X |
X | Kiss |
XL | Extra Large |
XXL | Extra extra large |
XLR8 | Accelerate |
XME | Excuse me |
XOXO | Hugs and kisses |
XTC | Ecstasy |
XYZ | Examine your zipper |
Y |
Y? | Why? |
Y | Why? |
Y2K | You're too kind |
YA | Young adult |
YAFIYGI | You asked for it, you got it |
YBS | You'll be sorry |
YCHT | You can have them |
YCLIT | You can look it up |
YCMU | You crack me up |
YDKM | You don't know me |
YGBK | You got to be kidding |
YGLT | You're going to love this |
YGM | You've got mail |
YGTBK | You've got to be kidding |
YGWYPF | You get what you pay for |
YHBW | You have been warned |
YHM | You have mail |
YIU | Yes I understand |
YKWIM | You know what I mean |
YMAK | You may already know |
YNK | You never know |
YOYO | You're on your own |
YR | Your |
YSIW8 | Why should I wait? |
YSIC | Why should I care |
YSK | You should know |
YSUD | Yeah sure you do |
YT | You there? |
YTB | You're the best |
YTG | You're the greatest |
YTTL | You're taking too long |
YTTT | You telling the truth? |
YW | You're welcome |
YWSYLS | You win some you lose some |
Z |
Z | Zero |
ZT | Zero tolerance |
ZUP | What's up? |
ZZZ | Sleeping |
Background |
Author: R. Strucel. This reference was created for Globalrph to help translate occasional texting codes that appear sporadically in correspondence from friends, colleagues, and other professionals. At least once a month I receive messages from younger professionals that are difficult to decipher based on the presence of several texting shorthand abbreviations. I had the author create two separate versions. The primary version simply lists the acronym followed by the definition. The alternative version lists the phrase / translation first and the texting code that represents the phrase. |
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VERSION 1: Texting acronym followed by the translation
a b c d e f g h i j k l m no p q r s t u v w x y z !!