Carpal Tunnel: Nerve Assessment Using Ultrasound Technology

Carpal Tunnel: Nerve Assessment Using Ultrasound Technology Overview  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a prevalent nerve condition commonly diagnosed through symptoms and nerve tests. Recent advances in ultrasound technology, particularly Shear Wave Elastography (SWE), offer new possibilities for diagnosis. However, defining clear diagnostic criteria remains a challenge. This research aims

Success Of Vagus Nerve Stimulation In Epileptic Encephalopathies

Success Of Vagus Nerve Stimulation In Epileptic Encephalopathies Developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEE) encompass epilepsies accompanied by developmental impairments, which may arise from underlying causes or epileptic activity, leading to cognitive and behavioral issues. Conditions like Dravet and Rett syndromes, linked to single gene defects, typically manifest in infancy or early

Dysphagia After Stroke And Depression Symptoms

Dysphagia After Stroke And Depression Symptoms Overview The study aimed to investigate the correlation between swallowing difficulties, known as dysphagia, and symptoms of anxiety and depression following ischemic stroke. Conducted as part of the STROKE-CARD Registry study from 2020 to 2022, the research assessed dysphagia upon hospital admission, its persistence until discharge,

Seizure Detection Algorithm Using Heart Rate Variability

Seizure Detection Algorithm Using Heart Rate Variability Overview This study aimed to validate a novel seizure detection algorithm, based on heart rate variability (HRV) and logistic regression machine learning (LRML), in a Brazilian patient cohort undergoing long-term video-electroencephalography (LTM) monitoring. The LRML algorithm had shown promise in a Danish patient cohort, and

First Seizure Effects on Cognition in Adults

First Seizure Effects on Cognition in Adults Overview   Investigating cognitive and psychological functioning in adults after their first seizure, prior to epilepsy diagnosis and treatment, is crucial for understanding the early manifestations of neuropsychological comorbidities associated with chronic epilepsy. In this study, conducted through a telehealth-based prospective design, cognition, mood, and anxiety

White Matter Brain Changes In Post-Chemotherapy Breast Cancer Patients

White Matter Brain Changes In Post-Chemotherapy Breast Cancer Patients Overview In this study, the objective was to evaluate white matter microstructural changes in older breast cancer survivors 5-15 years post-chemotherapy treatment. The participants included breast cancer survivors aged 65 or older who underwent chemotherapy (C+) and those who did not (C-), along

Radiosurgery Timing In Brain Cancer Patients

Radiosurgery Timing In Brain Cancer Patients Metastatic brain cancer, also known as brain metastases, occurs when cancer cells from a primary tumor elsewhere in the body spread to the brain. Metastatic brain cancer represents an advanced stage of cancer, indicating that cancer cells have already spread from their original site to

Seizure Therapy And White Matter Changes

Seizure Therapy And White Matter Changes Functional seizures (FS) are a type of functional neurological symptom disorder that mimics epileptic seizures but lacks epileptiform changes on electroencephalography. The neuropathophysiology involves various brain systems, such as sensorimotor, emotion regulation, cognitive control, and multimodal integration.  Neurobehavioral therapy (NBT) has emerged as a viable treatment

Concussion Symptom Treatment Using Acoustic Stimulation

Concussion Symptom Treatment Using Acoustic Stimulation In the U.S. military, over 370,000 service members have had mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) or concussions since 2000, possibly more due to underreporting. While most recover within 7–30 days, about 15% face persistent postconcussive symptoms (PPCS) for at least 3 months. Despite the end

Myasthenia Gravis Therapeutic Benefits Of Monotherapy With Tacrolimus

Myasthenia Gravis Therapeutic Benefits Of Monotherapy With Tacrolimus Overview   In the management of mild to moderate myasthenia gravis (MG), the utilization of tacrolimus is typically reserved for cases that do not respond to glucocorticoids. This study sought to assess the potential advantages of mono-tacrolimus over mono-glucocorticoids in treating MG patients. The primary endpoint

Carpal Tunnel: Nerve Assessment Using Ultrasound Technology