Staph hominis


>Staphylococcus Coagulase-negative species:
     1] Staph epidermidis
     2] Staph. haemolyticus
     3] Staph lugdunensis
     4] Staph saprophyticus
     5] Staph hominis Led
     6] Staph capitis

Staphylococcus hominis

  • Coagulase-negative member of the bacterial genus Staphylococcus, consisting of Gram-positive, spherical cells in clusters. 
  • It is one of only two species of Staphylococcus that display sensitivity to desferrioxamine, the other being S. epidermidis. Unlike S. epidermidis, S. hominis produces acid from trehalose, so the two tests together serve to identify the species.
  • It occurs very commonly as a harmless commensal on human and animal skin. However, like many other coagulase-negative staphylococci, S. hominis may occasionally cause infection in patients whose immune systems are compromised.

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Important considerations:  The choice of an agent should be based on local antimicrobial sensitivities, site of infection, cost, and comorbid conditions.   Generally, the most common agents/regimens are listed first.    Listed dosages may need to be adjusted for renal dysfunction.

  1. See Staph epidermidis for treatment options

Staph hominis