Abbreviation |
Interpretation |
B | bacillus |
bands | |
bilatetal | |
black | |
bolus | |
both | |
brother | |
buccal | |
B+ | blood type B positive |
B- | blood type B negative |
B1 | thiamine |
B2 | riboflavin |
B3 | Nicotinic acid |
b/4 | before |
B5 | pantothenic acid |
B6 | pyridoxine HCL |
B7 | biotin |
B8 | Adenosine 5'-monophosphate |
B9 | benign |
B12 | cyanocobalamin |
B19 | parvovirus B19 |
B52 | Haldol 5mg and ativan 2mg |
BA | backache |
benzyl alcohol | |
bile acid | |
biliary atresia | |
blood agar | |
Ba | barium |
B & A | brisk and active |
BAA | beta-adrenergic agonist |
BAAM | Beck airway airflow monitor |
Bab | Babinski |
BAC | Blood alcohol content |
Blood alcohol concentration | |
Bacterial Artificial Chromosome | |
BACCA | basal cell cancer |
BACE | beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme |
BACI | bovine anti-cryptosporidium |
BACM | blocking agent corticosteroid myopathy |
BACON | bleomycin, adriamycin, CCNU, oncovin and nitrogen mustard |
BACOP | bleomycin, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, oncovin , and prednisone |
BACs | bacterial artificial chromosomes |
BACT | bacteria |
BADL | basic activities of daily living |
BADLS | Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale
Similar: |
BaE | barium enema |
BAE | bronchial artery embolization |
BAEDP | balloon aortic end diastolic pressure |
BAERs | brain stem auditory evoked responses |
BAG | buccoaxiogingival |
BAHA | bone-anchored hearing aids |
BAI | blunt abdominal injury |
breath-actuated inhalers | |
BAIQ | below average intelligence quotient |
BAK cage | Bagby and Kuslich (BAK) cage (implanted - stabilize spine) |
BAL | balance |
blood-alcohol level | |
BALB | binaural alternate loudness balance |
BALF | bronchoalveolar lavage fluid |
B-ALL | B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
BALP | baseline bone alkaline phosphatase |
BALT | bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue |
BAM | bony acetabular morphology |
BaM | barium meal |
BAMS | bioaerosol mass spectrometry |
BAN | Body Area Network |
British Approved Name | |
BAND | band neutrophil |
BANS | back, arm, neck, and scalp |
BAO | basal acid output |
BAoV | bicuspid aortic valve |
BAP | blood agar plate |
BAPS | balance activation proprioceptive system |
BaPWV | brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity |
BAR | biofragmentable anastomotic ring |
Barb | barbiturate |
BARN | bilateral acute retinal necrosis |
BAS | balloon atrial septostomy |
Barnes Akathisia Scale | |
behavioral activation system | |
BASC | Behavior Assessment System for Children |
BASIS | Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener |
BASMI | Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index |
BAT | Behavioral Avoidance Test |
Best available therapy | |
blunt abdominal trauma | |
BATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms |
BAVP | balloon aortic valvuloplasty |
BAU | bioequivalent allergy units |
BAV | bicuspid aortic valve |
BAW | bronchoalveolar washing |
BB | baby boy |
backboard | |
back to back | |
bad breath | |
bed bath | |
BBA | born before arrival |
BBAS | blade and balloon atrial septostomy |
BBB | blood-brain barrier |
BBBB | bilateral bundle branch block |
BBC | bilateral breast cancer |
BBCS | bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes |
BBD | baby born dead |
before bronchodilator | |
benign breast disease | |
BBE | biofield breast examination |
BBFA | both bones forearm |
BBFF | both bone forearm fracture |
BBFP | blood and body fluid precautions |
BBI | Bowman Birk inhibitor |
BBIC | Bowman Birk inhibitor concentrate |
BBL | bottle blood loss |
BBP | blood-borne pathogen |
butyl benzyl phthalate | |
BBR | bibasilar rales |
BBS | Bardet-Biedl syndrome |
BBSE | bilateral breath sounds equal |
BBSI | Brigance Basic Skills Inventory |
BBT | basal body temperature |
BB to MM | belly button to medial malleolus (Apparent Length) |
B Bx | breast biopsy |
BC | back care |
basket catheter | |
battered child | |
bed and chair | |
B/C | because |
B & C | bed and chair |
biopsy and curettage | |
board and care | |
BCA | balloon catheter angioplasty |
basal cell atypia | |
BCa | breast cancer |
BCAA | branched-chain amino acids |
B. cat | Branhamella catarrhalis |
BCB | Brilliant cresyl blue (stain) |
BCBR | bilateral carotid body resection |
BC/BS | Blue Cross/Blue Shield |
BCC | basal cell carcinoma |
birth control clinic | |
BCCa | basal cell carcinoma |
BCD | basal cell dysplasia |
BCDCSW | Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work |
BCDH | bilateral congenital dislocated hip |
BCE | basal cell epithelioma |
BCEDP | breast cancer early detection program |
B cell | B lymphocyte |
BCETS | Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress |
BCF | basic conditioning factor |
BCG | bacille Calmette-Gu'erin vaccine |
BCH | benign cephalic histiocytosis |
BCHA | bone-conduction hearing aid |
BChE | butyrylcholinesterase (enzyme) |
BCI | blunt carotid injury |
BCIE | bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis) |
BCIR | Barnett continent intestinal reservoir |
BCL | basic cycle length |
B-CLL | B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
BCLP | bilateral cleft lip and palate |
BCLS | basic cardiac life support |
BCM | below costal margin |
birth control medication | |
birth control method | |
BCMA | bar-code medication administration |
BCME | bis (chloromethyl) ether |
BCNP | Board Certified Nuclear Pharmacist |
BCNU | BCNU is another name for Carmustine |
Bacteria-controlled nursing units | |
BCOC | bowel care of choice |
BCP | biochemical profile |
BCQ | breast central quadrantectomy |
BCR | bicaudate ratio |
BCRE | black cohosh root extract |
BCRS | Brief Cognitive Rate Scale |
BCRT | breast-conservation followed by radiation therapy |
BCS | battered child syndrome |
breast-conserving surgery | |
BCSF | bone cell stimulating factor |
BCSS | bone cell stimulating substance |
BCT | Bag Carrying Test |
breast-conserving therapy | |
BCTP | bicomponent triton tri-n-butyl phosphate |
BCU | Burn care unit |
BCUG | bilateral cystourethrogram |
BCVA | best corrected visual acuity |
BCVI | blunt cerebrovascular injury |
BD | band neutrophil |
base deficit | |
behavior disorder | |
bile duct | |
bd | twice daily |
BDAS | balloon dilation atrial septostomy |
BDC | burn-dressing change |
BDD | body dysmorphic disorder |
BDE | bile duct exploration |
BDF | bilateral distal femoral |
BDI | Beck Depression Inventory |
bile duct incision | |
BDL | below detectable limits |
BDOD | brain dead organ donor |
BDR | background diabetic retinopathy |
black dot ringworm | |
BDS | bile duct stone |
BDV | Borna disease virus (newly classified nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus) |
BE | bacterial endocarditis |
barium enema | |
Barrett esophagus | |
base excess | |
below elbow | |
B & E | brisk and equal |
BEA | below-elbow amputation |
BEAM | brain electrical activity mapping |
BEAR | Bourn electronic adult respirator |
BEP | benign essential blepharospasm |
BEC | bacterial endocarditis |
BECs | bronchial epithelial cells |
BECT | barium enema computed tomography |
BED | binge-eating disorder |
biochemical evidence of disease | |
biological effective dose | |
BEE | Basal energy expenditure |
BEF | bronchoesophageal fistula |
BEGA | best estimate of gestational age |
BEH | behavior |
BEI | bioelectric impedance |
BEL | blood ethanol level |
BEST | bio-electrical stimulation therapy |
BET | bacterial endotoxins test |
BEV | billion electron volts |
BF | biofeedback |
black female | |
bone fragment | |
breakfast fed | |
%BF | percentage body fat |
BFA | baby for adoption |
basilic forearm | |
BFC | benign febrile convulsion |
BFEC | benign focal epilepsy of childhood |
bFGF | basic fibroblast growth factor |
BFI | Brief Fatigue Inventory |
BFL | breast firm and lactating |
B-FLY | butterfly |
BFM | body fat mass |
black married female | |
BFNC | benign familial neonatal convulsions |
BFP | biologic false positive |
BFR | Backward Functional Reach (test) |
blood filtration rate | |
blood flow rate | |
B. frag | Bacillus fragilis |
BFS | breast-feeds |
BFT | bentonite flocculation test |
biofeedback training | |
BFUe | erythroid burst-forming unit |
BG | baby girl |
basal ganglia | |
blood glucose | |
bone graft | |
B-G | Bender-Gestalt (test) |
BGC | basal-ganglion calcification |
BGCT | benign glandular cell tumor |
BGDC | Bartholin gland duct cyst |
BGDR | background diabetic retinopathy |
BGL | blood glucose level |
BGM | blood glucose monitoring |
bGS | biopsy Gleason score |
BGT | Bender-Gestalt test |
BGTT | borderline glucose tolerance test |
BH | bowel habits |
BHA | butylated hydroxyanisole (preservative) |
BHC | benzene hexachloride |
BHCG | beta human chorionic gonadotropin |
BHGI | The Breast Health Global Initiative |
BHI | biosynthetic human insulin |
BHL | bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy |
BHMCO | behavioral health managed care organization |
BHN | bridging hepatic necrosis |
BHR | Birmingham hip resurfacing |
BHP | boarding home placement |
BHS | Beck Hopelessness Scale |
BHT | borderline hypertensive |
breath hydrogen test | |
BHWU | Bair Hugger warming unit |
BI | Barthel Index |
base in | |
bleeding index | |
bowel impaction | |
Bi | bismuth |
BIA | bioelectrical impedance analysis |
BIB | brought in by |
BIBA | brought in by ambulance |
BIC | brain injury center |
BICAP | bipolar electrocoagulation therapy |
BICARB | bicarbonate |
BICROS | bilateral contralateral routing of signals |
BICU | burn intensive care unit |
BID | brought in dead |
BID | twice daily |
BIDS | bedtime insulin, daytime sulfonylurea |
BIF | bifocal |
BIG | botulism immune globulin |
BIGEM | bigeminal |
BIG-IV | botulism immune globulin intravenous (neutralizes botulinum toxin) |
BIH | benign intracranial hypertension |
BIL | bilateral |
brother-in-law | |
BILAT SLC | bilateral short leg case |
BILAT SXO | bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |
BILI | bilirubin |
BILI-C | conjugated bilirubin |
BIL MRY | bilateral myringotomy |
BIMA | bilateral internal mammary arteries |
BIND | Biological Investigational New Drug |
BIO | binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy |
BIOF | biofeedback |
BIP | bipolar affective disorder |
BIPA | Benefits Improvement and Protection Act |
BiPAP | bilevel (biphasic) positive airway pressure |
BiPD | biparietal diameter |
BIPP | bismuth iodoform paraffin paste |
BIR | back internal rotation |
BI-RADS | Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System |
BIRB | Biomedical Institutional Review Board |
BIS | behavioral inhibition system |
BI-SLT | bilateral, sequential single lung transplantation |
BIT | behavioral inattention test |
BITA | bilateral internal thoracic artery |
BIV | biventricular pacing |
BIVAD | bilateral ventricular assist device |
BIW | twice a week |
BJ | Bence Jones |
biceps jerk | |
bone and joint | |
BJE | bone and joint examination |
BJI | bone and joint infection |
BJLO | Benton Judgment Line Orientation |
BJM | bones, joints, and muscles |
BJOA | basal joint osteoarthritis |
BJP | Bence Jones protein |
BJR | Bezold-Jarisch reflex |
BK | below knee |
bradykinin | |
BKA | below-knee-amputation |
BKC | blepharokeratoconjunctivitis (Inflammation of the margins of the eyelids, cornea, and conjunctiva) |
BKFT | breakfast |
BKG | background |
BKTT | below-knee to toe |
BKV | BK polyomavirus |
BKWC | below-knee walking cast |
BKWP | below-knee walking plaster |
BL | balloon laryngoplasty |
baseline | |
bland | |
blast cells | |
blood level | |
blood loss | |
BLA | Biological License Application |
blood-loss anemia | |
BLB | Boothby-Lovelace-Bulbulian |
BLBK | blood bank |
BLBS | bilateral breath sounds |
BL=BS | bilateral equal breath sounds |
bl cult | blood culture |
B-L-D | breakfast, lunch, and dinner |
BLDG | bleeding |
BLDTM | bleeding time |
BLE | both lower extremities |
BLEED | Bleeding (ongoing), Low Systolic Blood Pressure, Elevated Prothrombin Time, Erratic Mental Status, Disease (unstable Comorbid Disease) (mnemonic For Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage) |
BLEO | bleomycin sulfate |
BLESS | bath, laxative, enema, shampoo, and shower |
BLG | bovine beta-lactoglobulin |
BLI | blast lung injury |
BLIC | beta-lactamase inhibitor combination |
BLIP | beta-lactamase inhibiting protein |
BLL | bilateral lower lobe |
blood lead level | |
brows, lids, and lashes | |
BLLS | bilateral leg strength |
BLM | bleomycin sulfate |
BLN | bronchial lymph nodes |
BLOBS | bladder obstruction |
BLOC | brief loss of consciousness |
BLOKS | Boston Leeds Osteoarthritis Knee Score |
BLPB | beta-lactamase-producing bacteria |
BLPO | beta-lactamase-producing organism |