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Bayesian Analysis
GlobalRPh currently processes more than 600,000 pharmacokinetic calculations each month (significantly more than any other competitor). While we strive to always be your go-to resource for a spanning array of calculation needs, please realize there are occasionally limitations to the tools we can provide. This is to ensure the highest degree of safety and accuracy.
One such instance occurs in the case of Bayesian analysis. We have received several inquiries to provide this at, and we are currently beta testing options for providing this tool. (Our apologies for a brief premature indexing you might have found on Google!) Currently, if you are looking for a Bayesian solution, please use ONLY a commercial product such as DoseMeRx, PrecisePK, or InsightRX. While free versions such as ours can effectively calculate AUC-related info, and provide accurate dosing information, they should not be relied upon as an effective Bayesian tool. The Bayesian models modulate the data for a given patient population, and NONE of the free products have the extensive data that is available with commercial versions.
With close to 330 million people in the United States, Bayesian priors should be constantly evolving with new patient data, and right now the commercial versions are the only tools that are doing this. Sites that rely on only a few studies for a given patient population (ICU, CKD, etc.) will inevitably cause harm. We received expert advice from faculty mathematicians from multiple well-known East Coast universities, regarding the use of data from 4 to 5 studies (one study for each patient type) that contained informative priors, and their impact on the likelihood distribution and the ability to still obtain precise estimates of the posterior distribution. Their conclusion: This type of setup failed to pass the strict statistical scrutiny standards.
In summary, GlobalRPh and all other free sites do NOT currently have the functionality to safely provide Bayesian analysis. Commercial versions are much more robust, having the capacity to allow for the addition of patient data in order to grow the models. Large databases significantly improve the statistically relevant predictive power of commercial versions. It is also likely the commercial versions utilize an iterative process from multiple closely related patient groups for a particular patient which again greatly improves the accuracy of the dosing process.
We do not have a final release date, but we will continue to update you as we seek to add the databases necessary to effectively and safely provide Bayesian analysis. Note: Bayesian analysis is not a mandatory requirement. Clinicians should however be using an AUC-guided approach that we do currently provide.
Best Regards,
David McAuley, PharmD, RPh
Bayesian Analysis - Commercial Versions vs Free Options
One such instance occurs in the case of Bayesian analysis. We have received several inquiries to provide this at, and we are currently beta testing options for providing this tool. (Our apologies for a brief premature indexing you might have found on Google!) Currently, if you are looking for a Bayesian solution, please use ONLY a commercial product such as DoseMeRx, PrecisePK, or InsightRX. While free versions such as ours can effectively calculate AUC-related info, and provide accurate dosing information, they should not be relied upon as an effective Bayesian tool. The Bayesian models modulate the data for a given patient population, and NONE of the free products have the extensive data that is available with commercial versions.
With close to 330 million people in the United States, Bayesian priors should be constantly evolving with new patient data, and right now the commercial versions are the only tools that are doing this. Sites that rely on only a few studies for a given patient population (ICU, CKD, etc.) will inevitably cause harm. We received expert advice from faculty mathematicians from multiple well-known East Coast universities, regarding the use of data from 4 to 5 studies (one study for each patient type) that contained informative priors, and their impact on the likelihood distribution and the ability to still obtain precise estimates of the posterior distribution. Their conclusion: This type of setup failed to pass the strict statistical scrutiny standards.
In summary, GlobalRPh and all other free sites do NOT currently have the functionality to safely provide Bayesian analysis. Commercial versions are much more robust, having the capacity to allow for the addition of patient data in order to grow the models. Large databases significantly improve the statistically relevant predictive power of commercial versions. It is also likely the commercial versions utilize an iterative process from multiple closely related patient groups for a particular patient which again greatly improves the accuracy of the dosing process.
We do not have a final release date, but we will continue to update you as we seek to add the databases necessary to effectively and safely provide Bayesian analysis. Note: Bayesian analysis is not a mandatory requirement. Clinicians should however be using an AUC-guided approach that we do currently provide.
Best Regards,
David McAuley, PharmD, RPh
Bayesian Analysis - Commercial Versions vs Free Options