Suicidal Ideation and Somatic Treatments

Suicidal Ideation and Somatic Treatments According to the recent World Health Organization data, more than 700,000 people die to suicide every year. It is a serious public health epidemic that should be given a solution. Because in spite of increased awareness, it’s still a major problem not just in the US

Study on Pavlovian Fear Conditioning and Fear Reversal in OCD Patients

Study on Pavlovian Fear Conditioning and Fear Reversal in OCD Patients Background Pavlovian fear conditioning mechanisms are often used to explain different situations in psychopathology. They are specifically used to explain the etiology and maintenance of fear symptoms which makes them important factors in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Patients are taught that

Anxiety Scales in Lewy Body Disease

Anxiety Scales in Lewy Body Disease Background Anxiety disorders and symptoms are frequent in Lewy Body Disease (LBD) and many scales are available to assess its severity.  Yet, there is little consensus on which scale best evaluates anxiety across LBD patients. Objective Comparing the convergent validity of commonly used anxiety scales across synuclein-based diseases. Lewy

Technology-assisted methadone take-home dosing for patients with opioid use disorder

Technology-assisted methadone take-home dosing for patients with opioid use disorder Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is the most prevalent and effective treatment for opioid dependence. Sometimes, ‘take home’ privileges are offered to patients with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD); however, it is limited to the patients with regular clinical and counseling attendance, and

Suicidal Ideation and Somatic Treatments