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Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Abacavir (Ziagen)® 
Approved: 1998
Usual dose: 300 mg orally twice daily with or without food. Supplied: 300mg tablet; Oral solution: 20 mg/ml.
Combivir ®
Approved: 1997
Usual dose: 1 tablet orally twice daily
Supplied: coated tablet (zidovudine 300mg + lamivudine 150mg).  Renal failure: Use each agent independently and adjust accordingly.
Didanosine (Videx) ®  Approved: 1991 didanosine

Usual dose: (Medication must be given on an empty stomach.  In order to provide adequate buffering, patients must take at least 2 of the appropriate strength tablets at each dose when using either the once daily or twice daily regimens.  Patient weight <60 kg: (Tablets): 125 mg orally twice daily or 250mg once daily or 167 mg (Buffered powder) twice daily.   Patient weight > 60kg:  (Tablets): 200mg orally twice daily or 400mg orally once daily. (Buffered Powder): 250mg orally twice daily.   Supplied: chewable tablet: (25, 50, 100, 150,  and 200mg); Oral powder for solution (100, 167, and 200mg packets). Renal Dosing:

Patients > 60 kg
  Tablets Powder
30-59 100 bid or 200mg qd 100 mg bid
10-29 150mg qd 167mg qd
<10 100mg qd 100mg qd
Patients < 60kg
  Tablets Powder
30-59 75mg bid or 150mg qd 100mg bid
10-29 100 mg qd 100 mg qd
<10 75 mg qd 100mg qd
Lamivudine (Epivir ® ; 3TC)  Approved: 1995
Usual dose: 150 mg orally twice daily.  Supplied: [150mg tablet; 10 mg/ml oral solution].  Lamivudine should not be co-administered with zalcitabine. Renal dosing: crcl >50/ no change;  30-49/ 150mg once daily;   15-29/ 150mg x1, then 100mg once daily;  5-14/ 150mg x 1, then 50 mg once daily;  <5/ 50mg x1, then 25mg once daily.
Stavudine  (Zerit ® ; d4T)   Approved: 1994


Dosing: Patient weight >60 kg: 40mg orally twice daily . Patient weight < 60kg: 30mg orally twice daily. Dosages may be decreased by 50% if peripheral neuropathy occurs.  May be taken without regard to meals.  Must decrease dose in renal dysfunction.   Stavudine and Zidovudine should not be co-administered. Supplied: [15, 20, 30, 40mg capsules;  1 mg/ml oral powder for solution]
Renal dosing:

CRCL (ml/min) WT > 60kg WT <60kg
> 50 40mg q12h 30mg q12h
26-50 20mg q12h 15mg q12h
10-25 20mg q24h 15mg q24
Trizivir ®
Approved: 2000
Usual dose: 1 tablet orally twice daily.  Supplied: Combination tablet: (Zidovudine 300mg + Lamivudine 150mg + abacavir 300mg)
Zalcitabine (Hivid ® ; ddC)  Approved: 1992
Usual dose: 0.75 mg orally three times daily.  Lamivudine should not be co-administered with zalcitabine.  Renal dosing: >40/ no change;  10-40/  0.75 mg twice daily;  <10/  0.75 mg once daily.   Supplied:  [0.375mg , 0.75mg tablet] 
Zidovudine (Retrovir ®,  AZT) 
Approved: 1987
Usual dose: 300mg orally twice daily or 200mg orally three times daily or 100mg every 4 hours 5 times daily.   Stavudine and Zidovudine should not be co-administered.  Supplied: 100mg capsule;  300mg tablet;  50mg/5ml oral solution.  Dosing in renal failure (<10 ml/min): 100mg every 6 to 8 hours.
 Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Delavirdine (Rescriptor)®
Approved: 1997
Usual dose: 400mg orally three times daily.  Supplied:  100, 200mg tablets.
Efavirenz (Sustiva)®
Approved: 1998
Usual dose: 600mg orally once daily.  Supplied: 50, 100, and 200mg capsules.
Nevirapine (Viramune)®
Approved: 1996
Usual dose:  Initially, 200mg orally once daily for 14 days, then increase to 200mg orally twice daily (may reduce risk of rash).  Supplied: [200mg tablet;  50mg/5 ml oral suspension]
Protease Inhibitors
Amprenavir (Agenerase)®
Approved: 1999
Usual dose: 1200mg orally twice daily.  Supplied: 50, 150 mg capsules;  15mg/ml oral solution.
Indinavir  (Crixivan)®
Approved: 1996
Usual dose:  800mg orally every 8 hours or  1200mg orally twice daily  (must be taken on an empty stomach).   If administered with Rifabutin: give 1000mg orally every 8 hours.   Supplied:  [200, 333, and 400mg capsules]
Kaletra ®
Approved: 2000
Usual dose:  3 capsules orally twice daily or 5 ml oral solution twice daily (take with food).  Supplied: Capsule: Lopinavir 133mg + Ritonavir 33mg  //   and  400mg lopinavir/100mg ritonavir per 5  ml solution.
Nelfinavir (Viracept)®
Approved: 1997
Usual dose: 750 mg orally three times daily with food  or  1250 mg orally twice daily with food. Supplied: [250mg tablet]
Ritonavir (Norvir)®
Approved: 1996


Usual dose: To reduce the risk of nausea give 300mg orally twice a day for 1 day, then give 400mg orally twice a day for 2 days, then 500mg orally twice a day for 1 day, then finally 600mg twice daily thereafter.  (Take with food).    Supplied: [100mg capsule; 80mg/ml -240ml oral solution]
Saquinavir (Invirase ® ;
Approved: 1995 
Fortovase ®)
Approved: 1997
Dosing (Invirase): 600mg orally three times daily with food. Fortovase (soft gel capsule) 1200mg orally three times daily with food.  Supplied: [200mg capsule]
HIV agents
