal spray |
neural networks | |
neonatal screen | |
number needed to screen | |
NNT | number needed to treat |
neonatal tetanus | |
NNU | neonatal unit |
net nitrogen utilization | |
NO | Nitrous oxide |
nasal obstruction | |
nodes | |
nasal oxygen | |
nitric oxide | |
non obese | |
nitroglycerin ointment | |
none obtained | |
NOA | near-field optical analysis |
non-obstructive azoospermia | |
Notice of Admission | |
naturally occurring antibodies | |
NOC | Not Otherwise Classified |
Night (nocturnal) | |
nonorgan-confined | |
NOCT | nocturnal / night |
NOD | Notice of Determination |
nodular | |
nonobese diabetic | |
Not Otherwise Diagnosed | |
notify of death | |
NOE | naso-orbital-ethmoid |
no exercise | |
NOF | National Osteoporosis Foundation |
nonossifying fibroma | |
neck of femur | |
NOH | neurogenic orthostatic hypotension |
neck of humerus | |
NOI | nature of illness |
no isthmus | |
NOK | next of kin |
NOL | nitric oxide level |
not on label | |
NOM | normal oral mucosa |
nonoperative management | |
NON-REM | nonrapid eye movement |
NOP | new old patient |
N/OFQ peptide | |
no ocular pain | |
not otherwise provided | |
NOR | noradrenaline |
norepinephrine | |
nitric oxide reductase | |
normal control | |
NORM | normal |
NOS | not otherwise specified |
nitric oxide synthase | |
no organisms seen | |
new-onset seizures | |
not on staff | |
nitric oxide synthase | |
Not of Specific Origin | |
NOT | nocturnal oxygen therapy |
Notice of Termination | |
NOU | not on unit |
NOV | Nodamura virus |
noroviruses | |
nonoccluded virus | |
NP | Nurse Practitioner |
Nasopharynx | |
natriuretic peptide | |
nasal polyps | |
new patient | |
neuropathic pain | |
no pain | |
not pregnant | |
not palpable | |
not present | |
nasal passages | |
NPA | nasal pharyngeal airway |
near point accommodation | |
nasopharyngeal aspirate | |
necrotizing polyarteritis | |
negative predictive accuracy | |
NPBC | node-positive breast cancer |
NPC | nasopharyngeal carcinoma |
neural progenitor cell | |
nearpoint of convergence | |
no prenatal care | |
NPD | narcissistic personality disorder |
normal protein diet | |
naive pooled data | |
negative pressure device | |
nonprescription drugs | |
no pathologic diagnosis | |
NPE | neurogenic pulmonary edema |
no palpable enlargement | |
normal pelvic examination | |
nonpigmented | |
neuropsychologic examination | |
non protein energy | |
NPF | National Provider File |
no predisposing factor | |
nasopharyngeal fiberscope | |
NPG | neuropeptide gamma |
nonpolypoid growth | |
normal-pressure glaucoma | |
NPH | Normal pressure hydrocephalus |
no previous history | |
nasopharynx | |
neutral protamine hagedorn | |
nephronophthisis | |
NPHX | nasopharynx |
NPI | National Provider Identifier |
Neonatal Perception Inventory | |
no present illness | |
nasal patency index | |
NPJT | nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia |
NPL | neural protamine lispro |
no perception of light | |
neoplasm | |
NPK | nonprotein kilocalories |
neuropeptide K | |
NPM | nothing per mouth |
NPN | nonprotein nitrogen |
New Product Number | |
NPNC | no prenatal care |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
neurogenic pulmonary oedema | |
NPP | non-physician practitioner |
negative predictive power | |
normal pooled plasma | |
Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric | |
NPR | net protein ratio |
normal pulse rate | |
natriuretic peptide receptor | |
net protein ratios | |
NPS | National Prescribing Service |
National Provider System | |
nasal polyposis | |
nasopharyngeal secretions | |
nasopharyngoscopy | |
neuropsychiatric symptoms | |
neuritic plaques | |
NPT | nasal provocation test |
normal pressure and temperature | |
near-patient tests | |
neuropsychological testing | |
nocturnal penile tumescence | |
NPU | net protein utilization |
NPV | negative predictive value |
nuclear polyhedrosis virus | |
NPWT | negative pressure wound therapy |
NPY | neuropeptide Y |
Neuropeptide tyrosine | |
NPZ | naphazoline |
NR | no response |
no reaction | |
none reported | |
nonreactive | |
no refills | |
nerve root | |
normal range | |
neuroleptic responsive | |
normal reaction | |
native range | |
nasal resistance | |
NRAF | non rheumatic atrial fibrillation |
NRB | nonrebreather |
neuroblastoma | |
nitrate-reducing bacteria | |
NRC | normal retinal correspondence |
not routine care | |
National Red Cross | |
NREH | normal renin essential hypertension |
NREM | non-rapid eye movement |
non-REM sleep | |
NRF | normal renal function |
negative regulatory factor | |
NRI | nerve root involvement |
no recent illness | |
Nutritional Risk Index | |
NRL | natural rubber latex |
nucleus reticularis lateralis | |
NRM | no regular medications |
normal range of motion | |
Notice of Rule Making | |
nonrelapse mortality | |
normal retinal movement | |
NRN | no return necessary |
NRO | nucleus raphe obscurus |
NRP | non-reassuring patterns |
Neonatal Resuscitation Program | |
National Registry of Patients | |
nucleus raphe pallidus | |
NRR | net reproduction rate |
nasal respiratory resistance | |
non-return rate | |
NRS | Neurobehavioral Rating Scale |
numerical rating scale | |
Neurological Rating Scale | |
nonresponders | |
NRT | nicotine replacement therapy |
near-real time | |
neuromuscular reeducation techniques | |
nucleus reticularis thalami | |
NS | normal saline |
not sufficient | |
nervous system | |
nephrotic syndrome | |
nonsmoking | |
neurosurgery | |
nodular sclerosis | |
normal saline solution | |
normal serum | |
not seen | |
not significant | |
nasal spray | |
nuclear sclerosis | |
NSA | National Stroke Association |
normal serum albumin | |
no significant abnormality | |
no salt added | |
Negative Symptom Assessment | |
NSBGP | nonspecific bowel gas pattern |
NSC | no significant change |
non-small cell | |
neural stem cells | |
nonspecific cytotoxicity | |
neurosecretory cells | |
NSD | no significant defect |
nasal septal deviation | |
normal spontaneous delivery | |
nominal standard dose | |
neonatal staphylococcal disease | |
no significant disease | |
non-specific damage | |
NSE | neuron-specific enolase |
normal saline enema | |
NSFTD | normal spontaneous full-term delivery |
NSG | nursing |
necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis | |
normal salivary glands | |
NSI | needlestick injury |
negative self-image | |
no signs of infection | |
no signs of inflammation | |
normalized slope index | |
NSN | nephrotoxic serum nephritis |
neurophysin | |
NSO | Nurses Service Organization |
Neosporin ointment | |
NSP | neurotoxic shellfish poisoning |
neuron specific protein | |
neck and shoulder pain | |
NSR | normal sinus rhythm |
non significant result | |
nasoseptal repair | |
no sign of recurrence | |
nonspecific reaction | |
not seen regularly | |
NSS | normal saline solution |
neurologic severity score | |
nephron-sparing surgery | |
normal size and shape | |
nonsteady state | |
nutrition support services | |
NSSC | normal size, shape and consistency |
NST | nutritional support team |
no special type | |
nonstress test / testing | |
not sooner than | |
NSU | neurosurgical unit |
nonspecific urethritis | |
NSV | nonspecific vaginitis |
No-scalpel vasectomy | |
NSY | neurosurgery |
nursery | |
NT | nasotracheal |
non tender | |
neonatal tetanus | |
not tested | |
next time | |
normal temperature | |
normal tissue | |
nuclear transfer | |
neural tube | |
nourishment taken | |
numbness and tingling | |
N & T | nose and throat |
numbness and tingling | |
NTBR | not to be resuscitated |
NTC | normal temperature control |
neural tube closure | |
neurotrauma center | |
NTD | neural tube defect |
negative to date | |
Nothing To Do | |
Normalized total dose | |
NTE | not to exceed |
nasal transitional epithelium | |
NTF | neurotrophic factors |
neural tube fluid | |
neuromuscular transmission failure | |
NTG | nitroglycerin |
nontoxic goiter | |
NTI | no treatment indicated |
narrow therapeutic index | |
nonthyroid illness | |
NTL | nasal T-cell lymphoma |
near-total laryngectomy | |
no time limit | |
NTM | nocturnal tumescence monitor |
nontuberculosis mycobacteria | |
NTND | not tender, not distended |
NTP | narcotic treatment program |
nitroprusside | |
nitropaste /patch | |
normal term pregnancy | |
normal temperature and pressure | |
NTS | nasotracheal suction |
Nicotine Transdermal System | |
neurotransmitters | |
nucleus tractus solitarius | |
NTT | nasotracheal tube |
nearly total thyroidectomy | |
NTX | nephrotoxicity |
neurotoxicity | |
naltrexone | |
NU | name unknown |
nitrogen utilization | |
nitrosourea | |
NUD | non-ulcer dyspepsia |
NUG | necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis |
NV | nausea and vomiting |
Normal Value | |
near vision | |
Norwalk virus | |
neovascularization | |
normal value | |
negative variation | |
nasal volume | |
Neurovascular | |
nonviolent | |
N & V | nausea and vomiting |
NVA | near visual acuity |
NeuroVascular Accident | |
NVB | neurovascular bundle |
NVC | neurovascular checks |
neurovascular compression | |
Nonviolent Communication | |
NVD | nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea |
neck vein distension | |
normal vaginal delivery | |
neurovascular decompression | |
NVE | native valve endocarditis |
NVG | neovascular glaucoma |
NVI | neovascularization of the iris |
necrotic volume increase | |
neurovascular intact | |
NVL | No Visible Lesion |
NVM | neovascular membrane |
NVP | nausea and vomiting in pregnancy |
National Vaccine Program | |
NVS | neurologic vital signs |
Noroviruses | |
NW | naked weight |
nasal wash | |
normal weight | |
NWB | non-weight bearing |
NWC | number of words chosen |
NX | naloxone |
next | |
no exercise | |
NYD | not yet diagnosed |
not yet discharged | |
NYST | nystagmus |
NZ | neutral or normal zone |
nonischemic zones | |