Hypokalemia: Possible Diagnosis
Potassium related content
- Potassium is the major intracellular cation with 98% of the total body
potassium in the intracellular compartment and only 2% located
extracellularly (plasma). The serum potassium level is a measure of
the 2% that is present in the extracellular space.
- Hypokalemia is defined as a serum potassium concentration
of less than 3.5 mEq/L [normal range: 3.5-5 mEq/L].
- Hypokalemia classification:
Mild (3-3.4 mEq/L)
Moderate (2.5 - 2.9 mEq/L)
Severe (< 2.5 mEq/L)
- The patient's BMI has little effect when determining the
amount of potassium required to reach a target level. Conversely,
renal disease can profoundly impact the amount of potassium required.
Data points:
Potassium below 3.5 mEq/L (ruled out
pseudohypokalemia) AND:
24hr urinary K+ excretion:
(more practical)
Perform a spot urine potassium-to-creatinine ratio from
a spot urine specimen (Uk:Ucr):
Blood pressure:
Plasma bicarbonate concentration:
Answer the following questions:
History or
evidence suggestive of transcellular shifts?
Is the patient receiving any of the following medications?
- β-Adrenergic agonists (bronchodilators etc).
- Decongestants
- Xanthines (theophylline, caffiene)
- Insulin administration or excess
- Amphotericin B
- Acute Glucose load
- Verapamil Overdose
- Chloroquine (Aralen) intoxication
- Barium or cesium Overdose
Are any of the following medical conditions present?
- Delirium Tremens
- Head Injury
- Myocardial Ischemia
- Refeeding Syndrome
- Metabolic Alkalosis
- Familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis
- Anabolic states
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Hypothermia

Key Reference

Aboujamous H. et al. Evaluation of the Change in Serum Potassium Levels
after Potassium Administration. J Clin Nephrol Ren Care 2016, 2:013.
Because the potassium content of gastric secretion (5–10 mEq/L)
is much less than that of the intestinal secretion (up to 90
mEq/L), loss of a large volume of gastric secretion is needed to
produce substantial potassium depletion.
In an asymptomatic hypokalemic patient with no apparent causes
for potassium depletion or transcellular redistribution,
pseudohypokalemia should be excluded before pursuing an
intensive evaluation.
Transcellular redistribution of potassium may, however,
significantly alter the relationship between serum concentration
and total body deficit. Therefore, potassium repletion should be
guided by close monitoring of serum concentrations and analysis
Hypokalaemia can result from increased loss, transcellular
shift, or decreased intake of potassium. Increased potassium
loss (through the kidney or gastrointestinal tract) is the most
common cause of hypokalaemia.
Less frequently, hypokalaemia can occur as a result of shift of
potassium from the extracellular space into cells.
Rarely, hypokalemia can result from decreased intake of

Aboujamous et al. Evaluation of the Change in Serum Potassium Levels after
Potassium Administration. J Clin Nephrol Ren Care 2016, 2:013,
Asmar A, Mohandas R, Wingo CS. A Physiologic-Based Approach to the Treatment
of a Patient With Hypokalemia. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012 September ; 60(3):
Cohn JN, Kowey PR, et al. New guidelines for potassium replacement in
clinical practice: A contemporary review by the National Council on
Potassium in Clinical Practice. Arch Intern MED/VOL 160, SEP 11, 2000.
Gennari FJ. Disorders of potassium homeostasis: Hypokalemia and
hyperkalemia. Crit Care Clin. 2002;18(2):273-288.
Gennari FJ. Hypokalemia. N Engl J Med. 1998;339(7):451-458.
Kamel KS, Quaggin S, Scheich A, et al. Disorders of potassium homeostasis:
an approach based on pathophysiology. Am J Kidney Dis 1994;24:597–613.
Kardalas E, et al. Hypokalemia: a clinical update. Endocrine Connections
(2018) 7, R135–R146.
Kim GH, Han JS. Therapeutic approach to hypokalemia. Nephron. 2002;92(suppl
Lippi G, Favaloro EJ, Montagnana M, Guidi GC. Prevalence of hypokalaemia:the
experience of a large academic hospital. Intern Med J. 2010;40(4):315-316.
Rastergar A, Soleimani M. Hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia. Postgrad Med J
- Viera AJ, Wouk N. Potassium Disorders:
Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia.Am Fam Physician. 2015;92(6):487-495.
- Weiner ID, Wingo CS.
Hypokalemia-consequences, causes, and correction. J Am Soc Nephrol.