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Author: R. Strucel.  This reference was created for Globalrph to help translate occasional texting codes that appear sporadically in correspondence from friends, colleagues, and other professionals. At least once a month I receive messages from younger professionals that are difficult to decipher based on the presence of several texting shorthand abbreviations.   I had the author create two separate versions.  The primary version simply lists the acronym followed by the definition.  The alternative version lists the phrase / translation first and the texting code that represents the phrase.

VERSION 1: Texting acronym followed by the translation

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z !!


! I have a comment
:<> Amazed
0:-) Angel smiley
:-|| Angry
:-X Big kiss
*:-) Clown
%-) Confused
d8:) Cool guy
:'-( Crying
:e Disappointed
:-| Disgusted
:-)..... Drooling face
|-) Getting tired or asleep
:-* Kiss
:-D Laughing
:0 Oooooh!!
:-( Sad
:-@ Screaming
8-) Sunglassess face
:-O Surprised or shocked
:-P Tongue in cheek
:-& Tongue tied
:-)) Very happy
;-) Winking
10X Thanks
121 One to one
143 I love you
182 I hate you
2 To
20 Location
24/7 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
2B@ To be at
2EZ Too easy
2G2BT Too good to be true
2H2H Too hot to handle
2MI Too much information
2M2H Too much to handle
2MORO Tomorrow
2MOR Tomorrow
2NITE Tonight
2NTE Tonight
4 For
404 I haven't a clue; lost
411 Information
459 I love you
4EAE Forever and ever
4EVA Forever
4EVER Forever
^5 High-five
511 Too much information
55555 Crying your eyes out
5FS 5 finger salute
7K Sick
86 Out of, over, to get rid of, kicked out
88 Hugs and kisses
88 Bye-bye
9 Parent is watching
99 Parent is no longer watching
911 Urgent, emergency
::poof:: I'm gone
^^ Read line or message above
</3 Broken heart
? I have a question
? I don't understand
?^ Hook up?
?4U Question for you
<S> Smile
*S* Smile
*W* Wink
\M/ Heavy metal music
^RUP^ Read up please

VERSION 2: Phrases followed by Texting Code

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
