Osteoarthritis Pain Abatement By Focusing On Healthy Dietary Intake

Osteoarthritis Pain Abatement By Focusing On Healthy Dietary Intake Overview The impact of dietary changes on pain and joint function in adults with osteoarthritis (OA) is a growing area of interest. This systematic review evaluated whether diets high in plant phenols and omega-3 fatty acids could reduce osteoarthritis pain and improve joint

Dementia Linked To Inferior Nutrient Intake

Dementia Linked To Inferior Nutrient Intake Overview While observational research indicates that nutrition may play a protective role in brain aging, intervention studies have yet to provide conclusive evidence. This gap between observational and interventional research may be due to the failure to consider interactions between different nutrients.   Researchers developed a nutrient status

Osteoarthritis Pain Abatement By Focusing On Healthy Dietary Intake