Intended for Healthcare Professionals
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Author: R. Strucel.  This reference was created for Globalrph to help translate occasional texting codes that appear sporadically in correspondence from friends, colleagues, and other professionals. At least once a month I receive messages from younger professionals that are difficult to decipher based on the presence of several texting shorthand abbreviations.   I had the author create two separate versions.  The primary version simply lists the acronym followed by the definition.  The alternative version lists the phrase / translation first and the texting code that represents the phrase.

VERSION 1: Texting acronym followed by the translation

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z !!


P Partner
P&C Private and confidential
P2C2E Process too complicated to explain
P2P Pay to play
P911 Parent alert
PAW Parents are watching
PBB Parent behind back
PBIAB Pay back is a -----
PBOOK Phonebook
PC Personal computer
PC Politically correct
PCM Please call me
PD Personal day
PD Public domain
PDA Public display of affection
PDOMA Pulled directly out of my ---
PDH Pretty darn happy
PDQ Pretty darn quick
PDS Please don't shout
PDS Please don't shoot
PEEPS People
PFA Please find attached
PHAT Pretty hot and tempting
PIC Picture
PICNIC Problem in chair not in computer
PIF Paid in full
PIMP Peeing in my pants
PIMPL Peeing in my pants laughing
PIN Person in need
PIR Parent in room
PITA Pain in the ---
PIX Pictures
PL8 Plate
PLD Played
PLMK Please let me know
PLO Peace love out
PLOS Parent looking over shoulder
PLS Please
PLU People like us
PLZ Please
PM Private message
PM Personal message
PND Personal navigation device
PO Piss off
POAHF Put on a happy face
POAK Passed out at keyboard
POI Point/place/person of interest
POMS Parent over my shoulder
PONR Point of no return
POP Photo on profile
POP Point of purchase
POS Parent over shoulder
POTS Pat on the shoulder
POV Point of view
POV Privately owned vehicle
PP People
PPl People
PPL Pay per lead
PS Post script
PSA Public service announcement
PSOS Parent standing over shoulder
PTL Praise the Lord
PTMM Please tell me more
PTP Pardon the pun
PU That stinks
P/U Pick up
PW Password
PWCB Person will call back
PXT Please explain that

VERSION 2: Phrases followed by Texting Code

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
