Exploring the Link Between BMI, Binge Eating, and Sleep Disorders Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video :-) Introduction Recent clinical studies show that people with high BMI measurements have much higher rates of both sleep disorders and disordered eating patterns.
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Gliomas And Mental Health Issues
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The Quest for Longevity and the Role of Magnesium
The Loneliness Epidemic: Recent Trends, Background, and Future Outlook
The Loneliness Epidemic: Recent Trends, Background, and Future Outlook Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video :-) Also check out the podcast... or HERE. Abstract This article examines the growing concern of loneliness in society, often referred to as the "loneliness epidemic." It provides background information on the issue, discusses recent
Is there a healthy cheese? Benefits of Sardinian Cheeses
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Newer Advancements in Insulin Therapy
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