Mortality In ICU Patients Linked to Blood Glucose Levels

Mortality In ICU Patients Linked to Blood Glucose Levels Overview The study investigated the intricate relationship between mean blood glucose (MBG) levels and mortality among critically ill patients, utilizing data from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care IV (MIMIC-IV) database. Through multivariate logistic regression analysis, the study aimed to discern the

Blood Glucose To Predict Critical Illness Requiring Hospitalization

Blood Glucose To Predict Critical Illness Requiring Hospitalization Overview This retrospective single-center cohort study aimed to assess the potential utility of prehospital blood glucose (PBG) levels as a tool for risk assessment in critical illness. Analyzing records of 970 patients admitted to a university hospital by emergency physicians, the study classified patients

Mortality In ICU Patients Linked to Blood Glucose Levels