Pathology Testing For ED Mental Health Emergencies

Pathology Testing For ED Mental Health Emergencies Overview This study aimed to assess the utilization and impact of pathology tests in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with mental health-related concerns. The primary focus was to determine the proportion of patients undergoing these tests and whether the results influenced

Cardiac Troponins And Mortality Risk In Emergency Room Visits For Geriatric Falls

Cardiac Troponins And Mortality Risk In Emergency Room Visits For Geriatric Falls Overview The occurrence of emergency department (ED) visits following ground-level falls (GLF) is frequent, with potential links to myocardial infarction (MI), particularly in older adults who may experience unrecognized MIs. To explore this connection, we conducted a prospective, international, multicenter

Bariatric Surgery In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients

Bariatric Surgery In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients Overview Existing research has hinted at a link between obesity and increased risk of acute cardiovascular events. Bariatric surgery has been shown to mitigate this risk; however, its impact on patients with both obesity and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) remains unclear. This study aimed to assess whether

Pathology Testing For ED Mental Health Emergencies