Seizure Detection Algorithm Using Heart Rate Variability

Seizure Detection Algorithm Using Heart Rate Variability Overview This study aimed to validate a novel seizure detection algorithm, based on heart rate variability (HRV) and logistic regression machine learning (LRML), in a Brazilian patient cohort undergoing long-term video-electroencephalography (LTM) monitoring. The LRML algorithm had shown promise in a Danish patient cohort, and

First Seizure Effects on Cognition in Adults

First Seizure Effects on Cognition in Adults Overview   Investigating cognitive and psychological functioning in adults after their first seizure, prior to epilepsy diagnosis and treatment, is crucial for understanding the early manifestations of neuropsychological comorbidities associated with chronic epilepsy. In this study, conducted through a telehealth-based prospective design, cognition, mood, and anxiety

Epilepsy And The Effectiveness Of Cannabidiol Therapy

Epilepsy And The Effectiveness Of Cannabidiol Therapy There's a growing interest in the potential medical uses of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. CBD has been studied for its various effects, and it has shown promise in reducing seizures, particularly in children with drug-resistant epilepsy. CBD's Phase III studies showed

Ganaxolone Treatment For Refractory Epilepsy

Ganaxolone Treatment For Refractory Epilepsy Overview In a meta-analysis conducted to evaluate the use of ganaxolone for refractory epilepsy, researchers collected data from four randomized controlled trials involving a total of 659 patients. The analysis revealed that ganaxolone significantly improved the reduction in mean seizure frequency by ≥50% when compared to a

Seizure Detection Algorithm Using Heart Rate Variability