No information is available as to
specific results of an overdose of Rondec® Syrup (carbinoxamine maleate and pseudoephedrine hcl) . The
signs, symptoms and treatment described below are
those of H1 antihistamine and ephedrine overdose.
Should antihistamine
effects predominate, central action constitutes the
greatest danger. In the small child, predominate symptoms are
excitation, hallucination, ataxia, incoordination, tremors,
flushed face and fever. Convulsions, fixed and dilated
pupils, coma and death may occur in severe cases. In the
adult, fever and flushing are uncommon; excitement leading to
convulsions and postictal depression is often
preceded by drowsiness and coma. Respiration is usually not
seriously depressed; blood pressure is usually stable.
Should sympathomimetic symptoms
predominate, central effects include restlessness,
dizziness, tremor, hyperactive reflexes, talkativeness,
irritability and insomnia. Cardiovascular and renal effects
include difficulty in micturition, headache, flushing,
palpitation, cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension with
subsequent hypotension and circulatory collapse.
Gastrointestinal effects include dry mouth, metallic taste,
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.
(a) Evacuate stomach
as condition warrants. Activated charcoal may be useful.
(b) Maintain a nonstimulating environment. (c)
Monitor cardiovascular status. (d) Do not give
stimulants. (e) Reduce fever with cool sponging. (f) Use sedatives
or anticonvulsants to control CNS excitation and
convulsions. (g) Physostigmine may reverse anticholinergic
symptoms. (h) Ammonium chloride may acidify the urine to
increase urinary excretion of phenylephrine. (i) Further
care is symptomatic and supportive.
Patients with hypersensitivity or
idiosyncrasy to any of its ingredients. Sympathomimetic
amines are contraindicated in patients with severe
hypertension, severe coronary artery disease and patients on
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor therapy. Antihistamines
are contraindicated in patients with narrow angle
glaucoma, urinary retention, peptic ulcer, and during an
asthma attack.