MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It was built as an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends.
MedlinePlus presents high-quality, easy to understand, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted.
What is Kaposi sarcoma? Kaposi sarcoma, sometimes called KS, is a type of cancer. It causes lesions ( ...
Vitamins are substances that your body needs to grow and develop normally. Vitamin K helps your body by making proteins for healthy bones and tissues. It also ...
What is Klinefelter syndrome (KS)? Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is a genetic condition that happens when a male is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome. ...
... severe liver disease or a lack of vitamin K. They can also be inherited. Hemophilia is an ...
... and Liquid Ecstasy Ketamine, also known as Special K and K Rohypnol, also known as Roofies Methamphetamine , also known ...
... folate ) Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K You can usually get all your vitamins from ... Your body can also make vitamins D and K. People who eat a vegetarian diet may need ...
Bleeding is the loss of blood. It can be external, or outside the body, like when you get a cut or wound. It can also be internal, or inside the body, like when ...
What is sleep? While you are sleeping, you are unconscious, but your brain and body functions are still active. Sleep is a complex biological process ...
It can be scary when your baby is sick, especially when it is not an everyday problem like a cold or a fever. You may not know whether the problem is serious ...