Birth Weight Abnormalities And The Pitfall Of Ongoing Childhood Weight Perception Errors

Birth Weight Abnormalities And The Pitfall Of Ongoing Childhood Weight Perception Errors Overview Abnormal birth weight (BW) in young children may influence a mother's perception of her child's weight, potentially affecting health management. This study aimed to examine how children's BW impacts maternal misperceptions of their child's weight during early childhood. A retrospective

Scoliosis In Adolescents Identified By Comprehensive AI Technology

Scoliosis In Adolescents Identified By Comprehensive AI Technology Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is one of the most prevalent spinal deformities, impacting millions globally. The Cobb method has been the cornerstone for measuring spinal curvature and guiding treatment decisions. However, its application is hindered by significant inter-observer variability and time-consuming procedures. Emerging

Pediatric Obesity Promoted By The Barrage Of Chemicals In The Environment

Pediatric Obesity Promoted By The Barrage Of Chemicals In The Environment Overview Single chemical exposures have been implicated in obesity, but the role of chemical mixtures in pediatric obesity remains unclear. This study aimed to assess the associations between chemical mixtures and obesity among Canadian children. Utilizing biomonitoring and health data from

Birth Weight Abnormalities And The Pitfall Of Ongoing Childhood Weight Perception Errors