Living With Mesothelioma: Lifestyle Tips You Should Know About

Patient Education This article is tailored for patients. Refer your patients to this article for them to learn more about their condition. Living With Mesothelioma: Lifestyle Tips You Should Know About In 2020, an estimated 30,870 individuals were diagnosed with mesothelioma worldwide. In the United States, it affects around 3,000 individuals every

Colorectal Cancer Screening for Older Adults

Colorectal Cancer Screening for Older Adults Overview of the Study Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most deadly cancer worldwide. As such, the need for resilient colorectal cancer screening (CRCS) is increasingly becoming more important to reduce complications due to delays in care. However, the realistic participation target remains unelucidated.  This research aims

Ovarian adenocarcinoma with glaucoma: A case report

Ovarian adenocarcinoma with glaucoma: A case report Introduction Metastatic tumor accounts for the most common ocular malignancy in adults. In rare cases, ocular metastasis can represent the initial manifestation of an undiagnosed primary cancer such as breast and lung cancers. Patients usually present with visual field defects, ocular pain, floaters, photophobia, or

thyroid malignancy and serum calcitonin

thyroid malignancy and serum calcitonin Overview  Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is a rare type of thyroid cancer. It’s known to have poorer outcomes than differentiated thyroid cancer. In this article, the researchers aimed to identify areas for improvement in the preoperative evaluation of patients with possible MTC in a high-volume endocrine surgery

Rare Schwannoma in Lateral Nasal Wall

Rare Schwannoma in Lateral Nasal Wall Overview  Schwannomas are a mass of tumors in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). They are abnormal and usually have a benign proliferation of Schwann cells. Because of this, any type of neoplasms can usually occur anywhere in the body. However, reports have shown that the most

Pyrotinib therapy in HER2+ breast cancer

Pyrotinib therapy in HER2+ breast cancer Breast cancer with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) occurs in almost 15-20% of all breast cancers. This type of cancer also shows aggressive clinical behavior and has a poor prognosis. The development and use of anti-HER2 drugs have improved outcomes for patients with

Living With Mesothelioma: Lifestyle Tips You Should Know About