Intended for Healthcare Professionals
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Author: R. Strucel.  This reference was created for Globalrph to help translate occasional texting codes that appear sporadically in correspondence from friends, colleagues, and other professionals. At least once a month I receive messages from younger professionals that are difficult to decipher based on the presence of several texting shorthand abbreviations.   I had the author create two separate versions.  The primary version simply lists the acronym followed by the definition.  The alternative version lists the phrase / translation first and the texting code that represents the phrase.

VERSION 1: Texting acronym followed by the translation

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z !!


L Laugh
L2G Love to go
L33T Elite
LAIC Large and in charge
LD Long distance
LDR Long distance relationship
LEMOI Loving every minute of it
LFTI Looking forward to it
LG Life's good
LHO Laughing head off
LIC Like I care
LL Living large
LL Loving life
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LMAO Laughing my --- off
LMBO Laughing my butt off
LMHO Laughing my head off
LMK Let me know
LMNO Leave my name out
LMTCB Left a message to call back
LNT Lost in translation
LOA List of acronyms
LOL Laughing out loud
LOL Lots of love
LOLA Laugh out loud again
LONH Lights on, nobody home
LOOL Laughing outrageously out loud
LOPSOD Long on promises, short on delivery
LOTI Laughing on the inside
LQTM Laughing quietly to myself
LSTTB Laughing straight to the bank
LTD Living the dream
LTNS Long time no see
LTNT Long time no type
LTR Long term relationship
LYA Love you all

VERSION 2: Phrases followed by Texting Code

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
