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Medical Abbreviations – B (part 2)



BLQ below the limit of quantification
both lower quadrants
BLS basic life support
BLT bilateral lung transplantation
BLV bovine leukemia virus
BM bowel movement
black male
bone marrow
bacterial meningitis
BMA biomedical application
BMAT basic motor ability test
BMB bone marrow biopsy
BMBF German Ministry of Education and Research
BMC bone marrow cells
bone marrow culture
bone mineral content
BMCS balloon-mounted coronary stents
BMD Becker muscular dystrophy
benchmark dose
bipolar manic depressive
bipolar mood disorder
BMDC bone marrow-derived cells
BME basal medium Eagle
BMET basic metabolic panel
BMF between meal feedings
black married female
BMG benign monoclonal gammopathy
BMH bone marrow harvest
BMI body mass index
BMJ bones, muscles, joints
BMK birthmark
BML bone marrow lesion
BMM black married male
bone marrow metastases
BMMC bone marrow mononuclear T cells
BMMM bone marrow micrometastases
B-MODE brightness modulation
BMP basic metabolic profile
behavior management plan
bone morphogenetic protein
BMPC bone marrow plasmacytosis
BMPs bone-morphogenic proteins
BMQ Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire
BMR basal metabolic rate
best motor response
BMRM bilateral modified radical mastectomy
BMS bare-metal stents
burning mouth syndrome
BMSC bone marrow-derived stem cells
BMT bilateral myringotomy and tubes
bone marrow transplant
BMTN bone marrow transplant neutropenia
BMTT bilateral myringotomy with tympanic tubes
BMTU bone marrow transplant unit
BMU basic multicellular unit
BMY Bristol-Myers Squibb
BN bladder neck
bulimia nervosa
BNBAS Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment
BNC binasal cannula
bladder neck contracture
BNCT boron neutron capture therapy
BND bloody, near dead
BNE but not exceeding
BNF British National Formulary
BNI blind nasal intubation
BNL below normal limits
B-NHL B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma
BNO bladder neck obstruction
bowels not open
BNP brain natriuretic peptide
BNPA binasal pharyngeal airway
BNR bladder neck retraction
BNS benign nephrosclerosis
BNT back to normal
BO base out
because of
behavior objective
body odor
bowel obstruction
bowel open
B & O belladonna & opium
BOA behavioral observation audiometry
born on arrival
born out of asepsis
BOB ball-on-back
BOC beats of clonus
BOCF baseline observation carried forward
BOD bilateral orbital decompression
BODE body mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise capacity
BOD Units Bodansky units
BOE bilateral otitis externa
BOH Board of Health
bundle of His
BOLD bleomycin, vincristine, lomustine, and dacarbazine
BOM benign ovarian mass
bilateral otitis media
BOMA bilateral otitis media, acute
BOME bilateral otitis media with effusion
BONTA botulinum toxin type A
BOO bladder outlet obstruction
BOOP bronchitis obliterans-organized pneumonia
BOP bleeding on probing
BOR bowels open regularly
bronchia-oto-renal  (SYNDROME)
BOS base of support
bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
BOSS Becker orthopedic spinal system
BOT base of tongue
borderline ovarian tumors
BOU burning on urination
BOUGIE bougienage (Examination or treatment of the interior of any canal by the passage of a bougie or cannula.)
BOVR Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
BOW bag of water
BOW-I bag of water-intact
BOW-R bag of water-ruptured
BP bathroom privileges
bed pan
bench press
benzoyl peroxide
biological parents
blood pressure
BP-200 Bourne Infant Pressure Ventilation
BPA Bisphenol A (used to make plastic)
Birch pollen allergy
BPAD bipolar affective disorder
BPAR biopsy-proven actue rejection
BPb whole blood lead concentration
BPC British Pharmaceutical Codex
BPCF bronchopleural cutaneous fistula
BPI bipolar disorder, Type I
BPII bipolar type II disorder
BPD benzoporphyrin derivative (photosensitizing agent)
BPd diastolic blood pressure
BPE benign enlargement of the prostate
BPF Brazilian purpuric fever
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
BPG bypass graft
BPI bactericidal/permeability increasing
BPIG bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin
BPL benzylpenicilloyl polylysine (Pre-Pen)
bone probing length
BPLA blood pressure, left arm
BPLND bilateal pelvic lymph node dissection
BPM beats per minute
breaths per minute
BPN bacitracin, polymyxin B, and neomycin sulfate
BPO benign prostatic obstruction
benzoyl peroxide
BPOC barcode point-of-care
BPP biophysical profile
BPPP bilateral pedal pulses present
BP,P,R,T, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and temperature
BPPV benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
BPR beeper
blood per rectum
blood pressure recorder
BPRS Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
BPS bilateral partial salpingectomy
blood pump speed
biophysical profile score
BPSD behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
BPSO bilateral prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy
BPV benign paroxysmal vertigo
benign positional vertigo
BPW bilateral pick-up walker (Assistive Device)
Bq becquerel  - (becquerel (Bq) is the unit of radioactivity)
BQL below quantifiable levels
BR bathroom
birthing room
Br bromide
BRA bannanas, rice, and applesauce
BrAC breath alcohol content
BRADY bradycardia
BRANCH branch chain amino acids
BRAO branch retinal artery occlusion
BRAS bilateral renal artery stenosis
BRAT bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast
BRATT bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, and toast
BRB blood-retinal barrier
BRBR bright red blood per rectum
BRC bladder reconstruction
BrCa breast cancer  ||   (Breast Cancer (BRCA) Gene Test)
BRCM below right costal margin
BRFS biochemical relapse-free survival
BRJ brachialradialis jerk  (supinator reflex)
BRM biological response modifiers
BRN brown
BRO brother
BROM bromide, Bromocriptine
back range of motion
BRONK bronchoscopy
BRP bathroom privileges
BRS behavior rating scale
BS barium swallow
before sleep
BSA body surface area
BSCC bedside commode chair
BSCVA best spectacle-corrected visual acuity
BSD baby soft diet
BSE breast self-examination
BSEC bedside easy chair
BSER brain stem evoked responses
BSG brain stem gliomas
BSI bloodstream infection
BSL baseline
BSNT breast soft and nontender
BSOM bilateral serous ottis media
BSP body substance precautions
BSPA bowel sounds present and active
BSPM body surface potential mapping
BSR body stereotactic radiosurgery
BSS Baltimore Sepsis Scale
bedside scale
BSSO bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
BSSS benign sporadic sleep spikes
BST bedside testing
BSU Bartholin, Skene, urethra (glands)
BT bedtime
behavioral therapy
B/T between
BTA below the ankle
BTB back to bed
BTC behind-the-counter
BTE behind the ear
BTF blenderized tube feeding
BTG beta thromboglobulin
BTHOOM beats the hell out of me
BTI biliary tract infection
BTKA bilateral total knee arthroplasty
BTL bilateral tubal ligation
BTM bilateral tympanic membranes
BTMEAL between meals
BTO bilateral tubal occlusion
BTP breakthrough pain
BTPS body temperature pressure saturated
BTR bladder tumor recheck
BTT bridge to transplant
BTU behavior therapy unit
BTW Back to work
BU base up
below umbilicus
BUD budesonide
BUE both upper extremities
BUFA baby up for adoption
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BUO bleeding of undetermined origin
BUR back-up rate
BUS bladder ultrasound
BUT biopsy urease test
BVAD biventricular assist device
BVD bovine viral diarrhea
BVE blood volume expander
BVF bulboventricular foramen
BVH biventricular hypertrophy
BVL bilateral vas ligation
BVM bag valve mask
BVO branch vein occlusion
BVT basilica vein transposition
BVZ bevacizumab (Avastin™)
BW bandwidth
birth weight
body weight
BWA bed-wetter admission
BWC bladder-wash cytology
BWCO baby won't come out
BWCS bagged white cell study
BWF Blackwater fever (complication of malaria)
BWS battered woman syndrome
BWs bite-wing
BWT bowel wall thickness
BWX bite-wing x-ray
Bx behavior
B x B back-to-back
BXM B-cell cross match
BXO balanitis xerotica obliterans
BZP benzylpiperazine (stimulant, recreational drug)
Medical Abbreviations – B
