R8 | Rate |
R | Are |
R&D | Research and development |
R&R | Rest and relaxation |
RAEBNC | Read and enjoyed, but no comments |
RB@YA | Right back at you |
RBAY | Right back at you |
RBTL | Read between the lines |
RC | Remote control |
RE | Regards |
RE | Reply |
RFD | Request for discussion |
RGR | Roger |
RHIP | Rank has it's priviliges |
RHK | Roundhouse kick |
RIP | Rest in peace |
RIYL | Recommend if you like |
RLCO | Real life conference |
RLF | Real life friend |
RM | Remake |
RME | Rolling my eyes |
RML | Read my lips |
RMM | Read my mind |
RN | Right now |
RNN | Reply not necessary |
ROFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROT | Right on time |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTGL | Rolling on the ground laughing |
ROTM | Right on the money |
RPG | Role playing games |
RRQ | Return receipt requested |
RRR | Return receipt requested |
RS | Running scared |
RSVP | Please reply |
RT | Real time |
RTB | Returning to base |
RTBS | Reason to be single |
RTFAQ | Read the FAQ |
RTK | Return to keyboard |
RTM | Read the manual |
RTRCTV | Retroactive email |
RTRMT | Retirement email |
RTS | Return to sender |
RTS | Read the screen |
RTTS | Right thing to say |
RU | Are you? |
RUS | Are you serious? |
RUSOS | Are you in trouble? |
RUT | Are you there? |
RUUP4IT | Are you up for it? |
RX | Drugs |
RYO | Roll your own |
RYS | Are you single? |
RYS | Read your screen |
Background |
Author: R. Strucel. This reference was created for Globalrph to help translate occasional texting codes that appear sporadically in correspondence from friends, colleagues, and other professionals. At least once a month I receive messages from younger professionals that are difficult to decipher based on the presence of several texting shorthand abbreviations. I had the author create two separate versions. The primary version simply lists the acronym followed by the definition. The alternative version lists the phrase / translation first and the texting code that represents the phrase. |
VERSION 1: Texting acronym followed by the translation
a b c d e f g h i j k l m no p q r s t u v w x y z !!