Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Distracted Sleep

Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Distracted Sleep Overview This study explores the intricate relationship between sleep characteristics, tinnitus, and hearing loss, focusing on whether hearing levels mediate the association between sleep disorders and tinnitus. Conducted as a cross-sectional analysis, the study utilized data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from

Insomnia And The Atrial Fibrillation Connection

Insomnia And The Atrial Fibrillation Connection Overview This study sought to address a notable gap in the existing literature regarding the potential link between insomnia and the risk of atrial fibrillation (AF), a common cardiac arrhythmia associated with significant morbidity and mortality. By utilizing data from the HUNT study, a comprehensive population-based

Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Distracted Sleep