Glasgow Coma Scale Scoring (GCS):
The GCS is composed of three elements:
Eye opening:Unable to determine (facial swelling, damage, etc) - 1c (c ="closed")Does not open eyes - 1 pointOpens eyes in response to pain - 2 pointsOpens eyes in response to voice - 3 pointsOpens eyes spontaneously - 4 points Verbal response: Intubated: 1t (t= "tube")Makes no sounds - 1 pointMakes Incomprehensible sounds (moaning etc) - 2 pointsWords (inappropriate) - 3 points (Random or exclamatory articulated speech, but no conversational exchange.)Confused, disoriented - 4 pointsOriented, converses normally - 5 points Motor Response:Makes no movements - 1 pointExtension to painful stimuli (decerebrate response) - 2 pointsAbnormal flexion to painful stimuli (decorticate response) - 3 pointsFlexion / Withdrawal to painful stimuli - 4 pointsLocalizes to painful stimuli - 5 pointsObeys commands - 6 points Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) - Key Points